Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 178: Shine like a meteor in the sky! The strongest soul ability of the limit!

"I'm here." Uranium's uninterrupted worries were finally let go as he patted Zhu Zhuqing's back lightly.

Uranium couldn't help crying, and all his worries melted away at this moment.

He once thought that the reason why he helped Zhu Zhuqing this way was because Zhu Zhuqing had some kind of telepathy with him, which could stabilize his mental state, so he had been supporting her behind Zhu Zhuqing.

However, until he discovered that Zhu Zhuqing was in danger of death from yesterday, he suddenly realized that.

It was not because Zhu Zhuqing could stabilize his mental state that he supported it.

It was because of his fetters with Zhu Zhuqing, the tacit understanding of gestures, and mutual companionship that made his mental condition improve!

It is the bond created by companionship!

It is the strongest emotion that cannot be replaced by anything!

During this period of suffering, in his heart, there is nothing more important than Zhu Zhuqing's life.

"I'm alive, don't worry about it." Zhu Zhuqing choked and said.

She found that in her heart, there was actually no figure comparable to Uranium, whether it was a tribe who once regarded her as a dead person, or that tyrannical, so-called fiance.

It turns out that the other party has existed in his heart for so long and rooted so deeply.

She had been running away before because she was a member of the Zhu family, and even if she died, she was still Dai Mubai's fiancée, but at this moment, facing her heart, she found that she had already been filled with the person in front of her.

Not a trace of vacancy.

"It's okay, everything has me." Uran hugged the girl tighter. He was really scared. He brought Zhu Zhuqing to catch the soul beast with his own hands. The soul beast picked by himself was sent to her.

In the end, he could only look desperately at the girl's death before his eyes!

He was killing Zhu Zhuqing with his own hands.

He dare not think about this kind of picture, he will collapse!

"Next time, the soul beast shouldn't be so strong, I'll pick it for you." Pat Zhu Zhuqing on the back and whispered.

"I think, catch up with you quickly." Zhu Zhuqing shook his head, buried his head on his chest, his hands tighter.

For the first time, she felt that Uranium was by her side.

that's nice.

After the two hugged for a full quarter of an hour, Zhu Zhuqing reluctantly released the hand that almost broke the uranium lumbar spine.

"Okay, don't rush to feel the spirit ability, let's go home first, take a good rest, and talk about it tomorrow when you have time." Uran saw Zhu Zhuqing want to feel his spirit ability, and immediately spoke.

There is no need to stay here.

In order to guard against the horrible soul beasts that would appear at any time, he stayed up all night and his spirits were tense. At this time, he was already a little tired, but he was still holding on.

The body soul bone has been put away by him, and Zhu Zhuqing will fuse it later. The soul ring is equipped with the soul bone, which is like a tiger.

Generally speaking, after a spirit master has absorbed the spirit ring, he can feel what his new spirit ability is, just like Oscar immediately knew his third sausage spirit curse after absorbing the third spirit ring.

Zhu Zhuqing suffered too much unreality in the process of absorbing the spirit ring, and the pain was accompanied by it, so that he spent the second half of the process of absorption and transformation in a muddle, but this place could not be settled. Feel everything that this third spirit ring brings to her.

The girl immediately moved when she heard it, but with her body moving, Zhu Zhuqing's figure immediately appeared a few meters away, as if teleporting.

"My speed...has it improved so much?" Zhu Zhuqing looked down at her body in disbelief. With the appearance of the third spirit ring, her body lines seemed to become more harmonious. People look more bumpy.

Whether it's the chest or the buttocks, it seems to be plump and rounded, and the femininity has become more perfect, even the white and tender skin, at this moment, seems to be tender and smooth.

In front of Uran's eyes, this twelve-year-old girl has a greater mind than an adult woman. Whether it is temperament or body shape, she leaves other peers and non-peers far behind.

"Zhu Zhuqing, come and run with me." As soon as Uran's voice fell, he smiled at the corner of his mouth and ran directly toward the road where he came. After a few flashes, he completely disappeared among the trees.

There are still burst traps around, but Zhu Zhuqing no longer takes these things seriously.

She had completely absorbed this third spirit ring, and even if she had not gone through actual combat, she could still release it freely.

"I will catch up with you."

The girl's words seemed to mean something, but Uranium was no longer around, so naturally she couldn't hear what she was saying.

