Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 7: A world no longer alone

   More than an hour has passed since the previous soul beast bone incident.

He simply placed the markers around and moved on. Time is precious. There are some bones of this soul beast that can be used. It will not be too late to converge when he returns. The most important thing is to check the food source first. , Otherwise you will starve.

   The fog in the forest gradually faded, and as the sun became more and more intense, it quickly disappeared without a trace.

In addition to the bones of the soul beast that he had just seen, he also saw some interesting scenes along the way. A deer-shaped soul beast rushed towards him all the way while escaping, and he was so scared that he thought he was going to die here. , Forgive him for having never experienced a battle. At that time, a soul beast rushed over at a speed of eighty miles, and it was a bit dumbfounded to change to any one.

   Later, the soul beast itself was frightened by the radiant breath. The deer's feet slipped on the stone, and its head directly landed on the ground. The antlers were in close contact with the gravel under the stone, and it fell out of a face. Gee, it's as exciting as speeding and skidding.

In the blink of an eye, a black shadow appeared near the corpse of the soul beast, leaping heavily on the dead soul beast, and then realized that the prey had died, before Uchiha Uran returned to his mind to see this one. What kind of soul beast, this four-legged soul beast that resembles a wild wolf or a leopard immediately'flyed'!

   is not flying in the literal sense, but the carnivorous soul beast that stepped on the corpse arched in fright and jumped to the ground!

   Then it used all four legs together, and it seemed to escape. It escaped from Uchiha's field of vision faster than before, with twists and turns, stunned him.

However, this incident also proved that he is indeed the existence that the soul beast can't avoid. When the ordinary soul beast sees him, it will not even have the mind to take the prey, for fear that he is not running fast enough and hates him. Mom didn't give herself any more legs. This scene left a deep impression on him. As he remembered, only the c9 jungler in the League of Legends game was comparable to the tricky monster pig.

   The soul beast right now gave him an intuitive experience. It appeared with a slam, and then Mao was so scared that he blew up, and ran away with a slam.

   Leaning against the tree and laughing for a long time, gradually Uchiha Uranus stopped.

His expression gradually became serious, and an objective analysis, if it was not just because of the terror of nuclear radiation, or if the concentration of the radiation source on the body was not high enough to make the soul beast feel the threat of death, remove these factors, if he is positive and that The soul beasts who only come and go without a trace fight together, what kind of posture will they die in?

It was too fast, his radiating eyes had just begun to turn, and everything was over. If it was a sneak attack, it would leave him with no resistance, let alone when he rushed over from the herbivorous soul beast. Standing blankly and waiting for death, this kind of behavior really made him want to slap himself twice.

   No actual combat experience, no development of his own martial arts, no thinking of judging the situation, no no, nothing, just like waste.

   Thinking of this, and then thinking of if there is no threat of nuclear radiation, would you die in the forest the first time you enter the forest?

  Uchiha Uranus looked at the strange environment around him, and suddenly felt uneasy. After judging that his nuclear radiation would disperse the soul beast, did he feel too self-righteous?

That's right, if you really live in a stable life in the forest, it is really the same as raising waste, not to mention that the soul beast will not take the initiative to attack him, if one day there is a soul beast, even if it is threatened by radiation, it will be killed. When you are yourself, do you have no resistance at all?

"Oh shit."

   Secretly scolded himself, scolded himself stupid, scolded himself for being self-righteous, but fortunately, there was no major problem this time. He didn't have medicines on his body. Once he was poisoned or contracted tetanus, he might die soon.

   Although I don’t know if my soul master’s physique can hold it, I still don’t use my own life to test it. Now that they are all reborn, I should be a little bit more concerned.

   "Forget it, any creatures around me will be infected with radiation anyway, this soul beast should be picked up on the road, if it is eaten by other soul beasts, it is estimated that it will not live long after eating."

   "Let's pick up this soul beast. It can eat for more than half a month after air drying. Tsk, luck is really good."

Uchiha smiled, pulled off his clothes, tidied the hem of the trousers, and then adjusted the angle to prevent this soul beast's brain from splashing on him, and finally carried it up, facing the way it came. Go in the direction.

   Today’s action ends here. There was a deer-like soul beast picked up. It is estimated that it will not be a long time to go out looking for food. If you have enough food, you will set up a shelter when you go back.

   On the way, Uchiha Uranus could feel the peeping gaze around him, but it disappeared very quickly, probably because of the **** smell, and then immediately fled under the stimulation of radiation.

He thought about the bones of the soul beast that he had passed by before, stopped, put the deer carcass aside, and pulled out three good-quality white ribs from the without broken white ribs and inserted them in the back waist. Tie it with the string that comes with the robe, then carry it up, and walk on the way home step by step.

   is approaching evening.

The last sunlight shining in this hastily cleaned up camp, all the plants have decayed and collapsed to the ground in despair, whether it is the dead tree before or the branches and leaves that were crushed, carried in the evening light There is a sense of lifelessness, and the speed of nuclear radiation is much faster than that of ordinary radiation. This may be due to people.

   You must know that even in the radiation zone of the modern earth, there are animals living in them. Although it took hundreds of years for the animals to gradually return, the animals are not very sensitive to nuclear radiation.

There are only a few radiation areas on the modern earth. Animals in the radiation areas did not escape directly after radiation. Instead, after a period of time, after a large-scale death caused by radiation, they left collectively because of panic This area.

  The question is, how high is the radiation intensity on his body? Can actually dispel the soul beast directly.

   This is difficult to measure, but it is obvious that at least his life will not be disturbed by endless soul beasts, and it is limited to this. If he takes the initiative to find trouble, then the soul beast is also likely to take action against him under the current pressure, after all, the invisible threat of nuclear radiation cannot be seen in a few minutes.

The dispelling effect is a kind of warning, a kind of warning from instinct and blood. It will invisibly raise the threat to the highest level, so the soul beasts will flee one after another, even if they stray into the territory of other soul beasts to start a fight. Compared to the high-level spirit beast coercion, Uchiha Uranus has also failed to give in too much.

   Night is coming.

   At this time, some dull footsteps gradually came from the forest.


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