Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 385: Sect Extinction and Sudden Vision of the Future

"No, that's not the case."

"Bibi Dong, why don't you die? I don't need anyone to help me get revenge, and I never asked you to help me get revenge."

"No, I don't have any enemies at all, you lunatic."

"Father, take the people and run away, run."

Yu Xiaogang was going crazy. You know, just now, his closest nephew, Yu Tianheng, was cut into two pieces by this crazy woman with a sickle.

Bibi Dong slaughtered his people while saying it was for his own good. What happened in this world?

"Xiaogang, what nonsense are you talking about? Look at you, your eyes are red because of their anger."

Yu Xiaogang, whose soul power was blocked, couldn't even stop Bibi Dong from wiping the blood and tears off his face.

Of course, even if he wasn't blocked, he couldn't stop it, but at least he wouldn't be as powerless as he is now. He could only shout for his father and people to run away.

But the entire mountaintop was covered by Bibi Dong's double domain. Where could the people of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect escape?

"Well, since you don't like to accept their apology, I'll let them die quickly."

Bibi Dong carefully cleaned the blood on Yu Xiaogang's face before grabbing the sickle again.

The remaining people of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect couldn't even make a sound at this moment. This weird scene made them feel cold in their hearts.

On the entire mountaintop, only Yu Xiaogang's voice kept ringing, sometimes begging, sometimes cursing, and he was greeted by Bibi Dong's gentle and creepy smile.

Yu Yuanzhen stared blankly at the interaction between the two people opposite, but two lines of tears flowed down his cheeks to his chin and fell to the ground.

Bibi Dong was abnormal, very abnormal, and everyone could see this now, but he regretted not stopping his son half a year ago.

Whether Yu Xiaogang did it intentionally or unintentionally, he eventually dragged the entire sect into the water.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect, I'm afraid it won't survive today.

Bibi Dong had already grabbed the sickle again and turned around. Yu Yuanzhen also opened his eyes after closing them again.

"Everyone listen up, kill Yu Xiaogang."

Yu Yuanzhen roared the last time in his life, revealed his martial soul, waved his only remaining right arm, mobilized all his soul power, and launched an attack in the direction of Yu Xiaogang.

In the air, the martial soul flashing with lightning carried his last will and slashed at his son.

With him, there were also those tribesmen who were full of hatred in their hearts.

A huge thunder exploded on the top of the mountain, like a bolt from the blue sky, and a dragon roar shook the sky. This was the last song of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex.

In the blue lightning group, a touch of dark green and a touch of purple-red sword light intertwined and lit up, smashing the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex's mountaintop base and splitting it on the mountain.

Amid the loud rumbling, the surrounding mountains began to slide downwards, leaving only a small part of the flat land still in its original position.

There was no scream. With the dual domains and the attack powered by the artifact, not to mention the people of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Clan, even on the entire Douluo Star, there were only a handful of people who could block this attack.

The dust and blood mist raised by the falling mountain gathered together, showing a dark red appearance. In these dark red mists, there was some energy that would not be discovered by ordinary people, rushing towards Bibi Dong's body in the center, and then quickly disappeared.


After a long silence, the first human voice finally sounded on the top of the mountain. It was Yu Xiaogang.

He half-sat on the ground, staring blankly at the figure lying on the ground a few steps in front of him. It was his father.

At this moment, he lost the ability to speak, rushed over at the fastest speed, and hugged his father who had lost his breath in his arms.

He wanted to say something, but he could only make an "ah ah" sound like a mute.

Bibi Dong did not stop him. After the evil spirit entered her body, she seemed to be more sober. After seeing the scene in front of her, she subconsciously took two steps back, and the giant sickle in her hand hit the ground, making a crisp sound.

Then, she saw Yu Xiaogang stand up.

He staggered and held Yu Yuanzhen in his arms, and the unstoppable blood and tears flowed down his cheeks and dripped on Yu Yuanzhen's body.

Yu Xiaogang's scarlet eyes and distorted face were rapidly enlarged in Bibi Dong's eyes and reflected in her mind.

The invisible evil spirit flowed from Yu Xiaogang's body to Bibi Dong within a range of less than three meters, and was absorbed by her, making her more sober.

But her face became even paler. She wanted to say something, but the next moment, she clenched the two sickles in her hands again, said nothing, turned around and disappeared in the resentful sight.

Halfway from Tiandou City to the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect, two figures met in mid-air.

It was Han Li and Bibi Dong.

To be precise, this was Han Li's deliberate invitation to Bibi Dong.

The moment the top of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Sect was destroyed, Han Li burst out his momentum against her. Of course, he deliberately controlled it to a level similar to Qian Daoliu before.

