Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 395 The beginning of the wholesale of gods, returning to the city of killing

Below the battlefield, Han Li and Qian Renxue had not left yet.

Looking at the space cracks and energy tides in the sky caused by Bibi Dong's self-explosion, his hair was blown to one side by the wind.

"She wants you to continue to hate her."

"I know."

"Are you sad?"

"A little bit."

"Are there anything you want to keep as a souvenir?"


"Then leave?"


During the brief conversation between the two, the figures disappeared from the spot.

After they disappeared, above the ground, Yu Xiaogang's body was suddenly ignited by golden flames, and together with the thousand-year soul bone that he absorbed, it turned into powder and was swept up by the wind, drifting to an unknown place.

Han Li and Qian Renxue did not return directly to the Tiandou Empire, but rushed to various places in the Xingluo Empire.

Xingluo City was really wiped out. The two large-scale attacks launched by Qian Renxue against Bibi Dong, even if they were only the aftermath, were mixed with the true fire of the sun. Perhaps this place will become a treasure land suitable for plant growth in the future.

No one witnessed this battle, but after Han Li's amplification, no one would doubt the power of the gods, especially after a bold soul master chose to approach Xingluo City.

Qian Renxue went to gather the army. After Bibi Dong's death, Ju and Gui were the leaders of the army. With their endorsement and the presence of the real angel god, there was no resistance.

In the direction of Tiandou, after Qian Renxue's identity was exposed, they were even more excited. As the battle of gods fell, almost everyone knew that the continent was going to be unified. It was nothing more than a name.

They could accept the Wuhun Empire and the Tiandou Empire. Anyway, it was not the Xingluo Empire.

Compared with this, they were more curious about the relationship between Qian Renxue and Han Li. It was known that the two stopped the evil former Wuhun Hall Pope. In addition, they had a good relationship and went hand in hand. Now they were still a man and a woman. Hey, as we all know, gossip is human nature. Even if the other party is a god, they can't stop thinking about other things.

As for the Xingluo Empire, the people had no intention of resisting. What a joke. They felt it the most. When the two sides fought, it was like thunder above their heads. Who dared to oppose?

Therefore, wherever Qian Renxue led people, the local people knelt down directly and shouted "Your Majesty" and "Angel God". It was in line with the style of the Xingluo Empire to obey the strong.

The continent entered a unified rhythm.

Qian Renxue showed the power of the gods in various places on the continent, and Han Li was idle again.

It was smoother than he expected. He didn't take much of the power of faith from Qian Renxue to condense the throne of the God King, and he had already completed it.

Moreover, since he had guessed Shura's arrangement, he simply went directly to the place where the others were for the God Test and helped them directly open the passage connecting to the God Realm Temple.

Becoming a god will directly complete the transformation without going to the God Realm. At this point, Shura will definitely not hold on to these trivial matters. With the plane consciousness as a guarantee, he is not afraid of the God Realm doing something about it.

At this time, he was holding the godhood of the Rakshasa God, extracting the regular patterns on the Rakshasa Demon Scythe, and then replacing it with the dark law. The resistance of the Rakshasa Demon Scythe was very obvious, but it was difficult to make any waves when it was suppressed.

Han Li was not worried about Rakshasa making trouble. Her godhood was inherited. With the affairs of the Douluo Star in the God Realm under the control of Shura, she would not and did not have the courage to find the other party. It was even possible that 80% of them had already run away.

"Three months at most. It's a pity that it didn't end when I was 16 years old."

Han Li put the dark magic sickle with black mist on the table in front of him. Except for the appearance, the renamed Rakshasa Demon Scythe was already in his shape, and then let Zhu Zhuqing nourish it by herself.

What he regretted was that he didn't end everything completely at the age of 16, so he had to choose to complete it in the rainy season when he was 17.

Since the end of the God War, the God Realm has not given any feedback, but has accelerated again, allowing everyone related to him to enter the ninth test of the God Test.

Han Li is not in a hurry. It's only three months. It's really a blink of an eye for him now, and he just needs this time.

Let Qian Renxue completely conquer the continent, and let others show miracles at the end of this era, which is also what Han Li expects.

Turn the constraints of the God Realm on him into the help of the people of Douluo Star.

The improved version of Xuantian Gong has been spread by him quietly. This time he did not publicize it as before. Now, his and Qian Renxue's names are the best signs.

Humans and soul beasts have been converted for a while, and the leader Han Li, hiding under the wings of Qian Renxue, the only god on the continent, has harvested a lot of faith power again, and the God Realm has not discovered it yet. Ants are not worthy of their attention.

On the continent, after the God War ended, it entered a short period of adjustment. The Wuhun Empire became the only country, and the original Wuhun City became the only capital.

