Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 93 The mutated Eight Spider Lances, I raised Dugu Yan into Qian Renxue?

After wandering around for a while and sorting out some personal hygiene issues, when he returned to the camp, he found that Guang Ling and Dugu Yan had also woken up, and the three of them were already eating.

Instead of joining in the fun, Han Li practiced new skills on the sidelines. After changing from elemental affinity to control, he continued to try to develop new skills.

In other words, it's not development at all, but plagiarism to see if you can try to copy the moves in your memory to the point where you can be a mage even without using martial arts.

But how to say, so far, the results can only be said to be unsatisfactory.

He can easily do simple compression, explosion, burning, shaping, condensation, temperature control, etc., but advanced methods such as elementalization, clone, flame jumping, ice transfer, etc., he is not able to do it at all. Puzzled.

Obviously the elements are there for him to round and flatten, but he just can't do it, as if there is a sad barrier between them.

Guang Ling took the lead in having breakfast, and saw him starting to tinker over there again, so he came over.

"Don't think about it now. I've told you that your level is still low now. Even if your spiritual power reaches the Soul Saint level, it's hard to understand what's inside. Just like I can't describe to you the feeling of the martial soul's true form. It’s the same, once you achieve it, you will understand naturally.”

"In the cultivation of a soul master, the soul saint stage is the qualitative change. After that, you have to wait until the super douluo." Guang Ling told his cultivation experience.

"Well, I know, Master, I just want to try it out of boredom."

Han Li dispersed the elemental power in his hand and replied with a smile.

"Okay, go pack your things. They are almost finished eating. It will be up to you two to go deep in for a while. We will not take action easily against soul beasts that are less than 20,000 years old."

Guang Ling patted his shoulder and pointed at Dugu Yan, who looked here from time to time:

"Also, you can take a look at her external soul bones. The changes formed when combined with her martial soul are quite interesting."

"Really? Then I'll go take a look."

Han Li walked over there.

"Xiao Li."

Seeing him coming over, Dugu Yan stopped eating and stood up directly, greeting him with a smile.

"It seems that Sister Yan is in a good mood. I heard from Master that the external soul bone and the martial soul have mutated after being combined. Let me take a look."

Hearing his teasing words, Dugu Yan gave him a nice look in return, and took a few steps to the side. A pair of dark red bases, embellished with purple and blue stripes, and wings covered with spikes below appeared on her behind.


Han Li just scanned it casually and discovered something was wrong.

At this time, Dugu Yan was not possessed by a martial spirit, so these weapon-like wings were the original "Eight Spider Spears".

"I can also practice double swords with you in the future."

Dugu Yan looked at Han Li's expression with satisfaction and said something playful.

"Don't tell me, can you take off your wings and use them as weapons?"

After hearing her words, Han Li naturally thought of this.

"It's not possible in this situation now, but it can be done after being possessed by a martial spirit."

Seeing that he had guessed it directly, Dugu Yan didn't waste any time and completed the possession of the martial spirit in an instant.

The moment the spirit possessed her, the physical wings and the energy wings overlapped each other, and there was a flash of light that seemed to echo, and then two miniature wing blades fell into her hands.

"It's amazing. Can you show it to me?"

Han Li's eyes lit up, wanting to see the difference between these two knives and his martial spirit.

"No, here you go."

Dugu Yan handed over the knife in his hand without hesitation.

Han Li took it over and looked at it carefully. He found that there was indeed a certain gap between the feel and the martial spirit. Although it was also solid, it felt like the energy had materialized after holding it tightly. It was also very light, but the circle on the outer blade The purple-blue barbs are exactly the same as the real spider leg barbs, gorgeous and ferocious.

"Is this a soul bone skill?" Han Li asked casually.

"Let's forget it. I found that this soul bone does not seem to have active skills. All abilities require my own continuous familiarity and development. At present, in addition to turning it into a weapon, I only found that it has the ability to extract and store poison at will. The poison and fire poison of the martial spirit are also stored in it, and it also has a certain devouring ability, both in terms of soul power and vitality. "

"like this."

As he said that, Dugu Yan picked up the remaining knife, walked to a big tree nearby, and chopped it down. He saw scorch marks and obvious black corrosion marks first appearing on the trunk.

Then a faint hint of green spread along the blade into Dugu Yan's body, and near the knife mark, there were obvious signs of dryness on the tree trunk.

"Don't expose this ability in front of others. It should be controllable, right? What's the effect of swallowing it?"

Han Li's expression became a little more serious. He didn't think there was a problem with this ability, but he thought it was different from what everyone thought. What's more, they were not strong enough yet, and this ability could easily be used as an excuse to attack.

"Well, don't worry, I can control it myself. If I don't use the sword, eight energy lines will appear from the wings when swallowing. It's too obvious, and Senior Guang Ling has also reminded me, I don't would abuse this ability."

"As for the effect of swallowing, it's average. It may be because the soul bones are still young, and many of them naturally overflow. For example, with the knife just now, I felt a little more energetic. If I didn't feel it deliberately, I don’t even feel it, maybe it will improve as I grow.”

Dugu Yan replied seriously that she did not want to become the fallen soul master that others called her.


Han Li handed back the wing blade in his hand, indicating that it was okay.

Dugu Yan took it casually and threw the two swords behind him without looking, and the two wing blades disappeared.

"Sister Yan, you can try to combine the possession of the martial soul with the use of the external soul bone. This will make it easier to hide." Han Li suggested.

"Well, that's what I think too. When the time comes, others will only think it's my soul skill and never think it's a soul bone skill. By the way, what do you think about calling it Flame Spirit Wing Blade?"

"Well, as long as you like it."

Han Li smiled. He was aware of his naming ability and would not interfere with it.

Dugu Yan tried a few more times before finally fixing the summoning modes of the two together. He waved his wings happily, turned out the Flame Spirit Wing Blade, and charged at low altitude several times in a decent manner before he finally became quiet. Come down.

Han Li on the side looked at her actions with an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

After a while, he remembered, how could he not be familiar with it? Looking at the appearance, the current Dugu Yan was a replica of Qian Renxue. Well, a low-end version. After all, the gap between martial soul and strength was there. .

Does this count as I raised Dugu Yan into Qian Renxue? He teased in his mind.

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