So, before he resisted the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Sect, Bibi Dong successfully intercepted him here.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?"

When Han Li faced her, his attitude was still similar to the original, but he changed the address.

"I have destroyed the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. Since you didn't want to show up at the beginning, then just stay there until the matter is over. Your share will not be missing in the distribution of benefits."

Bibi Dong acted much stronger than before, locking onto Han Li unscrupulously and seeming to launch an attack in the next second.

Han Li's expression changed, and his eyes flickered a little, seeming to be unwilling, but in the end it turned into a smile.

"What you said is true, then I wish you success. I'll go back and wait for your good news."

Under Bibi Dong's gaze, he flew back in the direction of Tiandou City and disappeared from her sight.

After floating in the air for a long time, Bibi Dong's figure turned into a stream of light and headed towards the direction of the Blue Lightning Rex Dragon Sect again.

Tiandou City, in the courtyard.

Han Li tore open the space and appeared in front of Qian Renxue. In front of her, Bibi Dong's speeding figure was still displayed on the light screen.

"How about my acting skills? Are the shock, unwillingness, and helplessness at the end fully reflected in my eyes?"

Han Li poured himself a cup of tea and looked at Qian Renxue, trying to get the little angel to comment on his acting skills.


Qian Renxue glanced at him and gave the answer.

Han Li didn't care about her evaluation. Answering his childish question could already explain her attitude, and the specific evaluation didn't matter.

"What happened to her before?"

Qian Renxue watched Han Li drinking tea happily. After being silent for a while, she asked aloud.

"Maybe Rakshasa acted to express dissatisfaction? Or is he very satisfied with her? It's hard to say."

"Anyway, I'm sure now that she can be promoted 100% and won't get lost."

Han Li shook his head first, and then sighed.

Even with the help of his good son, he is not omniscient and omnipotent, let alone such matters involving inheritance. However, he deliberately chose to have close contact just now, which can confirm that Bibi Dong's condition is better than ever.

Well, in exchange for the entire Yu Xiaogang clan.

He couldn't guess whether it was Bibi Dong's subjective consciousness or the influence of Rakshasa. In short, they were both crazy. How could he, a normal person, tell the difference?

But Gangzi must have gone crazy and killed his father in front of him. This is outrageous no matter how you look at it.

Han Li was about to continue to complain to Qian Renxue, but his expression was stagnant. Just now, the thread of fate was touched, and he vaguely saw the future.

The content of the picture was very short, but it surprised him a little.

In the picture, the slovenly Gangzi stood openly and openly on the streets of Tiandou City, not caring about the risks that his identity would bring to him, and shouted loudly that he was looking for Han Li.

"What's wrong with you?"

Qian Renxue frowned and waved her hand in front of Han Li. At that moment, he seemed to have disappeared from her consciousness.

"It's nothing. I'm observing other places. Also, Yu Xiaogang seems to want to find me to take revenge on Bibi Dong for him."

Han Li's expression was very strange. He did not expect that the law of fate would be touched in this way.

Gangzi's luck had been wiped out by him. If Han Li hadn't taken the initiative, he would never have touched him for the rest of his life.

And Han Li's final degree of completion of the law points to Bibi Dong, so it can only mean that Gangzi borrowed Bibi Dong's thread to get him.

Borrowing Bibi Dong's power to kill Bibi Dong is to become the protagonist in the final story.

Hearing his words, Qian Renxue couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"What method does he want to use?"

"Perhaps suicide?"

Han Li raised his eyebrows. To be honest, based on the scenes he had seen before, he could only think of this ending.

Although those who wanted to cause trouble for him before were mainly concentrated in the Star Luo Empire, and now they may not have any extra energy, the people in Tiandou are enough for him to drink.

He dared to do that in the street, fearing that he was determined to die. He had been cowarded all his life, but he didn't expect that in the end, he chose to be tough. Humans are really complicated animals.

Of course, this is just his personal guess. Whether this is the case remains to be considered. Maybe he guessed wrong.


Qian Renxue's delicate nose wrinkled slightly, but she raised her head to look at Han Li.

"If it's true as you said, and you don't mind having your whereabouts exposed now, how about you help me and leave him to me?"

Han Li glanced at her. This was the first time she had made an active choice regarding Bibi Dong.


Han Li nodded with little hesitation.

What he wants is the other party's godhood and the power of faith gained from the war she launched. How he died and the intervening episodes are not important to him.

Moreover, he also wanted to see what Qian Renxue wanted to do.

"Well, thanks."

In the courtyard, it became calm again.

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