Qian Renxue did not carry out drastic reforms, but only temporarily replaced the original city lord function with the Wuhun Halls in various places to maintain the stability of the continent.

There was only one thing that made the people very curious, because around Qian Renxue's angel statue, there was an additional statue belonging to Han Li. In addition, there were several unfinished statues, regardless of priority, distributed in a circle, full of topics.

# These may all be statues of future gods #

This is the most widely accepted view. The topic of gods is the hottest topic in Douluo Continent recently. After the existence of Qian Renxue, a god, the historical materials originally buried in history have been excavated by people, injecting new vitality into the continent.

Time flies by quickly, and three months pass in a flash. During this period, Han Li has never appeared in the public eye, but speculation about him has never stopped. Everyone thinks that he is making the last effort to become a god.

Of course, in fact, it is true.

He is now staying in a small town outside the Killing City, waiting for the arrival of the last moment. By the way, in the spiritual space, he listens to Qian Renxue and Gu Yue attacking each other.

After the group was pulled, except for the initial harmony, I don’t know what happened later, it became like this.

The two of them don’t have a good relationship, and they are both arrogant. The current human leader VS the current soul beast leader, anyway, they can’t fight, so Han Li didn’t care.

After getting used to it, it became his pastime. He didn't care when they were occasionally targeted by the two, because even if they were tied together, they couldn't beat Han Li in terms of talking, because he had no morals, and in the end, the two of them were so angry that they didn't talk.

"Has it started?"

Han Li looked at a corner of the continent and smiled. By the way, he controlled the authority and projected this scene over the entire continent. That was the inheritance place of Master Qingluan, and a new god of speed was about to be born.

As the news of Qingluan spread, the entire continent seemed to have a chain reaction. The inheritance places of gods scattered in other parts of the continent also began to have similar fluctuations, including Ye Lingling who was on the Sea God Island.

As Han Li expected, only the God Test Place where Xiu'er, Dugu Yan and Shui Bing'er were located remained hidden, as if waiting for something.

"I'm going to start too, Xiaoxue, you maintain order."

Han Li stood up, gave a word in the spiritual space, and cut off the connection.

‘Follow what I told you before, keep the current rhythm.’

This is what he told his son in his heart. After getting a definite answer, the silver light under his feet lit up and he disappeared from the spot. He had already stepped into the city of killing.

On the street that was once washed by Han Li’s blood, his figure gradually became solid from transparent, which frightened a passerby and made him jump out, broke the window, and hid in the houses on both sides of the street, making the people around him follow him and subconsciously make similar movements.


Han Li suddenly laughed out loud, and he didn’t expect it to have a comic effect.

“Demon King? Is it him?”

“It seems to be him, why is he back again?”

In the dark, after the initial shock, among the people hiding on both sides, there were survivors from the past. They have survived until now and recognized Han Li.

After a series of psychological games, they came out and tried to approach Han Li.

This is due to the "good reputation" Han Li left in the Killing City. Yes, it is a good reputation.

Except for the previous time, he rarely killed people outside the ring during his time in the Killing City. The people who were forced to fight him were not caught by Han Li himself. Therefore, although he was called the "Demon King", he was safer than others when he met him outside the ring.

Moreover, it has been two years since he left. Those who can survive here until now are all smart people. If Han Li really wants to kill them, it is useless for them to hide or not.

Perhaps it was because Han Li left a deep impression on them that every time a newcomer came, they would ask about Han Li. The slaughter of Tang Hao and the destruction of Haotian Sect also caused a great sensation in the Killing City.

Therefore, they chose to approach actively, in fact, they were seeking to survive. Although they didn't know why Han Li came, if they could hold the thigh, wouldn't it be extremely safe during this period?

In the hearts of these people, Han Li is more reliable than the King of Killing.

So, in the stunned look of the newcomers, they saw the old people who they usually wanted to avoid, like lackeys, walked towards Han Li, bowed, and then shouted "Demon King".

Fuck, can the son of the Spirit Hall also get along so well here? The three views of the newcomers were not very positive, and after seeing this scene, they were shattered.

"Okay, stand aside, I'm here this time, it has nothing to do with you."

Han Li also looked at these people with interest, smiled and shook his head, pointing to one side of the street.

It should be said that although he couldn't remember these people, he still felt very happy.


The smiles on the faces of the old people did not diminish. After hearing Han Li's words, they lined up according to their height and stood in a row beside the street, like loyal guards.

"You, why are you here again? Are you ready to challenge me?"

A harsh voice sounded, and the King of Slaughter in a blood-red cloak appeared in mid-air. From the tone of his voice, it can be heard that he was in a bad mood.

"Challenge you? No, you are wrong."

Han Li was not surprised by its arrival, but just pointed to the ground. He didn't like to look up and talk to people.

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