The next day, he got up very early.

   There was a piercing crash on the side of the rock, it was he who was perfecting yesterday's belt.

  In his thoughts, the belt should be a belt wrapped around his waist, in which there are sleeves, and the flying daggers are stored in it. No matter how it is moved, it will not fall off at will. It can only be taken off when it is needed.

Ideas are naturally good, but he did not turn ideas into actual abilities. This is also a common problem for most ordinary people. There are too many things that restrict themselves. Materials, equipment, techniques, environment, etc., are indispensable. .

   Uchiha Uranus is a coincidence, he has nothing, lacks everything.

But this is not difficult for him. After all, he has nothing but time. Some time is spent on this. Although it is very energy-consuming, it is also a great honor to watch the equipment take shape bit by bit. This means that I am not a manual waste.

   "Go hard, boy, you can!"

Encouraging himself, Uchiha took a deep breath, and once again mustered his strength, so hard he hammered the rock in his hand, knocking it on the hollow limbs, intending to smash it a little bit, this hollow The depth is too great, and if you shake it casually, the flying dagger will fall.

   Three months later.

In the early morning in the Star Dou Forest, sunlight shines through the tall cedar leaves and falls on the ground full of dead branches and fallen leaves. The forest is full of moisture and mist. Although there are no birds and beasts around, it looks more secluded. .

   On the ground full of dead leaves, he was stepped heavily on by a figure, and then jumped up again, the dead leaves flying all over the sky, swaying with the breeze, slowly falling.


   Accompanied by a slight sound of breaking through the air, suddenly, the small wooden stake in mid-air seemed to be hit hard, swaying heavily and constantly swinging.

Then three or four black shadows flashed, hitting a small wooden stake that oscillated irregularly in mid-air. Then, a cold light flashed, and the wooden stake tied to a height of more than ten meters broke in the air, and there was no smooth cut. The stubble, as if the knife that passed it did not receive any resistance.


   A young man about 1.5 meters away fell to the ground, stepped on the dead branches, slowly retracted the knife, and stopped in the forest.

A flying dagger and a knife cut is as smooth as running clouds and flowing water. Although Uchiha Uchiha has not learned the sword technique, nor has he exercised the corresponding skills, the high-speed dynamic vision and physical fitness of the radiant eye itself make him move at high speed. There is no difficulty in using weapons at all, and even as his proficiency continues to improve, his application of Minghong Dao has become easier and easier, such as using arms with fingers.

Perhaps Uchiha is naturally good at using kunai, shuriken and other long-range throwing objects, his proficiency in flying daggers is even faster than that of swordsmanship, and he can shoot into the trunk of a tree from 50 meters away in three days. , Even he felt that no matter how far away, the guidance in the dark could still make him hit.

   After getting acquainted with the speed of the flying dagger, the power and angle of throwing, he can even try to intercept the flying dagger with the flying dagger. The visual accuracy brought by the radiating eyes allows him to have perfect control of such moving objects.

And after three months of training, he is still not as good as Uchiha Itachi, who shoots the bullseye behind the stone through Kunai with his eyes closed, but he has learned other operations except for this difficult one. It’s all over the place, and only in-depth practice is left.

   I have to say that learning new skills, and he can see the progress of his growth, can bring great satisfaction in itself, not to mention that the more he masters, the deeper his understanding of the two.

   Just now, he had five flying daggers directly hitting the bullseye on the small stake. He didn't even need to look at it, he knew that he had all hits.


With a soft cry, Uchiha Uranu then took another deep breath. The next moment, his figure suddenly became blurred. With a soft sound, his legs and feet exerted force and stepped on the tree. Then he leaped high, and the knife in his hand flashed and tied him. The rope of the stake was cut neatly and fell to the ground.

   As expected, the five daggers were inserted into a twisted circle in the stake, and none of them fell outside.

   Throwing is already a very proficient ability for him, even above the sword and physical skills.

   But for him, the imbalance of the three is not the key. After mastering the flying dagger, he has the initiative of long-range attacks instead of only melee combat.

Soon, while thinking about it, Uchiha Uranus took back all the daggers he had stuck on the stake, and inserted it into his waist with some treasure. When he began to look around, looking for the next training site, Uchiha Uranus suddenly looked on. Make a change and make a listening action.

   "There is movement." Uchiha Uran's face darkened slightly.

A slight shock came from nowhere. Some resembled earthquakes or the footsteps of large-sized soul beasts. Although they did not seem to be very far away from themselves, for this kind of soul beast that appeared in radiation perception~www He has always had a strong defensive mentality.

   "Go first, there is still a little distance from me. I hope it is not staring at me."

   Perceiving this, Uchiha took a decisive step, feeling the movement, and ran in the opposite direction.

   The next moment, his face changed drastically!



   The originally peaceful forest became agitated, and countless startling birds flew in the distance. Accompanied by the harsh and unpleasant birdsong, gradually, the trees collapsed and the sound of heavy objects walking became clearer.

This is exactly what made his face change drastically. Within his radiation perception, he could feel a big body rushing towards him quickly, and any big trees and boulders blocking the way would be overthrown and kicked away. This amazing destructive power must be accompanied by a huge size.

   And a large-sized soul beast would at least have a cultivation base of thousands of years, he didn't have this ability, knowing that the thousands of soul beasts he had encountered almost killed him.


In an instant, Uchiha Uranium activated his whole body's strength, and the soul ring appeared from his body, one yellow and one purple emitting a soft halo, with an inexplicable charm, while the soul power flowed from him, the radiation of two goblin jade in his pupils The eyes turned quietly.

   took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled it. A ray of light burst into the boy's eyes, and then his stature moved instantaneously, crossing many distances, and appeared ten meters away.

   Second Ring Spirit Ability: The ultimate nuclear energy reaction was instantly activated, nuclear fission continued to evolve and split in his body, and radiation began to radiate rapidly, haunting him wantonly.

   didn't stop, his action speed was much faster than before with full firepower. At high speed, he could only see a shadow in the forest. After a few jumps, he jumped on the big branch and started jumping high in the dense forest.

   At this moment, it is the time of crisis.

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