Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 55: fighting

   That battle was already half a year ago.

   After he successfully escaped, he found a far place and ran. Anyway, the forest is so big, as long as he doesn't run deep, there is no problem of survival at all.

   If an ordinary person encounters that monster and survives by chance, I'm afraid they will flee the place where the monster exists and never get closer.

   But Uchiha Uranus is different. He understands that this is a sin he made, this is a monster spawned by radiation, and only he can solve it perfectly.

If someone else destroys this monster, it will have no effect. The radiation will still not dissipate, and the super-heavy radiation brought by the death of this monster will continue to spawn the next one or even more on this land. .

   Without spirit beasts, plants will grow, and without plants, the land will be transformed into a place where ordinary people will die if they enter. Whether it is water or air, even if the monster is dead, it is not the end, but a new beginning.

And Uchiha Uranium has the ability to absorb, Yuqing, this is a monster brought by his radiation, and Yuli, if it can absorb all its radiation power, then the fortieth-level soul sect is not a problem for him at all. , Even after absorbing the surrounding heavy radiation land, the Soul King is just around the corner.

   The most important thing is that it also has its spirit ring.

   Therefore, after Uchiha Uranium reached level 39, he headed for the monster's residence.

   The thousand-year radiant spirit beast that he just encountered was just because he was about to approach the cave where he once stayed, and it was a guy who evolved from the surrounding energy.

   This thousand-year soul beast mutated by radiation can never appear in that monster, near the forest lake, it will not let such delicious food appear around it.

   That's right, wherever he has been, a large swath of radiant soul beasts has been catalyzed.

   This large area, although to the Star Dou Great Forest, is only as tiny as human hair, it is slowly dying.

   The bright sunshine pierced through the branches and leaves and sprinkled on the ground.

   The breeze blew from nowhere, swept the stench of the corpse, drifting away, leaving only the faint smell of grass in the forest.

   Although he did not take away the corrupt atmosphere around him, Uchiha Uchiha saw this kind of natural purification.

   "Is this nature?"

   The boy caught a slowly falling leaf from the air and looked at the turquoise, but there was already a trace of gray veins in front of him, Uchiha Uranus fell into a dead silence again.

   The next moment, he threw away the leaf that was heading toward death, and slowly moved towards the destination.

Step by step, heavy and solid, the tragedies around him are caused by him. Every time he sees an innocent soul beast, he is forced to mutate a second head and a third eye. He is constantly suffering from genetic mutation and DNA disorder. The heart will always twitch unconsciously.

  He doesn't know why this kind of heartache is because of the kindness that has not disappeared? Or is the radiation coming from him, but the soul beast's self-blame?

   Or is it just because you want to absorb that big guy, so you make excuses for hypocrisy?

   "Perhaps all of them."

  As he gets closer to his destination, more and more thoughts will come to his mind, and he doesn't know what's going on, just can't settle down.

  The boy continued on.

   Some dark jungles were disturbed by the intrusion of young people.

  The branches of the jungle are dense and the roots are entangled. It is difficult to trek through it. What's more, Uchiha Uranium itself is the supreme delicacy for the Radiation Soul Beast.

Suddenly, the young man stopped and looked around with some alertness. The knife in his hand had been quietly pulled out at some unknown time. The silver-gray blade shone with a faint silver light in the dark environment, like a light source or a guide. .

   Suddenly, a beast pounced straight down from the tall tree canopy.


Suddenly, a white light flashed through the dark jungle, accompanied by the sound of a sharp knife piercing into the flesh. Before the black panther soul beast had time to scream, its throat was chopped up, and only a layer of skin on its head was still attached to its body .

   For a time, offense and defense are easy to turn.

   It was just a blink of an eye, and the soul beast that took the lead in the attack died unexpectedly. Uchiha Uranus pulled out a knife from a black panther soul beast, and the radiating eyes in his eyes exuded a faint evil spirit, and the surrounding space began to twist.

   This is not his power, but the radiant energy gradually becoming enriched with the activation of his soul abilities.

   The next moment, there was a riot around.

   A stream of fishy wind and rotten air engulfed the **** air of the predator, and came on!

Blood-red eyes flashed across the jungle, and large or small, but rather crazy soul beasts emerged, to the uncommon small beasts. At this moment, under the guidance of Uchiha Uranium's breath, Come out!

   In the entire radiation area, except for the forest lake area that is too far away, all spirit beasts that are tempted by Uchiha's uranium aura are all dispatched. For the radiation spirit beast, there is nothing more to make up for than the radiation source.

   "I look for the provinces one by one."

"bring it on!"

With a chuckle, Uchiha pulled a sword flower, his face instantly became serious, his figure suddenly blurred, his speed was fully opened, and he rushed forward at a speed far surpassing the soul beast. The blade flashed, and the body of a soul beast was suddenly cut. Into two pieces.

   The unparalleled speed brings extremely terrifying kinetic energy, let alone this knife, not a blunt knife.


The vines became two halves, and the gust of wind blew the grass. Uchiha Uranus was like a silver-gray shadow at the moment, jumping around in the jungle, the light of the blade flickered, and all the soul beasts that hit the blade naturally came naturally. Split up.

   But Uchiha's method is not like In addition to the blade, there are also uninterrupted daggers flying out, or nailing a soul beast, or making up for the guy who has not died.


A sound of iron slashing came, and the vague figure suddenly appeared in the air. The figure of the young man became clear. He held a knife in his right hand and some objects in his left hand, and was swiftly in the air with a very fast flying bird. collision!

The radiant eye martial soul in his eyes turned quickly, with inexplicable power, a warm current came from inside his eyes, and the thousand-year-old bird and soul beast that was staring at Uchiha suddenly lost all of it. Strength, loose wings, falling from the air.

   The young man took it with a knife, and easily cut open the long neck, then gently fell on the ground. Before he could stand still, the three spirit beasts had already arrived in front of him.

Without hesitation, the tiny trap hidden in his hand was suddenly thrown out and fell under his feet. Then he rolled quickly and got out of the culling area. Then Uchiha stepped on the stone with a big step, his toes pressed hard. Jumped up until it reached the trunk.

   After a breath.


   blasted in place, and the violent impact rushed into the sky accompanied by the hot spur. The three spirit beasts were unexpectedly hit and hit immediately.

   One of them suffered a headshot and died directly. The other two did not get well. Both legs and feet were blown off. Red and black blood leaked from the wound, which looked particularly oozing.

   "Destroy it!"

   Uchiha Uchiha looked at the terrible situation underground from the tree, and somehow he evoked a cruel smile.

   In the next moment, all the tiny traps hidden in the hands are spilled out!

   Like a goddess scattered flowers, it evenly falls around Uchiha Uranus, and then, the trap sneaks into the ground invisibly.

   The surrounding area became quiet.


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