Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 370 Qian Renxue, Wu Miserable

"Shouldn't you be angry?"

Qian Renxue's voice suddenly rang in Han Li's ears.

He turned his head to look, and the expression on Miss Angel's face had an indescribable sense of collapse, which was difficult to describe in specific words.

"Why should I be angry?"

"Because our Pope betrayed my interests?"

Han Li seemed very calm, and even leisurely picked up a grape and put it into his mouth: "But, isn't this something that can be guessed from the beginning?"

"Besides, my things are not so easy to get."

Han Li's smile was very strange, and he stretched out his finger and shook it in front of Qian Renxue's face: "When everyone in the Spirit Hall swore an oath to get the original Xuantian Gong, the Pope would not reveal it to Yu Xiaogang."

"She can't and won't do it, so what else do I have to worry about? Why do you think that the things I put out will be so easy to get or change?"

"You should know very well that I have never been a good person. The last batch of people who wanted to take my stepping stone have not turned over in the Spirit Hall yet."

Qian Daoliu just listened silently. He knew that Han Li was talking about Hu Liena and the other two. He looked at his granddaughter who was very emotionally unstable and sighed in his heart.

"Did you do it on purpose?"

Qian Renxue showed an unprecedented evil expression on her face.

After the seventh test began, she was indeed greatly affected. This kind of expression that should never appear on her body is now extremely natural, and even gave Han Li a sense of surprise.

The contrast is really great!

However, you should quickly return to normal. I don't dare to trust you in this way, Han Li muttered in his heart.

"Of course not, how could I know that Yu Xiaogang would think about Xuantian Gong, but you know, I always like to keep a back hand. You can ask Master Uncle, does he dare to change the exercises at will?"

"Besides, let's not say anything else, I believe in Yu Xiaogang. He is not good at doing serious things, but he must be a good hand at doing bad things."

Han Li pointed at Gangzi on the light screen in front of him, with an extremely serious expression.

Are you kidding? He has plane consciousness. It took him a long time to simplify it. It has only been half a year since he publicly released Xuantian Gong. He has already taken away all the luck from Gangzi. Even he is a half-baked person. He still chose the Ren and Du Meridians. If he succeeds, Han Li will change his surname to Yu.

A person who has not opened up the Ren and Du Meridians himself and dares not practice now, relying only on the original meridian map, half guessing and half imagining the modified route of practice, if he can really play the role of improving Xuantian Gong, he will not be like this now.

Moreover, Han Li has already passed the plane consciousness test. If people above Soul Saint practice according to his modified route of practice, one or two times will not have much impact, but if it exceeds seven days, if the soul power does not riot, Han Li will lose.

And those below Soul Saint, with high talent and high natural meridian patency in the body, are fine, that is, the soul power riots. If they are poorly talented, the moment they open up the Ren and Du Meridians, they will explode and die.

Taking a step back, even if it is not opened, following the modified route of practice will greatly damage the meridians. It is okay in the short term. If it exceeds a month, it is considered lucky that it will not become a disabled person.

Of course, it is not without merit. After changing the direction of soul power operation, the speed of early practice will indeed increase.

Envy, it is exchanged for the future.

Looking at Bibi Dong who took the route of practice drawn by Yu Xiaogang and tried to run it in the light curtain, looking at the joy on Yu Xiaogang's face and Bibi Dong's well-hidden feelings, Han Li wanted to roar to the sky.

He really didn't mind the other party announcing it, and even had some expectations. With Yu Xiaogang's stubbornness and Bibi Dong's current unstable mental state, he didn't believe that they would spend a lot of time testing.

Well, it doesn't matter if it is a test. People in the Wuhun Hall basically have better original Xuantian Gong practice. Who would spend a week or even more time to practice a defective version?

As for those outside, those below the Soul Saint, if they want to find out the problem, it will take at least a month. Not to mention Bibi Dong, can Yu Xiaogang wait?

Even if he can wait, Han Li doesn't care. This is a pleasant surprise. At the beginning, he just wanted Qian Renxue to see the performance of her "sister" and help her pass the Angel God Test. No matter how you look at it, it's a profit.

Qian Renxue didn't answer Han Li's question. She was staring at the light curtain, her emotions and soul power were fluctuating wildly.

She was not a fool either. From the perspective of an observer, some things about Bibi Dong were too easy to be discovered, and she felt a serious discomfort in her heart.


Han Li raised his eyebrows, and the plane consciousness told him that outside the light curtain, someone was approaching the palace where the two were talking.

He subconsciously glanced at Qian Renxue, but happened to meet her eyes that were forcibly moved away.

