Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 372: Fermentation, the storm that has begun to brew

"You seem to be in a good mood?"

After another practice, Gu Yue looked at Han Li with a faint smile on his lips and asked.

"It's very good. Everything is going well."

Han Li looked at the jade token in his hand and replied casually after sending a message.

He is in daily contact with other people scattered across the mainland. Their divine examination progress is quite fast. Even the master who was finally exposed to the examination has already started the sixth examination today.

Qian Renxue took advantage of this and directly drew out the Holy Angel Sword, completed the crusade against the dark side, completed the seventh test, and planned to take a break before directly attacking the eighth test.

Maybe, in half a year, someone will become a god faster than our beloved Pope.

Moreover, because of Gangzi's "improved practice route", thunderstorms have begun to occur all over the mainland, but there is currently no way to accurately target him.

However, this is only a matter of time. Let the bullets fly for a while longer, and the upsurge of public opinion will rise again. By then, no one can suppress it.

How could he not be happy when a large amount of power of faith came into his account?

Of course, there is also the amplification magic circle. With the efforts of him and his good son, it has finally increased by one percent again, reaching 95%. It is gratifying and gratifying.

"Based on the current progress, how long do you think it will take for you to fully control the power of creation?"

Han Li put away the jade token and looked at Gu Yue aside.

"The fastest is three months, the slowest is half a year."

Hearing his inquiry, Gu Yue also showed a faint smile. This was something she had never dared to think about before. At that time, she was just blessed in her heart and suddenly wanted to try it, but she did not expect it to be so gratifying. results.

You know, to completely master a law, even in her memory, it would take a genius among the gods ten or twenty years, let alone the supreme law of the power of creation. But now, she decided to practice the power of creation. It's less than a year, what a speed.

Thinking of this, her eyes looking at Han Li became much gentler.

"Half a year? That's just right."

Han Li naturally noticed her eyes, but did not give any response.

He knew very well that Gu Yue's improvement speed was abnormal, not only because of his cheating device, but also because the power of creation was hidden in her godhead. It was said to be cultivation, but in fact it could only be regarded as inducing.

It is the speed of other people's divine examinations that really takes his credit. Those who have the green light all the way to the divine examinations are really envious.

"When the time comes, you can be promoted with me."

Han Li looked at Gu Yue and gave the safest advice.

When he gathered the divine status, Gu Yue took the opportunity to integrate the power of creation into her original divine head, and it was not difficult for her to be promoted to the divine king.

When he is promoted, Douluo Star will be the safest time. He will cut off the shackles of the God Realm in one fell swoop and temporarily escape the opponent's control.

And he is connected to the Douluo Star. Even if Gu Yue is exposed, the God Realm will not act rashly. She is no better than the Golden Dragon King. After the two of them are both promoted, the situation will not be affected by the God Realm.

The only problem is that after Bibi Dong is dealt with, the issue of her divine status is temporarily in his hands. It is not known whether those in the God Realm can suppress Rakshasa.

Without Tang San to explore the way, he became the first to try something new, which was the biggest instability factor.

If that doesn't work, let's give up the godhood of Rakshasa for the time being. That's all. The first problem is not to let the gods notice his problem before he completely becomes a god.

Of course, if he could, he didn't want to give up any opportunity to enhance his foundation. After all, it was the godhead of a first-level god.

Thinking of this, Han Li couldn't help but laugh. In addition to the unprecedented law of destiny, he relied entirely on patching things together to become a god. He can be regarded as an expert in parts.

Well, it doesn't matter, as long as the costume is strong enough.

Don't you see, Lord Grim of the Tenth District of Glory is back to the top? Everyone is changing districts and identities. He can be regarded as changing from a top social animal in his previous life to a top soul master in the Douluo District. There is no reason why he can't do it, laugh.


Gu Yue nodded quickly, like a chicken pecking at rice.

This has also been her biggest worry all along. There is a lot of news about being promoted to God King. Strictly speaking, it is also the highest level of God, and it is impossible for the God Realm to not notice it.

Now, with Han Li's promise and cover, she felt a lot more relieved.

From the moment she woke up, she herself hadn't noticed that she had a kind of blind trust in Han Li, but this was considered a Douluo characteristic.

"I'm really looking forward to it. What will you do?"

Han Li's smile was quite evil, and it also contained a hint of expectation.

Gu Yue shook her head and ignored him. After being in contact with him for a long time, she got used to the other person's jumping. Knowing that he was thinking of other things, she simply closed her eyes and recovered.

Half a year was her bottom line. What she wanted was to go faster. Being in harmony with Han Li every day, she could vaguely detect the impatience and uneasiness in his heart that had been forcibly suppressed from his relaxed demeanor.

