Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 54: This is my escape route!

   Too big is not a good thing.

After the obstructive long tongue could not stick out from the hole, Uchiha Uchiha suddenly became a dancer with a blade, dancing under the crotch of the giant beast. The sharp blade cuts its flesh without any pressure. The blood burst out and spilled on the ground, making the surrounding environment even more foul.

   It seemed like this was an effective tactic, but Uchiha keenly discovered that with every cut, the skin and flesh would be tougher than the last one.

   This guy is getting more meaty?

   Without hesitation, the pupil of the element opened.

   The next moment, endless energy manifested itself as a real entity, with nowhere to hide in his eyes, and as his vision turned, he saw that all the gray radiation emitted from his body was sucked into the body by the behemoth!

   "Fuck! You eat my radiation and become stronger!"

The horrible reality almost scared Uchiha Uranus from the state of a blade dancer. If this is the case, then his winning rate to defeat this monster will decrease over time, until he is finally caught. One hit will die!

   This is too scary. He hasn't become stronger yet. Right now, this monster will become more and more terrifying as long as he stays beside him, and he followed his vision and saw more holes slowly forming.

   Suddenly, Uchiha suddenly flashed away like a nerve, avoiding a single blow, then slammed on the ground with his toes, and quickly jumped away from the behemoth’s crotch.

   As expected, his ominous premonition confirmed it.

A turbulent gray-white spirit power suddenly radiated from the giant beast, and it scattered with a thick fishy wind. Countless mud and fallen leaves burst out of the whole body, and in an instant, around the beast , A huge circular cavity appeared.

The giant beast slowly lifted its right leg that was showing pus and blood, and its gray spirit power gradually disappeared from its leg. There is no doubt that if it weren't for the time to evade, the trick that was similar to the trampling of war just almost killed him. Killed.

   "Fucking hard! Damn!"

The flesh of the monster in front of him was numb to his scalp. He went out with seventeen knives, trying to cut off one of its feet first, but he chopped fiercely, even the bones were broken, and he was able to stand securely and stepped on the ground. , Releasing the trampling of such power, there is no pain at all.

   The most important thing is that Uchiha Uranu looked around. He had just chopped the ground in a **** place. I don't know when many holes have been closed.

   His scalp was so numb that he couldn't feel it, and even his lips couldn't say anything. He couldn't think of how to deal with the monster in front of him. He didn't even have a large-scale destructive spirit ability, what should he do!

   Is the sword such an inconvenient thing?

   Sure enough, it is still too difficult to use this kind of chopping knife to deal with monsters of this degree. The monster hunter's sword is more than three meters long!

   What should he do! ?

   The Giant Beast did not give him time to think. After a short stay, it once again set its sights on Uchiha Uranus.

   Immediately, the young man could feel a strong malice lingering on his body, there was nothing vicious in his eyes, and nothing else, only hunger, wishing to tear him up and chew him in his stomach!

   "Gan, I really don't want to fight anymore, what a disgusting guy."

   The next moment, the fishy wind suddenly rose.

A giant hand suddenly photographed it, but it did not hurt Uchiha Uranus. Although the giant beast can perceive his actions, its speed can't keep up. This is why he can wantonly pedicure the giant beast. the real reason.


  Uchiha Uranium followed his arm and stepped directly on the arm of the behemoth, like a bumpy road. The boy climbed without difficulty, and with his footsteps, the boy galloped towards the head of the behemoth!

   He wanted to try it, and pierced its head in one breath to see if it was still dead.


   The light of the knife flashed, and a slow, dark brown arm that tried to attack him was instantly cut open, blood splashed, and fell to the ground.


   The dark red whip shadow flashed.

   When he came to the middle of his arm, he was interrupted by several tongues that came in a surprise attack. He was forced to leave quickly and gave up the plan he had just beheaded.

   His figure moved instantly, and after a few breaths, he came to the giant beast fifty steps away, looking at the giant beast calmly, and began to conceive a solution in his mind.

   Suddenly, a bold idea flashed through my mind.

   If it can absorb its own radiation, can it reverse the absorption and directly absorb the radiation energy in its body?

   Now as time goes by, this monster will become more and more difficult to fight, and he must act immediately. Without hesitation, Uchiha's Uranium third spirit ring flashed, the energy absorption halo's active effect was activated, and the gray radiant energy spilling from the surrounding began to quickly converge toward his body.

   He is not afraid that this kind of radiation will harm him. Just kidding, he is the source of radiation and the end of energy!

And with the activation of the active effect, the behemoth seemed to have noticed something wrong. It was like a fish swimming in the sea briefly leaving the water and jumping to the surface of the water. Discomfort appeared, but it did not know what was happening. .

   But it doesn't care. He only knows that eating the human that exudes the alluring fragrance is the most important thing.

Without staying for a while, nor roaring, the giant beast moved its huge body again, but this time it was no longer the same as the one it had been beaten before. Its tongue like a living snake turned flexibly around its waist and kept sticking out. .

   If you get close again, I’m afraid it’s dangerous!

   Uchiha's analysis of these tongues flashed in his mind, and his impatient heart slowly calmed down.

   He knew that it was time to fight for life and death.

   The next moment, he moved and rushed in the direction of the trap.

After a breath, accompanied by a deep roar, the giant beast flexed its legs slightly, and then suddenly exerted its force, as if the top of a Mount Tarzan with an aura that the world collapsed and everything collapsed, and then, it was like a tsunami. The pressure is coming and falling from the sky!

   The boy was stagnant, his breathing stopped uncontrollably, and even his heart twitched.

   In an instant, Uchiha's heart alarm bells!

  Run! Run!

   Moved his unconscious legs, the boy gritted his teeth and rushed forward at his fastest speed!

   The wind whistling in his ears, he seemed to have broken through the speed limit he could withstand, his face was hideous, the veins were violent, and the heavy death enveloping his heart stimulated him. There was only one thought in his mind. Run faster!

   An afterimage flashed past.

   Boom! ! !

   It seemed that it was just a blink of an eye, and it was like an epoch, a giant figure, mixed with endless power, crashed to the ground!

   The world is shaking, like a mountain falling down!

   A huge amount of mud burst out, and a huge pothole appeared in the center of the battlefield.

  The flat ground was shattered directly, as if the world collapsed, a suffocating aura radiated from it, and the dust and falling leaves rose up into the air, before falling slowly for a moment.

   And around, there was no Uchiha Uranus again.


   After unable to perceive Uchiha Uran's breath, the monster suddenly let out an angry and stern roar, roaring burst, startled layers of sound waves, sweeping everything around it.

  In the distance, Uchiha Uranus wiped the corners of his mouth with the blood that had flowed out because of breaking through the limits of his body, his face turned red, like a ghost.

   "This is my escape route! Humph."

   The young man heard the roar, he smiled, regardless of the physical torture, looked for a direction at will, and then left immediately.

   After a while, there was no sign of it.


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