Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 60: Power draw!


Only a huge explosion was heard, and the invisible shock wave entrained countless particles of dust, splashing in all directions, leaving an abrupt vacuum zone in place.

A flowing shadow flashed past, the pale blade light rolled up a large amount of dust, and only a puff was heard. A dark red muscle tissue resembling a long snake suddenly broke with a sour cracking sound and fell to the ground. The black blood flows out slowly.

The next moment, a figure slammed on it, stepping deeply into the black radiation soil.

As he rushed, Uchiha's body trembled, and the wounds on his body burst one by one, but the Nakata sword in his hand became tighter and tighter, and his joints turned white.


With a loud shout, the breath revolved, and the soul power surged. The boy’s originally tense muscles suddenly bounced back. Then, as Uchiha Uranus used the explosive power of his physical body, his body rotated strangely in an arc, taking himself as the midpoint and growing Dadao wiped it lightly, cutting through the monster's ankle as if nothing, a large black plasma burst out under the pressure!

Rumble rumbling--!

The ground beneath Uchiha Uranus suddenly collapsed, producing a blast, and the gray dust did not know when to gather again, the shadow flickered, and a huge monster figure suddenly waved its arms, with a dozen long dark red tongues carrying gusts of fishy wind. He flew towards the young man in a weird posture, extremely fast, like a lightning bolt.

At the same time, a strange force flew by, shrouded him like light, Uchiha Uranus clearly felt that when it moved at this moment, everything around him became dignified, his own The body seemed to slow down a lot, the speed that was originally like a glimpse of light continued to drop, and everything in front of him seemed to be slightly distorted.

"Fuck you! When will you be in the field!"

A giant arm slammed in the front, and a whip shadow suddenly arrived. At the moment of the moment, Uchiha Uranus did not dodge or resist. He simply raised the Nakata sword, his body turned, the radiating eyes and martial soul turned wildly, his body twisted, and With the blade sideways in front of him, he sent himself above the whip shadow, as if he was completely desperate for a suicide attack.

boom! Wow!

Two voices were made at the same time, and they were deliberately hit by a whip of the Radiant Titan Giant Ape. Uchiha Uranus flew upside down, flying at least tens of meters away, and he slammed into a tree. , Suddenly the dead branches trembled, and then they collapsed suddenly, setting off a large area of ​​radioactive dust, burying Uchiha Uranium in it.

There were black spots in front of him, and the feeling of blazing heat flooded all over the body. The surging blood inside the body mixed with the spirit power to blow away the particles from the body, Uchiha Uranus lay flat on the corpse of the big tree, and took a breath. .

Then turn over instantly!

That’s right, the Titan Great Ape race has the power of the field of gravity. The One Hundred Thousand Years Soul Beast Erming is a conspicuous example, but what he faces is not a field, but a field power that is gradually being developed. , If it was really the realm of gravity, then he would have died long ago.

Ten times the gravity in an instant, if you don’t adapt to it in advance by your own body, you will be crushed and crushed in one second! This is not from the astronaut's space. He is on the ground.

But now, Uchiha Uranus couldn't laugh, he was right, he was just separated from a distance of tens of meters, and the force of this extremely oppressive gravity field dissipated in an instant.

And if he gets close again, I’m afraid it’s really life-threatening, but if he’s not close, he can’t fully absorb its power. Now it’s just starting the war, it’s already so tricky, it’s really hard to imagine that radiation actually has this. This ability can actually enable this guy with no intelligence at all to awaken the power of the gravity field in the bloodline. Although it is not very strong, it must be able to reach the level of Erming in time!

The essence of radiation is high-energy particles. Lightning and the sun are all of this kind. The fundamental reason why radiation kills human plants is that the molecular structure of human and plant cells cannot withstand the impact and energy brought by high-energy particles. !

And the Radiant Titan Great Ape in front of him seemed to have awakened the power in his bloodline with the energy brought by the radiation.

"What the hell!"

With a secret curse, Uchiha Uranus started to act again, but his hand had been quietly placed at the waist, and the next moment, a flash of light suddenly disappeared from his hand.

Immediately after that, it was a hard throw!


The giant beast seemed to have been shot into some key point. With a roar, the surrounding spirit power fluctuated in an instant, the giant hand tossed, and the sharp claws of the black light ripped up and down, and the whip was frantic, intending to find the attacker.

Amidst the gray dust, a knife light that was as cold as iron flashed away, Uchiha Uranus moved again, and the next moment, like a dance music, he stubbornly carried the power of the slow domain, and the soul power urged to the extreme, a Beneath the body, he cut on its feet again, and a large piece of rotten flesh fell, and a disgusting smell hit his face.


Nagatato was tumbling, and the endless whip shadow seemed to be full of loopholes at this moment, and could not capture the trace of the young man. On the contrary, a large piece of flesh and blood was cut off from his legs, and the bones were deeply visible, and the flesh and blood flew like a pale skeleton.

Huh, huh.

Constantly, as Uchiha Uran’s whole body soul power runs, under the blessing of soul power, the originally slow figure is again blurred, and the second soul ability limit nuclear energy reaction is fully activated, and the original lightning whip shadow At this moment, Uchiha's uranium roots were cut off, and black blood was flowing.

But this high-energy radiation also caused the monster to enter a state of rapid recovery, visible to the naked eye, the right calf, which had been shaved off flesh and blood, began to rapidly grow granulation!

"You eat my radiation, I want you to vomit it all!"

For a while, Uchiha Uranus, who realized that a knife alone could not create effective wounds, changed his mind again, and while his thinking was running, apart from cutting off his long tongue with a, he gradually began to stabilize himself. Breath, a few jumps in a row, jumped to its body, and his left hand suddenly pressed to his thigh.

difficult to handle.

For the first time, Uchiha Uranus pressed on the stone-like rigid muscles of the Radiant Titan Great Ape, and the hair roots on his hands were erected, like a hedgehog, with uncomfortable discomfort.

The next moment, when the body touched, the iron-grey dead flesh and blood seemed to soften in an instant. As the third spirit ring pulsed under Uchiha's feet, the active effect energy absorption aura opened, and an abundant spirit power was mixed with richness. The radiant power of the radiant was drawn from the contact surface of the Radiant Titan Great Ape, and it flowed back into Uchiha's body!

In the body that is invisible to the naked eye, a black air mass is slowly formed. The energy that has just been inhaled quickly merges into the body and turns into a spirit power energy mass waiting to be absorbed.


Suddenly, a fishy wind pressed from above, and a huge hand, like a mosquito, shook Uchiha Uranium.

The sudden weakness of soul power makes the Radiant Titan ape furious!

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