Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 89 Night attack, a battle that is about to break out

"Let's go, Sister Yan, it depends on the two of us."

Han Li turned his head and glanced at Dugu Yan, who was a little excited since he stepped into the forest.

"Let's go, just in time. I also want to try how my strength will be after the martial soul evolves. Before, my soul skills could only assist. Even in battles, I could only rely on the poison of the martial soul to slowly kill the opponent. , but now, I am also an attack-type battle soul master."

While Dugu Yan was speaking, the martial spirit shadow and wings had appeared behind her, and the flame-winged snake spirit was hissing and spitting out the snake letter, which seemed to demonstrate her fighting intention.

"Okay, until we reach the mixed zone, I will rely on you, Sister Yan, for protection."

Han Li raised the two swords in his hands that had been completely dimmed by his light, and made a movement to sheath them.

"No problem, then you have to follow me closely."

Dugu Yan blinked at him and took the lead in taking steps forward.

Han Li smiled, followed closely behind her, and the two of them moved deeper together.

After going deep for a while, Han Li, who had not stopped mentally monitoring the surroundings, felt extremely tired.

Dugu Yan's performance in field combat was not ideal. This was the personal evaluation given by teacher Han Li. In just one hour, Han Li couldn't help but have black lines all over his head as he followed her.

Relying on the strength after the evolution of her martial soul, she is still strong in this peripheral area. In addition, the first soul skill after the mutation is activated faster. On the way forward, Dugu Yan was beating one by one, and the caterpillars passing by were all killed by her. Burn it and it's done.

Although she did not kill these weak soul beasts directly and abided by the unspoken rules that were agreed between soul masters, there were not ten but eight low-level soul beasts with injuries to their legs and abdomen. Along the way, Han Li They all came smelling the smell of burning and blood.

"Okay, Sister Yan, stop. If you keep walking like this, I'm afraid we will be surrounded by a large number of soul beasts if we enter the mixed zone."

Han Li promptly stopped her disgusting behavior.

"Ah, okay, I'll stop now, I'm a little too excited."

Her excitement was interrupted, and she finally realized what she had done along the way, and stopped her behavior with some embarrassment.

"Okay, let's move on. Your martial spirit has a relatively high vision. For the time being, it's up to you to be alert to the movements around you. If weak spirit beasts appear, drive them away. We need to speed up."

Han Li looked at the sky and found that if they moved faster, they could still resist the camp he created last time and save a lot of effort.


After calming down, Dugu Yan finally performed to her normal level and began to recall all the wild survival knowledge she had received, and the two began to move forward quickly.

On the way, after entering the mixed zone, they encountered two more attacks. This time, with Han Li's early warning and Dugu Yan also putting aside his playful thoughts, the battle ended extremely quickly.

After the martial soul evolved, the fire element attached to Dugu Yan's martial soul was already powerful. In addition, the first soul skill was fast and could be fired continuously. Without Han Li's help, she exerted considerable combat effectiveness on her own. .

A shadow leopard that was around 1,300 years old, and a dark crow that was around 1,800 years old. They suffered a big loss at the hands of Dugu Yan when they first met. They were maimed immediately and their mobility was damaged. , and was subsequently bombarded by continuous lava beams.

Dugu Yan only ran a little and easily defeated the two soul beasts, which also made her clearly realize how big the gap between her former self and her current self. Up to now, she has only used her first soul skill. .

"Well, they're not bad, but they're still too weak. They can't test anything, and they can't put any pressure on you." Han Li poured a basin of cold water on the side, fearing that she would revert to the same state as when she first entered the forest.

"I know, you don't need to remind me."

Dugu Yan gave him a look. On the way here, she heard Guang Ling talk about Han Li's achievements. When he had just reached level 20 and had not yet obtained the soul ring, he could handle two more than two thousand people on his own. It only took a little more time to kill the year-old spirit beasts without any damage.

She was already at level 30 now, and just winning against a 1,500-year-old soul beast alone was nothing.

A month ago, she might have been complacent about this, wishing that the entire Tiandou Royal Academy would publicize such achievements for her, but now, she just wants to be stronger so that she can keep up with Han Li. pace.

Although, even now, she has never seen Han Li take action in person, but just the aura leaking out when possessed by the martial soul suppressing her martial soul, and the black first ring of ten thousand years are enough to prove his power.

Not to mention, except for hearing that Sword Douluo can fly with a sword, she has never seen any weapon soul master who can create his own flying soul skill before he reaches the third level.

(She doesn’t know if Sword Douluo’s flying ability is a soul skill. On the mainland, soul masters’ abilities are kept secret.)

Moreover, after obtaining the soul ring this time, she would definitely be able to see Han Li take action, and she was looking forward to it.

Looking at Dugu Yan, who didn't know what he was thinking after talking to him, Han Li stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her eyes, and then looked at the darkening sky.

"Okay, come with me. The camp ahead should be treated a little before it can be used again."

After speaking, he adjusted his direction slightly and took Dugu Yan towards the last camp location.

The location of the camp was not too far away. According to his estimation, it was only less than ten minutes' walk.

The sky in the forest darkened a little faster than the outside world.

Of course, this was also due to the lush trees around them. They had only been on the road for three minutes, and the darkness seemed to have deepened a degree compared to before.

Because of the spirit possession and Dugu Yan's weak mental power, she could not completely converge the light. In this environment, she was like a moving light bulb, very conspicuous.

"Sister Yan, why don't you put away your spirit first? At night, there will be more powerful predators in the forest. Let's get to the camp first to avoid unnecessary trouble."

Han Li, who was used to hiding himself, was not used to this treatment. He turned his head to look at Dugu Yan beside him.


Dugu Yan nodded.

In fact, it was not only Han Li. After walking for a distance, she also felt something was wrong. Her current state was no different from deliberately provoking those soul beasts.

But without the care of the martial soul, her night vision ability is not outstanding, but since Han Li said so, she just put away the martial soul.

"Uh, Sister Yan, wait a moment, your opponent is here, deal with it first, I will help you hold the line."

Han Li suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed to the front.

Dugu Yan's expression instantly became serious, and she entered the combat state, her eyes fixed on the darkness ahead.

Her mental power is not as strong as Han Li's. Maybe after the evolution of the martial soul, it has improved to a certain extent, but it is only a little higher than the same level, and it is far from being able to provide long-range warning.

And just when she was fully alert, Han Li had already put away his breath and hid behind a tree. This was a battle she had to go through, and he was only responsible for safety.

Thanks to Rensheng_AD, Book Friend 20230530115415647232063, and Sherry Liu, the three big guys for their two monthly tickets. Thank you very much!

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