Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 37: Bloody Killing Spirit Grass

   The surrounding suddenly fell silent.

   But soon, as Uchiha Uranu entered the battlefield, this silence was instantly broken. In his mind, the bewilderment brought by the spirit grass was even better, which also made Uchiha Uchiha a little pity for these soul beasts.

   "Poor fellow, it is estimated that even the instinct has been wiped out by the desire to kill, and I don't even hide from nuclear radiation of this intensity, and I don't know what it means to live."

After sighing, Uchiha Uran's figure suddenly became a little fuzzy. The next moment, he appeared in the middle of the entire battlefield, condescendingly looking at the plant motionless, the branches and leaves gradually turning into iron gray, and the surrounding stones melted into one monster. Foreign Spirit Grass.

   "So smart? I saw it for the first time. I'm afraid it won't be a humanoid soul beast that can transform in ten thousand years, right?"

The first time I saw the spirit grass that would hide him when he felt danger, if he was not sure that he had seen it just now, I am afraid that at first glance, he would not notice the weeds on the stone, and then Let it escape.

   Looking around, Uchiha closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

   Then, he opened his eyes, and a ray of light burst into his eyes, and his figure went straight to the nearest bovine soul beast! He hasn't forgotten what he came here for, he needs to hone his skills, and he never wants to go back to the time when he can't control his life!


   The fierce wind blew, and the young figure suddenly appeared beside the soul beast, Uchiha's eyes turned slightly, and all the reactions of the bull soul beast were under his nose. Then, Uchiha Uran raised his hand and grabbed the huge horn on its head. After holding it down, ignoring the spirit beast's crazy struggle, he violently pulled it to the ground.

But before he could make up the knife, he felt a chilly chill from his head. Without hesitation, the boy immediately bent his waist and escaped the attack of a cat-shaped soul beast. The chill just now was its fangs. The strong wind brought by the claws.

   And after it landed, it grinned at the boy in front of him. Its red eyes were full of murderous intent, and it yearned for blood to splash!

   "This is the melee..."

Without hesitation, Uchiha Uchi directly counterattacked the cat-like soul beast, and it was more flexible than expected. The speed was Uchiha Uchiha's speed, and Uchiha could barely keep up, but could not make it faster. action.

   But the killing always destroys its brain.

After the two fights, the forest-tailed cat went uncharacteristically. After avoiding his attack and landing, he jumped again and rushed towards Uchiha Uran's front door, but it was in the middle of his arms, just a heavy right. With a punch, the boy squatted up and volleyed into the air with a punch, forcibly hammered it flying, and fell into the center of another battlefield.

   Then three or five soul beasts grabbed its body and tore it to pieces.

   In the melee, all creatures are enemies!

time flies.

As the steady stream of soul beasts is attracted by the blood, the hidden Slaughter Spirit Grass swayed more and more cheerfully, and the smell of slaughter sweetness in it became more and more intense. Just smelling it is enough to make people intoxicated. Then he couldn't open his eyes again.

   is approaching noon.

   As the sound of fighting gradually weakened, there were no more soul beasts around to join the battlefield. It seemed that this forest had been cleared of a soul beast vacuum zone, and the surrounding soul beasts had died.

   No other soul beasts entered the arena, and there were only a few soul beasts that survived.

It’s not that Uchiha’s killing speed is fast, nor that other soul beasts are fighting fast, but because he is standing in the center of the battlefield and all the soul beasts are within the range of nuclear radiation. If it’s only a quarter of an hour, it’s okay, as long as you get away. The scope is not too big a problem.

   But the situation right now is that the spirit beasts are all slaying mad, and I can't wait to get closer, closer, preferably at zero distance, which gives him the ability to completely release the nuclear radiation.

However, most of the soul beasts are not directly killed by nuclear radiation. They are basically because nuclear radiation extremely weakens the physical fitness, strength and speed, and then brings easy internal organ bleeding, vomiting, hair loss, high fever and high fever. , Internal organ disorders and other unhealthy conditions.

   Among the soul beasts, just a flaw is sometimes fatal, so with the aid of nuclear radiation, all the soul beasts are becoming fragile, and with the passage of time, they become more vulnerable.

   In other words, they have entered the countdown to their lives.

   In the end, the soul beasts that survived were basically not lucky, either, they were very powerful, or they had something good at it, which made it difficult to die.

   But that's it, they can't deal with Uchiha Uranium, an alien human.

   "This killing ceremony should be over, I will end it."

   To be honest, he is very tired.

From morning to noon, he felt the breath of death all the time, the spirit beast attacked, the spirit beast's counterattack, and the killing aura that interfered with his thinking in his mind. All sorts of messy and deadly atmosphere constituted a desperate morning fight. .

  He has benefited a lot.

   But now, this battle should be over. He is very tired now, and he doesn't want more incidents to cause something wrong. In fact, he also has a feeling that he killed himself.

   There was no thinking, no worries, but the crazy killing ignited his desire. Part of the reason was the special bewilderment around here, and the culprit was right in front of his eyes.

   The next moment The seven spirit beasts suddenly seemed to have received some instructions, like a collective action, suddenly rushed to Uchiha Uranus in the center, trying to completely tear him up.

Whether it is the hatred between soul beasts towards humans or the spirit grass is secretly guiding, these Uchiha Uranus doesn't care. He knows that these seemingly powerful soul beasts are just the end of the crossbow. It only takes a few laps to go. One who can stand.

   after a moment.

In this place where blood flows into a river, Uchiha Uranus stands proudly alone, surrounded by dead bodies, and the blood is gradually draining. At this time, this killing spirit plant does not seem to hide anymore, and it no longer secretly absorbs blood from the ground. , But directly absorbed.

There is too much blood around, let alone the corpse of the soul beast. At this moment, Uchiha Uchiha standing in the center feels as if he is standing in a whirlpool, with endless blood surrounding him, with the surging touch of the sea. , An invisible deterrence slowly solidified from behind him.

   After a short while, there was no more blood around, and there was a corpse all around, messy.

And the flower that is no longer covering up, coquettishly seems to drip blood, an intoxicating fragrance blooms from its stamens, the pinkish yellow breath instantly fills the entire battlefield, and the **** smell is unknowingly absorbed. , Only retained the breath of grass in the forest.

   It took shape.

Uchiha Uranus smiled lightly, and directly reached out to hold its stem, the rough dark brown branches with a sticky and moist feeling, like touching a slug, or soaking their hands in a pool of blood in.

   But he doesn't care.

   With a strong right hand, he brought the soil along, and this flower of killing that absorbed the blood of all the soul beasts was uprooted by him!

   "You are mine!"

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