"I'm fine."

The moment she met Han Li's eyes, Qian Renxue spoke stubbornly.

I haven't said anything yet. Han Li glanced at her but didn't say anything, because as he said, what she couldn't accept was still to come.

To be honest, although this was Qian Renxue's own choice to watch, it was indeed his push, and he couldn't bear to let her continue watching.

In fact, it didn't matter if she became a god a little slower. For a moment, Han Li even had such a thought.

Although Han Li is still unsure of the direction of the next event, according to his "understanding" of the two people, the following plot may cause Miss Angel to suffer a double critical hit.

For her, it is too cruel.

Sensing the hesitation in his eyes, Qian Renxue bit her lower lip and returned her gaze to the light curtain.

It is not the first day she knew about this matter, and she has been mentally prepared for the worse.

Then, Qian Renxue heard a female voice from outside the light curtain.

"Teacher, you are out of retreat, can I go in now?"

This is Hu Liena's voice, and she can hear obvious joy in her voice.

Inside the palace, Bibi Dong stopped the operation of her soul power. After looking at Yu Xiaogang, she hesitated for a moment and shouted to the outside of the palace: "Come in."

For Bibi Dong, the man and woman inside and outside the palace can be said to be the people she cares about most. It may be God's will that she can meet them today, and she even has a faint expectation.

That's right, she was a little morbid, looking forward to receiving the blessing of her apprentice, even though she knew very well that Hu Liena didn't know about her and Yu Xiaogang.

"Okay, teacher."

Hu Liena happily stepped into the hall, and then saw Yu Xiaogang sitting on one side, and the smile on his face that had not yet been restrained.

Hey, isn't this the Yu Xiaogang I met before the Soul Master Competition? The son of the leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect, who had quarreled with that Liu Erlong, why is he here?

Hu Liena still knew about his reputation as a waste, and coupled with the previous things, she was not very good at commenting.

However, this was not important to her.

Hu Liena respectfully bowed to Bibi Dong and called her teacher.


Bibi Dong looked at Hu Liena with care, and a clear smile appeared on her face.

She was still very satisfied with this disciple who she poured her feelings into and trained as her own daughter.

Although she did not succeed in walking on the path she had arranged for her as she had planned, it was not important, as long as she liked it.

Moreover, Han Li and the others would die, and by then, everything would return to normal, and she would leave the best for her.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang also looked at Hu Liena.

He just felt that she looked familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere before.

Because he was afraid of being retaliated by Tang Hao, he did not dare to watch the Soul Master Competition, and when Han Li visited before, he was in a rage because of Liu Erlong, and did not pay too much attention to other people, so he just felt that he seemed to have seen her somewhere before.

Of course, he still knew about Hu Liena's record of beating Tang San, so he smiled a little stiffly and nodded, as a gesture of goodwill.

Hu Liena also nodded, as a response, she could not be rude in front of the teacher.

"Don't be so restrained, this is my friend."

Bibi Dong looked at the two people who were quite polite to each other and smiled, and when she said "friend", there was a little bit of unnaturalness.


Hu Liena's eyes widened suddenly. She was different from Qian Renxue. She was almost raised by Bibi Dong. Except for formal occasions, the way they get along is more like a real mother and daughter.

When the two of them get along privately, Bibi Dong will not always act like a pope, so Hu Liena still knows her teacher very well.

The teacher is not right. She is shy. She has never seen such behavior from her teacher in all these years.

He? Is he worthy? This is the first thought that flashed through Hu Liena's mind, and then she saw the doting look that the teacher cast on her.

All the doubts were swallowed by her. No, let's wait and see. Maybe she is wrong.

"Well, I know, teacher."

Hu Liena answered obediently, but she had already come to Bibi Dong's side.

Bibi Dong was in a better mood. Sure enough, she did not love this disciple in vain. At least, Nana did not show a disdainful expression to him like others.

She took the initiative to pull Hu Liena up, and whether intentionally or unintentionally, she ignored Yu Xiaogang who was still sitting next to her, and began to care about Hu Liena's life and practice after her retreat.

"It seems that they are really happy."

In the courtyard of Tiandou City, Qian Renxue pulled out an ugly smile and looked at Han Li beside her.

Han Li glanced at Qian Daoliu who was silent and indifferent, and sighed in his heart, your granddaughter, you don't care for a while?

"Tell me, shopping? Or drinking?"

The light curtain had been removed silently, and Han Li always felt that snow was falling on her head. Qian Renxue was suitable for the occasion.



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