Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 339 The truth of the sacrifice and the disturbed Han Li

Seeing the heart-pounding fluctuations on Han Li's body, Qian Daoliu looked at him.

Han Li did not answer his question immediately, but sat down.

The room became quiet.

Han Li pondered the implicit content based on the pictures he saw and the known information.

The so-called sacrifice is actually the last step to open the inheritance, which is used to deliver the spirit of the immortals and confirm the connection with the divine position.

In this process, the high priest is more like a primer, using the divine power he controls to open the channel, and even the soul will be led to the divine world.

Therefore, it is not necessary to sacrifice, as long as the divine power of the same source can complete the traction with each other.

Of course, this process is also a process of testing the loyalty of the high priest. After taking this step, they will be qualified to become priests.

It is reasonable and reasonable.

Even human nature is taken into account. The priests in the divine world are used to assist the gods. If they are not absolutely loyal, they are absolutely not loyal. If they are qualified, there is no problem in granting eternal life.

As an examiner of the successor of the gods, this step is naturally unnecessary, how can one be loyal to oneself.

Therefore, the last step can be completely controlled subjectively, no wonder the Sea God doesn't care about it.

He understood, at this moment, he really figured it out.

"Master, you don't have to die, I said."

Han Li raised his head and looked at Qian Daoliu, patting his chest.

"Of course, if possible, it's better to let me go to the Angel Temple to have a look."

Qian Daoliu looked at him, hesitant to speak.

"I am a loyal believer of the Angel God. Angels are above, I Han Li swear that I absolutely respect the Angel God."

Han Li raised three fingers on his right hand without thinking, well, he admired the future Angel God Qian Renxue, no problem, right?

Moreover, on the Douluo Continent, the oath was controlled by him, he said seriously, who could question it?

At this time, his expression was extremely holy, and a trace of holy light lit up from behind.

Just kidding, he has not touched the divine power yet, but he has seen Gu Yue demonstrate the law of light. Even if he has not mastered it, it is still no problem to try it a little.

If he wants, it is not difficult to have an angel shadow behind him, but it is unnecessary in front of Qian Daoliu. If it is not to give the old trick a way out, he doesn't even bother to disguise the holy light.

Qian Daoliu looked at him, silent, faith and reason fighting in his heart.

"Master, angels are righteous but not pedantic. Xiaoxue's first half of life is miserable enough. You don't want her to be alone after becoming a god, right?"

Seeing that he has been moved, Han Li made up the last blow.

Qian Daoliu's so-called persistence is for the Angel God and his granddaughter.

He cares about the Spirit Hall, but to put it bluntly, the Spirit Hall is a vassal product of the Qian family's angel faith. It is right for him to value it, but the power should be put behind.

What's more, with the Angel God, will the continuation of the Spirit Hall still be a problem?

Qian Daoliu's right eyelid twitched. For some reason, he didn't like this sentence very much, even though he knew Han Li was trying to persuade him.

"What reason does the Son of the Spirit Hall need to meet the faith of the Spirit Hall? Uncle, you are the high priest. Xiaoxue will be the new Angel God. She will forgive your behavior."

Han Li's words that were full of bewitching continued to pour into Qian Daoliu's ears, making him a little irritated.

"Okay, don't say anything. I agree, but you must change into the proper clothes and be pious."

Qian Daoliu made concessions. No one wanted to die, especially when he knew the condition of the Angel God. However, he still silently repented in his heart that he was guilty.

"Okay, Uncle, no problem, Uncle."

The holy light behind Han Li quickly dissipated, and he smiled happily.

To be honest, his biggest worry was that the high priest firmly disagreed. At that time, he would have to forcefully break through the space to enter. They were all his own people, and it was better to discuss than to force.

Under Qian Daoliu's gaze, Han Li quickly changed into the crown of the Son of the Spirit Hall and looked straight at him.

After notifying Ye Lingling with his mental power, Han Li followed Qian Daoliu into the Angel Temple with a helpless expression.

The energy was extremely rich, and the energy was filtered into elements that were completely in line with the Angel Spirit through the power of rules, but the space barrier was very thin. Is it a small, imperfect half plane?

Han Li looked at the Angel Temple and made a preliminary judgment.

"Xiaoxue will come in to practice in an hour."

Behind him, Qian Daoliu said suddenly.

"Well, I know, Master, it shouldn't take that long, I'll just take a look."

Han Li understood his subtext. Before the end of the God Test, he didn't want Qian Renxue to know too much, so as not to affect her improvement speed.

Coincidentally, he thought so too.

The two walked quickly to the angel statue. Han Li saw the angel's holy sword inserted in front of the statue. This was a genuine artifact, and the rich rule power on it proved this.

