Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 164: 2 people in the tent


Zhu Zhuqing, who was still cooking the broth, suddenly shook his hand, and the gravy poured on the ground, emitting a slight heat.

A slight earthquake trembling came, and it seemed that the creaking of the big tree toppling could be faintly heard, and the silent night suddenly became lively. The roar of beasts and the sound of birds were endless, disturbing, as if gathering toward the camp.

But the next moment, another violent explosion resounded, and the roar of various soul beasts that had been noisy suddenly stopped, as if they were pinched by the throat.

There was a dead silence all around.

Only at the campfire, there was constant burning crackling, and a faint fragrance began to linger in the camp.

"What did he do?"

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at the dark area outside, muttered in his mouth, while speaking, the speed of stirring the broth in the pot couldn't help speeding up a bit.



A soft footstep came from far and near.

In the dark night, outside the light source emitted by the bonfire, a vaguely human-shaped shadow is constantly approaching.

The fire light illuminates his somewhat gray face, as well as the bundles of trophies, fur, limbs, horns, scorpion tail, carapace and other spirit beast materials under his men. At the same time, there is also a faint smell on his body. Emitting.

"What did you do? Uranium."

Looking at the way in front of him, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly became a little confused, didn't he go and check it out? After such a long time, the meat is almost boiled in the soup.

"It's nothing, I expanded the trap circle around me a bit, and slaughtered some unopenable soul beasts, and nothing else." Uran loosened his wrist and replied.

That's right, he always felt that the trap circle at a depth of 30 meters was not big enough, so after killing some soul beasts, he also opened up the surrounding area to a depth of about 50 meters.

Basically outside the camp of 100 square meters, nearly a thousand square meters are covered with traps. Except for a normal road, other places are lurking with invisible ground thorn traps. If his spirit power is sufficient, he It can even expand a few more circles to create a real life restricted zone.

"By the way, I want..." Uran suddenly remembered something, and after throwing these trophies to the edge of the camp, he raised his palm to look at Zhu Zhuqing.

Before Uranus could finish speaking, Zhu Zhuqing took out two water bags from the Space Soul Guidance Device, filled them with about ten liters, and passed them to Uranium. Then, there was a set of white men's energy. Installed.


He took it with one hand and looked at the pretty girl with reddish cheeks in front of him, Uran couldn't help but smile.

The Space Soul Guidance Device is really convenient.

After a while, Uran and Zhu Zhuqing, who had been reorganized, sat on the erected stone table and enjoyed today's dinner.

The stewed meat was so bad that it melted in the mouth. Almost all the fat was absorbed by the broth. After one bite, the warm heat flowed through the stomach, and made people squint comfortably.

"Zhu Zhuqing, I probably lived in the forest for a while. I took a look. There is no water around, so let's continue walking in it tomorrow." While eating, Uran said to the girl opposite after swallowing the food in his mouth.

"Yeah." The girl nodded, picked up the fork, took a carrot out of the pot, and put it into the mouth, and then said: "Uranium, what kind of soul beast do you think I need to do soul skills?"

During the meal, Uranus did not stop because of the speech. Zhu Zhuqing did not eat much meat, and almost all the meat in this pot was prepared for him. While eating, he still spoke clearly: "I think I met before. Confused Spirit Wolf is pretty good. Its talent is refraction, can hide, and turn around. Or a cat-like martial spirit, continue to strengthen your physical fitness and soul skills."

"But I think you already have single soul abilities such as Nether Spikes and Nether Hundred Claws. You are not lacking in damage to nature. I think you can get some information about improving your survivability, or at a distance. The moving spirit ability ensures that you will not be disturbed by other spirit masters, otherwise, as your agile attack type spirit master, once you are under the control of the control type spirit master, you won't have another chance."

After taking a sip of the warm broth, Uran thought for a while and suggested to Zhu Zhuqing.

He actually didn't like fancy spirit abilities, no matter how many spirit abilities, he wouldn't be able to touch him faster than him.

Without him, there is a risk of being interrupted at any time.

As for controlling the spirit ability, or attacking the spirit ability to touch?

Uranium has never worried about this. His own strength is truly powerful. If his spirit ability does not increase his state, after all, his spirit ability needs time to observe the enemy, and then release it. The spirit ability still has time to move, and this period of time, It is the biggest flaw of the soul master.

So Uran didn't put ordinary spirit masters in his eyes, including the Shrek Seven Devils.

His previous battles were all just for fun. If Tang San really wanted to be real, Tang San couldn't even grasp the direction of the cobweb, and he would be instantly defeated by Uranium.

"Zhu Zhuqing, I ask you, if you have nine offensive spirit abilities, and three of mine are state-line spirit abilities, you can't keep up with me, and your spirit skills can't beat me, then, you should What to do?" Suddenly, Uran thought about something, and asked Zhu Zhuqing with a tone of expectation.

