Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 27 My good son is still trying hard and the troubles of happiness

Han Li, who had initially made a plan, did not implement it immediately, or in other words, his plan was not immediately implementable.

After finally getting a vacation, he first went to see Xiu'er's situation and found that she had asked people in the mansion to help her figure out the general framework, so he decisively summoned the people from the affiliated family and asked them to take care of her temporarily. Those plants.

After having lunch, he informed Guang Ling, took Xiu'er down the mountain with a few followers, and visited the Wuhun City for the first time.

The last time he was led by Guang Ling, he just briefly talked about some things, and more importantly, he was introducing them to the situation of Wuhun Palace. He was not in the mood to pay attention to anything else at that time. Now, he wanted to see what the city looked like with his own eyes and try to blend into it.

This was his favorite way to relax in his previous life. Whenever he was bored, he liked to wander around and feel the breath of life. Of course, he was different now from before. He was more stubborn now that he had money in his pocket.

Most of the people living here are soul masters. Although most of them are not high-level, they are all smiling and their quality of life seems to be quite good. Even if they are not soul masters, they are basically their family members. They know some basic things and are not afraid of soul masters like ordinary people. Naturally, they will not look at Xiuer strangely because of the ears on the top of her head.

Overall, it feels pretty good. All afternoon, the entourage led the way and introduced the specific situation to them, and he and Xiu'er also bought a lot of things. Fortunately, they both had storage space, so they didn't have to carry big and small bags, and Han also bought a lot of things. Li fully felt the charm of the Golden Soul Coin.

He kept playing wildly until dinner time. After being reminded by his entourage, he took the reluctant Xiu'er back to the mountain. The family's exclusive chef and food department soul master had prepared specific meals, so dining out was temporarily unnecessary. .

After dinner and a medicinal bath, Han Li sent Xiu'er back to practice, and he also plunged into the room.

He did not start practicing immediately, but took out two things from the storage wristband with a strange look on his face, a gold soul coin and a dark brown gelatinous object.

He picked up the gold soul coin when he was shopping in the afternoon. Yes, he picked it up. He didn't do anything, just walked normally, and a gold soul coin rolled to his feet.

The dark brown gelatinous object was naturally the whale gelatin he had just planned to slowly throw out. He saw this when he was browsing a luxury store and placed it in a corner. As for why it is a luxury store rather than a medicine store or an auction house, it is naturally because at this time, whale gum is still used to aphrodisiac.

Although this piece of "thousand-year-old whale glue" in poor condition is slightly older than the others, it is considered to have weathered by merchants, so it can only be kept in the store as a sample display, and it is not dared to be sold at will. , for fear that someone would come to trouble me if something went wrong.

When Han Li asked to buy it, the store even gave him a discount, and he bought it for only one thousand gold soul coins. Of course, the store also thoughtfully told him the whole story and said that if he needed it, he could exchange it for a piece of vintage, although the price was low. , but in better condition.

Of course, Han Li refused, and for this he endured looks that his age should not bear. After all, a six- or seven-year-old child insists on buying this thing, which is not easy to comment on. As a result, the entourage and Xiu'er looked at him in a strange way.

But who is Han Li? He has been severely beaten. He is someone who can shamelessly insist on having a relationship with Guang Ling after he wakes up. It is just a question, he doesn't care. In the end, I insisted on buying it and promised that I would never get into trouble because of it. Of course, Xiuer's face remained flushed during the second half of the shopping trip, which was the price he paid.

"The golden soul coins and 'Ten Thousand Years Whale Glue' that were delivered to my door are really considerate of me. I hope you can keep them." Han Li fiddled with two more things, threw them into the wristband, and entered the cultivation state. .

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Han Li woke up on time. Even if he practiced very late last night, it did not affect the quality of his sleep. Without him, after three months of devil training, he was really used to it. Entering deep sleep in the shortest time was almost as smooth as releasing soul skills.

After briefly freshening up, he went directly to the training ground. Seeing that Guang Ling hadn't arrived yet, he consciously started regular training.

After doing it once, he turned around and saw that the light feathers were floating on the ground. He had arrived.

"You kid can actually detect my movements, that's amazing." Guang Ling said in surprise, but he didn't emit any soul power fluctuations during the whole process.

"Teacher, have you forgotten that I have this? It can help me sense the environment. It is true that my mental power did not detect it, but the airflow and temperature changes caused by your flight and landing were clearly fed back to me."

Han Li pointed to the top of his head, and two tentacles popped out in an instant, shaking his head and signaling.

"The external soul bone is really a good thing. I'm afraid that after you reach a higher level, no one will be able to get close to you quietly." Guang Ling was very envious when he spoke. As a long-range shooter, he also hoped that Get similar abilities.

"Thanks to the teacher for helping me choose the soul beast, otherwise, I wouldn't have found such a useful ability." Han Li replied with a smile.

"Okay, little sycophant."

Guang Ling laughed and scolded in a very helpful way, and then straightened his face: "Okay, let's start training. Let's show you the basic archery skills first. Let me see what they have taught you."

Han Li also stopped smiling, and the Ice Fire Bow instantly appeared in his left hand. He straightened his back, turned around, and the bowstring and arrow condensed simultaneously. He raised his hand and shot it out without even looking.


The sound of breaking through the air was heard, and a target in the distance instantly exploded from the middle, and the fragments were scattered around, with flames and frost attached to them.

Guang Ling raised his eyebrows at first, and then twisted them together.

"Well, the archery is okay, but it seems that there are also some problems."

Han Li nodded decisively. He has been practicing for three months, so he is naturally aware of his own problems.

"I can't control the power of the elements well for now. Although the accuracy is okay, the arrows I shoot out are not under control at all. The lethality is quite strong, but the accuracy is much worse."

Guang Ling nodded with satisfaction, and asked again: "Have you tried to extract the elements and condense them into arrows?"

Han Li nodded, and without saying anything, he demonstrated directly. He shot two arrows of two elements. Although they were not as powerful as the fused arrows just now, there was no doubt that in addition to the place he aimed at, the surrounding area still had traces of large-scale elemental attacks. The ice arrows were better, and the fire arrows were worse than before.

"It's okay within my mental control range. Once it exceeds this range, I can't control it well. If it's a battle between people of the same level, it's okay. If it's a competition, I'm afraid I can't hold back at all." Han Li concluded.

"Have you tried arrows without elements and ordinary arrows?" Guang Ling spoke again.

"I've tried it, but it doesn't work. One is very slow to form and can't be used for fighting at all. The other will be infected by the martial soul and can't bear the power. It will explode directly after leaving the mental control range." Han Li shook his head.

"Then we can only wait for you to slowly improve your control and mental strength." Guang Ling said with a headache. The ice and fire bow formed by Han Li's counteracting elements is much more domineering than his martial soul.

"Well, it can only be like this."

Han Li was also a little troubled. Of course, he was troubled with happiness. The side effects he was worried about before have begun to manifest, although this can also prove his strength to a certain extent.

As for sparring, he just said that he was not going to spar with his peers for the time being. Besides, isn't sparring with someone stronger than him also sparring?

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