The Shura who chose to burn the original power still has something. At least at this moment, he seems to have returned to the peak.

The blood-red Shura power is like a mutated sun, and the bloody and cold feeling fills the hearts of everyone present.

Unfortunately, Han Li also has the same Shura power, and he does not need to burst out, he is already at the peak.

Unlike Shura, he is full of divine power, and the Shura power he bursts out is only pure killing and judgment.

The position of Shura God was merged and inherited by him. According to the judgment of the laws of the universe, no one is more orthodox than him, not even his predecessor.

"I am the Shura God, do you understand?"

When the giant hammer hit the blood sword, the furious Han Li instantly restrained his mind, and a light word fell into Shura's ears.

Shura's face changed drastically, but how could the blood sword that was fully activated stop at this time?

In this world, the position of God is powerful. It may not be so obvious, but it is a very important part of the system of gods. It represents the recognition of the rules of the universe. Otherwise, why do those gods care so much about the position of God?

The position of God represents your identity. With this thing, even if you are not in the realm of God, the rules of the universe will not target you.

The end of the universe is the organization, and it is also applicable in this universe.

This problem was recognized by Han Li when he awakened the plane consciousness for the last time. Shura, Destruction, and Life are more special identities. They are law enforcement gods and have some kind of immunity to a certain extent, especially for gods with positions of God.

Otherwise, Han Li would not have taken it hard when he knew that Shura's inheritance had a pitfall. This is another kind of gun license.

Han Li is a bit obsessive-compulsive. Since there is, there must be his reason. It is right to find a way to get it. After all, this is also his style of doing things all the time.

Moreover, to put it bluntly, so far, he has not figured out why he was reincarnated into the Douluo world.

In this regard, one must always be careful, lawful chaos, this is how he positions himself.

What if the boss just sent you to this world to work? Right?

It is always right to abide by the rules of the game within a certain range. Even if it is proved that there is no such link in the end, he will not lose anything, right?

So, even though he already had a chance of winning, Han Li still chose to play it safe, and the result was also very good. Isn't it used when facing Shura?

Gods with godhood fight, that is called competition. Except for the law enforcement god, the restraint between godhood and law is not particularly obvious.

But Shura, he does not have a godhood now.

And it happened that he was facing Han Li, who had the characteristics of the law enforcement god.

So, he was really happy.

When the weapons of the two touched each other, in addition to Han Li's already strong power, at this moment, Shura also felt the backlash from Shura's power and the inexplicable cosmic pressure, even if his original power was Shura's power.

The feedback was not obvious. After all, he had just stepped down, and the afterglow was still there. Han Li was not the orthodox successor, but the rigid rules of the universe had no intelligence and still made a targeted response.


In the universe that should not be able to transmit sound, a clear sound was heard at this time.

The super artifact still has some style, not to mention that it is also the carrier of Shura's power, but facing Han Li, the "current" who should have it and the targeting of the laws of the universe, plus it was already damaged, at this moment, it cracked.

In the dark universe, it was rarely lit up.

A blood-red crack appeared above the two people fighting, like a sky collapse.

And Shura, who was connected to the soul of Shura Demon Sword, could no longer maintain his injuries at this time, not to mention that he was already at the end of his strength and poured all his own essence into the artifact.

He spit out a mouthful of blood-red essence, and his body surface, the blood-red armor shattered, and his body began to change. He was still in human form, but no longer the image of a cold man before.

The magic sword was broken, the original essence was dispersed, and he turned back to his original form, a monster with a green face and fangs, and a total of eleven arms.

"You are so ugly, no wonder your heart is dirty."

Han Li uttered the heart-piercing words, but Shura had no ability to refute, Han Li's attack power had not been fully released.

The broken Shura magic sword was fiercely inserted into his heart under Shura's gaze, and then, immediately afterwards, the giant hammer carrying his extremely familiar Shura power smashed him.


A small black hole was born, trying to swallow Shura, who had been smashed into a ball of blood mist, but Han Li forcibly imprisoned him in place with the power of space, and was ignited by the purple flame generated by the power of Rakshasa.

In the burning blood mist, Shura's twisted and unwilling soul wailed, but he could not escape and was wiped out bit by bit.

"You're really resistant to fire. I'll give you some more."

After removing the divine body, Han Li threw a ball of blood flame and dark purple lightning.

That was the fire of judgment representing the power of Shura and the thunder of destruction representing the power of destruction, three in one. Han Li never lacked in etiquette and didn't mind holding the highest level of funeral for him.