He had asked himself this question, so he also hoped that Zhu Zhuqing's answer was the one in his mind.

Hearing the question about uranium, Zhu Zhuqing's first reaction was to frown.

Can't beat the soul skills?

Reflexively, Zhu Zhuqing wanted to speak out the theory from the teacher and professor, but the next moment, he stopped talking.

Originally, what Zhilin Contra taught them was just one sentence.

Rely on the strength of the team.

But obviously, the two of them are not a team.

"Sell the flaws, wait for him to hit him." After thinking about it, Zhu Zhuqing said solemnly.

If you can't catch up, then don't catch up and brake with silence.

"Is that so?" Uran's expression remained unchanged, but he already understood in his heart.

He and Zhu Zhuqing are not alone, and their thinking directions are different, and the conclusions drawn will naturally not be the same.

His idea is that the speed is fast, which means that there are three fewer spirit abilities to attack. Naturally, you only need to use spirit abilities to control the field, destroy the limited range of activity on the battlefield, and then rely on the advantages of more spirit abilities to maintain a distance to ensure Entering close combat with enemies with strong combat effectiveness, they use spirit skills to grind to death.

Among these, the best is the constant bombardment of powerful and large-scale spirit abilities.

Big is good.

More is beautiful.

After dinner, Zhu Zhuqing briefly confessed to Uranium, and then went to rest in the tent.

Although their tent can accommodate four people, the size of the tent is not very large.

Just before that, Zhu Zhuqing originally thought that she and Uran could take turns to watch the night, so she didn't need two tents, but she was suddenly told that Uran's spirit ability was a trap type.

And there are many traps, very many.

Hearing what Uran said, there were traps in the area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters. Don't worry that after the night's watch, his face faintly paled.

So she immediately hid in the tent, leaving Uran alone outside.

The bonfire was burning quietly.

The orange fire light shone on the dim surroundings, and as night fell, the surroundings began to quickly cool down.

The faint cold wind whizzed past, causing gusts of wind.

Uranium didn't enter the tent, but spread a blanket, sat outside, and watched the night.

Time passed bit by bit.


Rubbing his nose, Uran raised his head and glanced at the starlight. The drowsiness that had originally passed by was also shattered by the bitter cold wind.

"It's been a long time since I saw such a beautiful star."

A slight sigh came from Uran's mouth, the voice was very soft, for fear of making noise to the girl inside.

"Come in."

Suddenly, the tent opened, and a cold female voice came from within.


Uran turned his head in confusion, with an incredible tone in his tone.

"Come in."

Zhu Zhuqing's voice became a little more condensed. The original cold voice sounded in Uran's ear, but it seemed to have a touch of warmth.


Surprisingly, Uran quickly patted a faint frost on his body, and then got into the tent.

In an instant, an enthusiasm different from the outside came from inside the tent.

The light yellow light came on, and the warm light illuminated Zhu Zhuqing's black hair.

It's just a pity that her entire face is under the quilt, and Uranium can't see it at all.

Two bunks have been laid inside. Zhu Zhuqing is on the left. After a seat is separated, the bunk is Uranium.

Although the two did not stay close together, in this atmosphere, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed to live in the same tent. Wouldn't it be bad?

"Aren't you going to sleep? I'm going to turn off the light."

Zhu Zhuqing's dull voice came from under the quilt and urged toward Uran.


After a little tidying up, Uranium got directly into the quilt, with several layers of cushions underneath, and matched with the soft carpet that came with the tent, almost completely isolating the moisture from the ground.


The soul guide light connected to the soul power supply is immediately turned off.

But as the surroundings calmed down, the sound of breath of both parties fell into each other's ears.

Uranium had already stuffed his head into the bed, but despite this, the faint scent of Zhu Zhuqing's body continued to drill his nose Suddenly, Zhu Zhuqing's voice rang.

"Uranium, I remember you said that as long as you are strong enough, you can despise worldly rules, right?"

Uranium was stunned by the sudden question, he did not understand what Zhu Zhuqing wanted to say.

"Yes, for the strong, there are no rules to restrain him/her."

But in order to deal with her, Uranium can only bite the bullet and push it up.

"Yeah." Zhu Zhuqing hummed, and then there was no more words from the two.

At this moment, while lying next to Zhu Zhuqing, Uran only felt his whole body slightly hot. Although he kept telling himself to let himself fall asleep, the more he thought about it, the more energetic he became, the more clear his mind, like a sage model, and a trace of sleep No.

Similarly, on the other side, Zhu Zhuqing also faced the same embarrassment.

It was also the first time for her to sleep so close to a man.

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