Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 1: Uncontrollable radiation source


   Douluo Continent, Star Dou Great Forest.

   One of the three most famous settlements of soul beasts in Douluo Continent. The area is huge. The land area is almost equal to that of the Barak Kingdom, spanning the borders of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, of which two-fifths of the land area is in the Heaven Dou Empire. The other three-fifths are in the Xingluo Empire, a huge virgin forest with complex terrain. There are wetlands, swamps and so on. The soul beast there is also extremely terrifying, the closer it is to the center of the forest, the stronger the soul beast. There are even 100,000-year-old soul beasts inside. Any soul master, as long as he has enough strength and good luck, can find the most suitable soul ring in it.

And Uchiha Uranium stood in the outermost bushes of the Star Dou Forest, staring into the forest. Behind the bushes, there are towering woods that gradually become strange, and there are soul beasts that represent death. Is also in it.

   was very surprised why he stood here, but it was his own choice. Since Wuhun awakened, his parents suddenly fell ill at a certain time, very suddenly and unexpectedly. In fact, it is not a serious illness, it is nothing more than fatigue, nausea, dizziness, and insomnia. But after opening the awakened Martial Spirit again, he felt something was wrong, or that the family had already made him feel uncoordinated from the beginning.

  His surname is Uchiha, this is okay, but the problem is, this is Douluo mainland!

As he grows up, he also understands the history of the family. His ancestor is a powerful eyed martial soul titled Douluo, who has mastered a lot of self-made spirit abilities of the flame nature, as well as many special secret abilities, but due to the age. Or because it has been hidden for a long time, it is no longer present.

  Although there are ancestors, it is clear that the origin of the ancestors is not recorded in the slightest. This is also a point that shocked Uchiha. He was the second to cross, and his ancestor was the first to cross.

It’s just that it’s a bit outrageous that Shaoluanyan was directly assimilated into a martial arts soul, but when I thought of Douluo Continent, there is a God Realm, and there are other worlds outside of the God Realm, so I don’t feel that much. After all, no one can tell about this thing. It's all here, so you can only say that.

When he was six years old, he also directly started a separate martial arts awakening ceremony in the family. The process went smoothly. He successfully awakened his martial soul. Unfortunately, he was not a twin martial soul, but he was surprised. He awakened. The writing wheel eye martial arts spirit seems to be different from the rest of the family.

   The specific method is different, Uchiha Uranus is not clear. In the eyes of others, the gou jade in his eyeballs does not seem to be a gou jade shape, but a similarly reduced version of a fan-shaped icon, with a rounded and protruding head and a sunken inside.

However, compared to other people, his father was very happy, calling it a mutant martial soul. He also said that the family has not appeared a mutant martial soul for a long time, and the two mutant martial souls that have appeared in the past are extremely A powerful and special existence, and today, he is fortunate to see the birth of a new mutant martial arts soul in the family, and he is still his own child. He is very happy and asked the family historian to write down this moment in history.

   But with the awakening of Wuhun, it was also the beginning of a nightmare.

   I don’t know when, it seems that the maid’s low-grade fever, or the servant’s unprovoked coma, caused a strange change in the whole family, that is, the family members are so easy to get sick.

Unknown changes appeared. With fever, more and more people became weak. The patriarch, Uchiha Uranium’s father, Uchihadake stepped forward. Whether it is a healing soul master or a tonic, these foreign objects are used. It can only be delayed, or temporarily suppressed, not cured.

Uchihadake is completely helpless in this situation, which is neither poison nor martial arts means. No matter how precise his writing wheel is, he can’t see what changes are happening inside the human body. He treats the soul master’s diagnosis. , I also confirmed that the body of these servants with low spirit power was deteriorating.

It seems that a certain threshold has been reached. One night, the servant who fell into a coma at the earliest began to vomit violently, high fever, bleeding, and anemia of varying degrees, as if tortured, these few servants with low spirit power were suffering. The pain of imagination.

   At the same time, while Uchiha was looking in the mirror, he opened the martial arts writing wheel and observed the peculiar jade shape in his pupils, and gradually developed a bad premonition in his heart.

A single-shaped fan-shaped icon. The outer circle is convex and the inner circle is concave. A single icon can't explain much. But if you look at it according to the three gouyu, it rotates in the pupil in the shape of a product, like a fan. Ye, but to be precise, it is more like some kind of warning sign on the earth in the past life...what is it?

   Reminiscent of the weak servant being in a coma, general fatigue, vomiting, high fever, Uchiha suddenly thought that these symptoms only slowly appeared after he awakened his martial soul and awakened this peculiar pattern.

   And this pattern may be the culprit that brought these negative factors, or that his mutant Martial Spirit may not be developing in a good direction, but in a deteriorating direction.

what exactly is it?

  What do these symptoms represent in previous lives? Is it poisonous? Or is there cancer?

"" It seems that something has been thought of. Uchiha Uranus feels as if he has caught the point. Following this line of thought, continue to think about whether there is any irritation in their bodies. Reaction, and cancer does have a lot of sweating, fatigue, vomiting and other symptoms, which can indeed be compared with the current situation.

   Then, what is the incentive?

Unknowingly, Uchiha looked in the mirror again, looking at herself in the mirror, her silver-white hair naturally flowing to her ears, her fair skin with a healthy blush, and the pair of rotating single gouyu writing wheel eyes , Everything seemed so natural, but with a touch of weirdness.

   My own eyes, the more they look, the more they look like an icon.

   Suddenly, a thought flashed through his mind. If the whites of his eyes were yellow, would it match this black fan-shaped gouyu better?

   warning icon?

"I know."

The young man was silent for a while, "It shouldn't be wrong. If it is that thing, it is indeed against the panic-stricken family. Although there is currently no spirit master with a higher spirit power level in a coma, I am afraid that these days After that, the family has been infected seven or eighty-eight. If this continues, I am afraid that all of them will die someday, I will not be surprised." Uchiha Uranus raised his head and said to himself.

   Speaking slowly, he stood up and began to pack up his clothes. It’s not wrong. His eyes would make everyone around him die in pain, and now, he wants to leave this home, he has to leave immediately.

   His eyes reminded him thoroughly. He had seen this fan-shaped icon very rarely, but every time he saw such a warning, he would immediately stay away for fear of being contaminated.

   That is-nuclear radiation.


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