After three breaths, the wailing and the humming of the broken sword stopped. Han Li used the thunder of destruction to plow the space again. After exploring it with the law of fate, he lifted the confinement and let the black hole swallow the space.

He walked to the side with satisfaction and picked up the broken sword.

Then, he looked at the ownerless original essence floating beside him.

A glimmer of enlightenment flashed in his eyes, and he put it away.

Then, he looked at the battlefield on the other side.

The movement over there was completely different from that of him and Shura.

To be precise, it was the gods of Douluo Star, led by Gu Yue, who were throwing skills at the other side unilaterally. They were very obedient this time. Gu Yue waved the silver dragon spear in the front, and the others were madly waving their skills after becoming gods in the back row.

Dugu Yan and Shui Bing'er even tried it. After becoming gods, I don't know if it can be regarded as a divine skill of martial soul fusion. The power is very good, which has far exceeded the strength of the first-level god.

On the other side of them, the resistance of evil and good was very weak. If the evil still wanted to counterattack, and even tried to explode when Shura died, it was dragged to the spot by Gu Yue who also showed his true body.

So kind, except for defense, she almost never took the initiative to attack, which seemed very passive.

On the other side of the God Realm, with the support of the gods, Destruction and Life finally freed their hands and turned to look at the battlefield, but they were very sensible and did not choose to leave the God Realm, even when Shura was scattered to ashes.

Han Li's combat power was above the God King, which the gods present knew, especially, up to now, he was still at the peak.

Another point is that the super artifact was destroyed and the defense shield of the God Realm was broken, which was something that had never happened in the Dragon God War.

Han Li flew towards the battlefield over there. Behind him, Qian Renxue and the others stopped attacking. Only Gu Yue was still pestering Evil, and Kindness stopped where he was.

"For your subsequent performance, fight with me, or commit suicide. I can keep a little of your true spirit, but don't think about your memory. I don't like to cause trouble for myself."

Stopping not far from Kindness, Han Li raised the fate in his hand again and aimed at her.

He was extremely wary of this God King who mainly cultivated the rules of emotions. Even though he was protected by the laws of fate and other supreme laws, he was unwilling to get close.

As for Gu Yue, she said she had experience and could not be persuaded.

Shanliang was stunned for a moment, nodded at him, then turned and looked in the direction of the God Realm, bowing deeply.

After a while, she straightened up and looked at the God Realm with nostalgia.

"Thank you."

A faint voice sounded, and her figure gradually dissipated, leaving only a ball of clear air and a kind heart with a crack, floating quietly in the same place.

A light golden ripple floated out from Han Li, sweeping across the place where Shanliang was, and the two things were collected by him.

Just when Shanliang chose to disintegrate actively, the evil seemed to sense something, and regardless of still fighting with Gu Yue, it took her attack forcibly and rushed towards Han Li actively.

"Don't make it look like you're committing suicide for love. No one else mentioned you."

"Originally, for the sake of the evil god bead, you could have kept your true spirit, but unfortunately, you made the wrong choice."

A faint golden stream of light shot out from the fate in Han Li's hand, directly crossing the space and passing through the forehead of evil.

There was no external injury, but he still fell down.

Han Li's breath suddenly weakened, and then recovered quickly.

This attack was an arrow condensed by his full efforts to mobilize the law of fate, but even so, the half-crippled evil still took away half of his divine power.

A mortal god king, whose fate is already determined, still consumes a lot of energy. His law is indeed not good at frontal attack.

However, it also saves him from the subsequent processing, which seems to be not bad.

Han Li didn't know what he wanted to do when he rushed over, and he didn't care. He only knew that if he participated in the resistance later, then death would be inevitable.

A ball of turbid air?

Han Li looked at the place where Evil fell, took it and the Scale of Judgment in his hands, and then, he led the people who had gathered around and flew towards the God Realm.

They stopped at the edge.

Looking at the gods below and the God Realm that was still slowly collapsing despite the destruction and life support, everyone had different expressions.

"How long can it last?"

Han Li looked at Destruction, who was once his imaginary enemy, and at the beginning, this guy rushed forward quickly. Who would have thought that in the end, it was the two of them who were talking.

"At most five years, the God Realm will completely collapse."

Destruction gave the answer in a deep voice. This was the longest time he and Life calculated, and they had to maintain it with all their strength.

"Oh, then let's live somewhere else."

Han Li said nonchalantly.

No matter which of his plans, the current God Realm would not exist.

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