Soon, a giant figure stepped through the dead branches, exerting force with both feet, and at a speed that did not fit the body shape, it headed towards the fleeing teenager.

   It can be seen from the traces behind it, it was overthrown all the way and rushed over.


Uchiha's body flashed constantly, from one trunk, with the help of kinetic energy and momentum, jumped to another branch, the soles of the feet exerted force, the blood was surging, the blood was transmitted from the heart to all corners of the body, and a long-lost passion gradually moved from the body. Deep recovery.

   Yes, that's it, the sense of crisis is stronger!

  Except for those few battles, his life was too dull. It made him possibly distracted from his daily practice. Yes, it was not enough to make him feel the front line of life and death!

   Uchiha Uran's mind suddenly flashed these outrageous but reasonable thoughts. The recent life was indeed too plain for him.

For three full months, there was nothing other than the practice of swordsmanship and throwing. Even if it was ten years of hard work, it would take after the actual combat to know where you are, let alone there are no people here. , Only soul beasts can fight.

   "If you escape this time, when will the next fight be?"

   Inadvertently, he thought of such an idea.

"Forget it, the sense of crisis right now makes me feel like a deadly horror. If I turn back to the hard steel now, I am afraid I will die here. Although I don't know what soul beast it is, it must be difficult to kill in general. I ran first. , See if it can catch up, if it can't catch up, then consider fighting."

   If you can run, then safety is guaranteed, then there is no problem if you turn around and fight. But if you run faster than yourself, what else do you want to fight and die?

   He did not stop.

   The rapid jumping and running made him lose his way. He can't even be sure whether he is going deeper or running to the outside world, but it doesn't matter.

   How to deal with the soul beast behind the **** is important.


Uchiha Uranus fell into the ground from the forest, at an unabated speed, passed over the boulders, stepped on the stones, and raised large patches of dust and broken leaves. Accompanied by the sound of crunching teeth, he soon escaped from this rocky beach. Entered the woods again.

   After a few breaths, he was no longer seen.

  He is an elf in the forest, just like a high floating ape. With his agility and high-speed dynamic vision, all obstacles in the forest are not his hindrances, but his help.

Gradually, the ground behind him shook, and the feeling of the big tree falling down began to weaken. After a while, it disappeared completely. It seemed that he could not catch up with Uchiha until he died. The soul beast seemed to have given up chasing and no more. There was a shaking sound of running.

   "Do you want to look back?"


Uchiha Uranus landed on the high branch, looked at the way out, lost in thought, without considering the consequences, the young man’s eyes flashed with a desire to pursue stimulation, although he did not say it, but in his mind He has accepted the idea.

   Now, he is going to implement it.

   "There is still more than half of the soul power on the body, it should be enough, but I want to arrange something."

   After a while, the boy sprang out of the woods, his pupils turned into two colors, Elemental Pupils would help him detect attacks in advance and see through weaknesses, and the spirit power flowed to this extremely critical ability for him. If he didn't have it, he wouldn't even consider going back to death, he hadn't lived enough yet, and he wasn't a fool. He would be so naive that he thought he could kill a large soul beast with this knife.

   After a while, after running for a while, Uchiha Uranus felt that a frantic aura broke into his radiation range, Uchiha Uranus's face became serious.

   He understands that Yu Kun Shou is not inviting people to eat and drink tea. If he is not careful, he will die.

   "Come on, big guy, let me see how powerful I can deal with soul beasts, I hope you can live until I kill you, but don't be a radiation mill."

   Uchiha Uranus said to himself, he believed that he felt this soul beast, on the contrary, this soul beast must have sensed him.

   As expected, it moved.

   With an overwhelming aura, a huge figure flattened everything around it. The huge tree collapsed, the dust was high, and the huge noise continued to be heard. Before the soul beast had a fight, it would have an endless desire for destruction.


The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and a huge sharp horn emerged from it, followed by blood-red eyes, with cruel and murderous intent, without a trace of reason, the hideous faces tangled together, as if suffering from pain, and as if they were born. That's it.

   "Hi! Black Rhinoceros Flame Monster! Why is this thing! It's still so big!"

   Uchiha was a little unbelievable for a while. The red and black body hair in front of him was similar to an upright rhinoceros. It was the top melee soul beast he had seen in the Soul Beast Encyclopedia!

   can even be compared to the soul beast overlord like the Titan Great Ape, extremely aggressive and extremely cruel!

Generally speaking, the size of the black rhinoceros beast for about a thousand years is about three meters, even if it is about five thousand years, it is at most five meters. This kind of black rhinoceros beast is similar to a strong man with muscles all over the body. Basically, increasing the height is equivalent to increasing the combat effectiveness in three directions. The black rhinoceros beasts of about two thousand years can even fight for ten thousand years without losing the wind.

   And at the moment, this big guy who is over 15 meters, undoubtedly, must be at the 50,000-year level, or even stronger! Among all Ten Thousand Years Soul Beasts, they are also among the best!


   Without hesitation, Uchiha turned around and ran. The idea of ​​fighting against each other was fleeting, if he knew that the soul beast chasing him was this thing, he would be able to run for three more days and three nights without stopping.

He thought it was the kind of big giant elephant, big snake, orangutan. He didn't expect it to be this black rhinoceros beast that only saw ghosts. This kind of soul beast overlord would not go to the core area to find the giant giant ape trouble~www actually came to him!

   Without the title Douluo's strength, he would never have the idea of ​​moving it, so thinking that he would come back and die, it would not be an exaggeration to scold himself for being stupid.

   A good escape advantage was wasted by myself.

But the Black Rhinoceros Flame Monster didn’t give him time to think about it. It took time to escape. After seeing Uchiha Uranus from a distance, it suddenly slapped its big palm on the ground. Although the distance from Uchiha Uranus was a bit far away, it was accompanied by a boom. With a sound, the sudden wind pressure and the violent shock of soul power pressed Uchiha Uranus.

Immediately after Uchiha jumped on the stone, a shock wave had arrived. The shock wave instantly penetrated into the body, tumbling inwardly, as if all the internal organs had moved, and under the heavy pressure, he almost stared out his eyes. !


   was hit in the air, and a thick blood spurted from his mouth, sprinkled on the khaki ground, and then fell heavily on the ground, stirring up half-human dust, floating in the air.

   Strongly holding back the pain and fainting, Uchiha struggled to stand up, and the high-strength physique brought by the increase of the spirit ring and the gouyu was vividly displayed at this moment. He doesn't need to be driven, the blood in his body is already calming down automatically. If he was the previous one, I am afraid he has stopped thinking and can directly carry the coffin and blow the suona.

   did not stop, after struggling to get up, Uchiha Uran swiftly fled, he could feel it, it was not over yet.

   The next moment, the ground he was standing on suddenly sank, and the fiery-red hot crushed stones soared into the sky with amazing kinetic energy. If he was still standing in the same place, he would probably not need to arrange funeral affairs, he could just pack them.

   "This is a fart!"

   Can the black rhinoceros of the king of the hard-steel forest, the Titan Great Ape, bully me a twentieth-level war spirit master?

   This is not running yet, wait for death!

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