Feeling the fluctuation of divine power on him, the angel's holy sword also bloomed with a clear light.

If I pull it out, Master Uncle will be furious. Subconsciously, Han Li turned his head and met Qian Daoliu's scrutinizing eyes.

Han Li smiled embarrassedly. He was just thinking about it and would not really pull it out. He could pull it out by force, but it would also destroy this inheritance place, which was not fun.

According to the etiquette of Wuhun Hall, after Han Li saluted the angel statue, he touched the base under the statue. This is something that a few devout believers can do, but with Qian Daoliu's acquiescence, he also It’s not impossible.

Furthermore, he can be regarded as a god. Although he has not been included in the series, it is definitely not disrespectful.

Mobilizing the power of relevant rules, Han Li quickly analyzed the lines on it and finally touched the core of the bottom layer.

Then he opened his eyes and smiled.

Sure enough, as he expected, the core underlying logic of the angel icon is to connect with the divine world.

When the maximum power is turned on, the channel between the two will be temporarily opened, and the divine power in the temple of the God Realm or the Kingdom of God will be transmitted down, and it is legal and does not violate the rules of the God Realm. The rules laid down.

It's just that the movement is a bit loud. After it is activated here, the God Realm will definitely feel it. Otherwise, Han Li really doesn't mind borrowing this bug to steal some energy from the God Realm. It would be a pity.

"When it comes to the last step, I can transfer the power on your behalf and open the channel, and it won't have any impact."

Han Li looked at Qian Daoliu and said with absolute certainty.

He has sensed that although those divine powers contain the divine power characteristics of the God of Angels, they have been processed and are regarded as ownerless energy and do not have high-end identification procedures.

It is understandable. After all, it is prepared for the high priest and successor. If the God of Angels does not control it, it can be easily deceived. Otherwise, how could the God of Poseidon do anything in the original work?

Qian Daoliu couldn't help but have a flash of joy on his face. If he didn't have no choice, who would be willing to die.

Then, he looked at Han Li.

"I can help you persuade Xiaoxue, but I can't guarantee success."

He didn't say that he would side with Han Li, but he made a decision in his heart.

"Okay, uncle, let's go out first. This may not be the final plan yet."

Han Li tore open the space and pulled him back into the room.

A look of uneasiness flashed across Qian Daoliu's face. After this kid achieved his goal, he stopped pretending. He had modified the entrance. With his current methods, he might not need his permission to enter the Angel Temple.

"Uncle, try to touch the power of faith. It is a waste to let it flow into the divine world. The power of faith that overflows is actually very good for you."

Han Li reminded that unlike Poseidon Island, it was alive and would take the initiative to receive the power of faith.

As for the God of Angels, Qian Daoliu could absorb some points at will and no one would be able to detect them. In the past few years, he relied on this to secretly improve himself.

To be honest, if Han Li was placed in Qian Daoliu's position, a hundred years later, even if he is not talented, he can still secretly track the progress of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. Of course, this refers to the degree of physical transformation, not the amount, his age And the volume is there.

Of course, if the assessment of the God of Angels is completely automated, given Han Li's level of faith, there is a high probability that he will not become the high priest.

Qian Daoliu glanced at him but didn't respond.

Han Li didn't care, he just found something for him to do. The first step had been taken, the precepts had been broken, and even if Qian Daoliu didn't want to, he wouldn't be able to go back to before.

But he also felt that with Qian Daoliu's character, he would continue to abide by his duties, which was a rather contradictory idea.

Gee, I really think like a villain. Han Li even wanted to laugh.

"I think your behavior is more like Tuogu's than mine."

Qian Daoliu sat back on the chair again, and after a while, he looked up at Han Li.

"Yeah, I think so too."

Han Li's smile did not change, he was just used to planning ahead.

It is not wrong to say that it is Tuogu.

In fact, as his strength and situation changed, his early plan had been revised countless times.

At the beginning, Wuhundian and the future angel god Qian Renxue were the targets of his forcible kidnapping, but as his strength increased and he came into contact with the soul beasts, he had more and more thoughts on his mind.

He sent the girls and the elders of the enshrining hall to the divine examination as quickly as possible, trying to prevent Qian Renxue from participating in the final battle.

Some actions are not the best choice under the situation. Han Li knows very well that his mind is actually a little confused. Many things are subconscious actions and are not the best choice.

He was not sure whether he would forcibly cut off from them one day in the future.

He promised at least five first-level gods to the Soul Beast clan, and maybe only himself by then. After all, only the Soul Beast clan has a reason to join the war.

In the end, it still depends on his ultimate strength after promotion.

This is probably asking the super brain, and the super brain gave the option of using super power, Han Li thought silently.

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