She is not one of those human female vases. She needs Han Li's help to even become a god. I don't know when, she has a hint of contrast that she didn't realize.


"Your Majesty the Pope, this is the feedback from all over the world."

Yue Guan, with some trepidation, placed the news from the branches of Wuhun Palace in front of Bibi Dong in the form of a file.

Gui Mei was sent out by Bibi Dong to observe the specific situation on the spot. Facing His Majesty the Pope alone, he always felt a little uneasy, the aura of danger became stronger, and his body was emitting instinctive fear.

Bibi Dong's face was as heavy as water. After simply flipping through it, he threw it aside.

"Are you sure it's a problem with the newly released improved exercise route?"

"That should be the case. After getting your order, the people from the Wuhun Research Institute tried it on death row prisoners. After forcibly opening a new route, only three out of ten people survived, and two of them were completely disabled."

"Only the Soul Saint survived, but the damage to his meridians was quite severe. He will remain at his current state for life, and it will also affect his ability to fight."

Yueguan thought of the experimental data given to him by Wuhun Research Institute and answered honestly.

Yu Xiaogang is completely finished, he thought in his heart.

He already looked down on that loser, and even more so after this incident. Different from the plagiarism theory twenty years ago, this time, he really ruined many people.

Even if only some people survived, he could imagine Yu Xiaogang's future fate.

Of course, he didn't dare to show it in front of Bibi Dong. He was an insider of the incident back then. His Majesty the Pope was very dangerous now. He was really afraid that if he couldn't hold back, he would be killed on the spot.

If he had known earlier, it would be better to have agreed to His Highness the Holy Son in the first place. Now everyone in the enshrinement hall is hiding, which seems to be better than his current situation. Yue Guan feels a little regretful.

"Is someone causing trouble?"

Bibi Dong's expression was very ugly. She had clearly tested it with someone, and she had no problems running the technique herself. How could she become like this now?

"Yes, but before we could take action, the people who spontaneously supported Xuantian Kung suppressed them. Out of caution, when the manual was circulated, the Wuhun Halls in various places said that it was not an official release, and the outline of the incident was irresponsible."

As Yue Guan spoke, he carefully looked at Bibi Dong's face and tried to beautify his words as much as possible.

Bibi Dong did not respond.

What is the cautious consideration? It is clear that the forces to which the Enshrinement Hall belongs do not like this improved version and spontaneously defend Han Li's reputation. In the end, it became the reason for Wuhun Hall to stay out of the matter at this time, directing all the bad reputation to Xiaogang.

Damn Han Li, you just publish it, why do you have to tamper with the technique, Bibi Dong cursed in her heart.

She is the only one among the top brass of Wuhun Palace who has not practiced the original version of Xuantian Kung. After all, she has already reached the level of a peerless Douluo.

The weakened version of Xuantian Technique that Han Li released publicly was not much better than the meditation method she practiced. As for the original version, how could she swear to the other party that she was not opposed to Hu Liena and others' practice, but she would never practice it? .

If Han Li knew what she was thinking, he would probably give her a hard time and arbitrarily modify the exercises he published. Now that something went wrong, he would still want to blame him. He would not tolerate her.

"Send orders to the Spirit Halls everywhere to suppress all kinds of rumors. I don't want to see any turmoil. Also, the news has been blocked for me."

After being silent for a long time, Bibi Dong gave instructions to Yueguan.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Pope, but even so, I'm afraid I won't be able to suppress it for too long."

Yue Guan responded first, and then reminded him in a low voice.

He knew that the second half of Bibi Dong's sentence meant that he should block Yu Xiaogang's news, but this guy had been very high-profile before, and he has been so popular recently, how could he completely block it?

"Just do your best."

Bibi Dong also knew this and waited for a while before speaking out.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Pope."

Yue Guan took the order and left, but didn't feel it had any effect.

Paper can't cover up the fire. After this incident, even if the senior officials of the Enshrinement Hall are gone, many people from the former Pope's family will turn to the other side.

After all, no matter how you look at it, Bibi Dong's behavior is incomprehensible. Previously, using the channels of Wuhun Palace and stepping on the merits of his own saint son to help an outsider publicize has already made many people dissatisfied.

What's more, if something happens now, it will be even more criticized.

Externally it was fine, the Pope was still the Pope, but if there was an internal dispute, he saw no chance of winning.

Perhaps it was time for him to find a way out.

Immediately, he had a headache again. How could the obedient disciple Xie Yue he and Lao Gui had accepted together be Hu Liena's brother?

His Royal Highness the Holy Son didn't have any bad feelings towards Xie Yue before, but actually admired him. This might be the only good news?

Yue Guan sighed and quickened his pace. No matter what, he still had to carry out the order now.

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