Like Uranium, after a few jumps, he left the place directly and continued to speed up in the same direction.

Demon Bloodsthorn Cat is also an extremely fast soul beast, and is a cat-like martial spirit like Zhu Zhuqing. Naturally, in terms of speed, Zhu Zhuqing has the most extra layers.

Uranium didn't use all his strength, but deliberately controlled Zhu Zhuqing's original speed to run away in advance. He wanted to see what kind of performance Zhu Zhuqing, who had obtained the third spirit ring, had greatly increased in physical fitness.

Suddenly, a breeze passed.

The gentle wind moved Uran's hair gently.

Without opening the Radiant Eye Martial Spirit, Uran could only see a phantom shadow flashed by just now, but after he opened the Martial Spirit, it was too late.

"I caught up to you."

A cold voice came from the tree and fell into Uran's ears.

Uran immediately raised his head and saw the tall girl sitting on the branch with her legs dangling, and the snow-white skin, as if it could be broken by a bomb.

"So... second round!"

Uran pondered for a while, then said suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, he stomped heavily, like an arrow leaving the string, and shot towards the distance quickly!

The two began a silent race in the forest.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't notice that after she passed through the shadow, her speed would suddenly increase, but she just thought it was because her power was not controlled well, so she ignored it.

The journey home is very long. It is far from the original waterfall location. Uranium will be marked with the mark after it comes out. Now, after being out for more than a month, it is impossible to return home within three to five days.

The two chased after one another, and stopped after an entire hour.

"How's that? Some adaptations, right?"

Under the sun, in the shade of a tree, Uran leaned against the tree and asked Zhu Zhuqing on one side.


The girl nodded slightly, and then suddenly thought of something.

"Uranium, this third spirit ability, I think you need to look at it."

"Okay, let me see, what kind of spirit abilities the Desolate Bloodthorn Cat brings you." Uran nodded with interest, then stood up and took a few steps back.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, looked around, and chose the position between the two trees. At this time, the three spirit rings in her body who had released her martial spirit were moving in an orderly rhythm.

Two yellow and one purple, and the third purple, even a little black, but not very conspicuous.

Under the urging of spirit power, the third spirit ring suddenly shining, bright purple light filled the whole body, covering the light of the other two halos.

Uran nodded secretly, the faintly transmitted spirit power fluctuated very strongly, at least about seven thousand years, it seems that the five thousand years of spirit power he estimated is not very accurate, Zhu Zhuqing’s ghost cat and Desolate Bloodthorn cat’s The degree of cohesion is very high.

Zhu Zhuqing raised his right hand dignifiedly, the gray light in his palm, his soul power was released, the invisible pressure caused the surrounding low bushes to tremble.

The next moment, under the shade of the trees, her body suddenly became illusory with the sparkling of the spirit ring!

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Zhuqing's right hand cat's paw was attached with a layer of gray awns more than a foot long, extending from the back of the hand, like a light blade out of a sheath!


There was a faint spatial fluctuation. In just five seconds, Zhu Zhuqing's face became pale, obviously because of excessive effort.

As if noticing that time is running out, Zhu Zhuqing immediately started to move, and gently wiped his right hand toward the trees on the side.

The arm did not touch, it was just the gray awn, touching the big tree.

But that tree was instantly in the uranium senses.



Zhu Zhuqing immediately withdrew the third spirit ability, his face was pale, sweat dripping like soybeans, and he was breathing heavily with one hand on his knees. It was obvious that the consumption was so great that all of her soul power was exhausted.

"Uranium, how about this spirit ability?" Zhu Zhuqing did not carefully observe the situation of the big tree but asked Tang San.

But Uranium was stunned in place, and it took a long time to return to his senses.


Upon seeing this, the girl immediately stepped forward and slapped in front of his eyes.

The next moment, Zhu Zhuqing, who was approaching him, was suddenly hugged by Uranium. Now, Zhu Zhuqing was stunned.

"Zhu Zhuqing! Did you know! Your third spirit ability is unique and the strongest!" Uran loosed his embrace of Zhu Zhuqing, and swayed crazily with his hands on her shoulders!

"I saw it, that gray glow is a space fault! The power to cut space! It can shred anything, no matter what martial spirit it is, it can be cut off!"

"There is also that illusory figure, which is clearly the talent of Destroying the Bloodthorn Cat, the Shadow World! Do you know? This means that you are always invincible!"

Shadow world!

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