Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 181: Uranium vs Zhu Zhuqing

She slept very deep and deep, and her face was no longer half as cold as before, just with a sweet smile.

This sleep was three full days.

And Uranium did not rest for three full days.

They have already returned to the camp, and countless traps are arranged around them. Whether any ground spirit beast or underground spirit beast wants to make a surprise attack on the most central safe area, it is bound to pass through layers of trap minefields.

Although there are constantly outside the world seeking death spirit beasts to trigger the first layer of traps, there are still nine layers from the real core area, each layer is more than ten meters, it can be said that Uranium has developed the word Go to the extreme.

Moreover, while Zhu Zhuqing was asleep, Uranium continued to expand the trap area. His wish was to ensure that a radius of ten miles would be a minefield, making it difficult for the soul beast to move.

Only in this way can he sleep at ease.

But it is a pity that there are more than 70 square kilometers in the radius of Shili, and it is as large as ten standard football fields. If he wants to achieve this situation, it may take half a year.

Three days later, Zhu Zhu slowly woke up amidst the coolness of his whole body.

Opening her eyes, the first thing she saw was sitting there stroking the uranium on the belt of the Soul Guidance Device.

The white and cyan Soul Guidance Device and the belt were placed on both sides of him, and there was a pale white handkerchief beside him. Obviously he had just wiped the two pieces of equipment.

"Are you awake?" Uran looked at Zhu Zhuqing indifferently. After three days of calmness, he no longer had the amused attitude of the previous few days, and once again returned to his previous calmness.

"Uranium." When Zhu Zhuqing called out this word, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. When I looked down, I found that there was a thin layer of slurry on the surface of my skin, showing a light gray, but only my face did not have this strange feeling.

"Get up, go and clean this time, you have completely reborn. I think, in your current situation, the ordinary soul sovereign is no longer your opponent, you are even qualified to touch the soul sect. This is The torso soul bone, the top soul bone, not to mention the combination of the soul ring soul bone like Destroying the Bloodthorn Cat."

With the support of Uranium, Zhu Zhuqing stood up with some difficulty.


Zhu Zhuqing's expression was a little strange, and some didn't know how to speak.

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing's appearance, Uran could not help but smile, and waved his hand: "If you thank you, you don't have to. You go and clean it first."

As he said, Uranium pointed to the pool beside him.


The girl's face turned red, and she nodded slowly.

After that, she pushed open the wooden door and walked towards the rumbling pool and waterfall.

The camp at this moment has changed drastically from the lack of anything two months ago.

The first is a small wooden house that stands in the middle of the camp.

Said to be a wooden house, it is actually not too small. The whole is rectangular, about 50 square meters, two rooms, a guest dining room, and an open kitchen.

The rooms are side by side, the kitchen and the dining room are opposite, and the entrance is in the middle. The walls are separated by wood chips cut from logs. The doors are hinged by tree and vines. The hinges of the kitchen doors are the same.

Soon, the two of them left the camp. Zhu Zhuqing washed her body in the waterfall. When she left with Uran, she clearly felt the changes in her body.

The whole person seems to have lost weight, as long as the body exerts strength, he feels like flying away.

And the skills given to him by her Desolate Bloodthorn Cat not only strengthened her own affinity for the shadow world, but also allowed her to enter the shadow world through the consumption of very little soul power.

Just as the Desolate Bloodthorn Cat once fought with Uranium, he appeared from his shadow. If it weren't for Uranium's reaction speed, his dynamic vision would be terribly strong under the increase of Sangouyu, I am afraid he was already a cold body .

That kind of intertwined spatial faults could not be blocked by his body, and nuclear blast kicks were completely ineffective against this illusory attack, extinguishing almost all the skills of the Bloodspine Cat.

Including nuclear radiation.

Only the soul bones produced by such terrifying soul beasts can show such top-quality soul skills.

But it's a pity that it is not in a complete state after all, it is also very large, and it appears directly during the day and fights against uranium.

It did not enter the shadow world to attack and harass, but to be upright, even it did not know that, as long as the night fell, under its attack, Uranium would undoubtedly die, without any chance of life.

"Uranium, the soul bone I got, it has a skill."

The two of them walked, Zhu Zhuqing closed his eyes, feeling it carefully.

"Soul bones all have skills, let me see how strong you are now, don't be afraid of hurting me, and fight with all your strength." Uran nodded, and then said with a serious expression.

He knew that Zhu Zhuqing's spirit abilities might be able to completely ignore any attack and any defense, but after all, he had to try how powerful it is.

No matter how bad, he still has spirit bones and worlds to stop time and ensure that he won't suddenly die.

As the two of them spoke, they stopped.

Afterwards, they looked at each other and withdrew one after another, leaving enough space for both sides.

Although it was daytime at the moment, Uranium was keenly aware that the surroundings were blocked by the dense branches and leaves of the canopy, which naturally formed an area with more active shadows.

"Are you already good?"

Uran looked at Zhu Zhuqing whose mouth was raised slightly, and asked uncontrollably.

Zhu Zhuqing did not answer, but said to himself.

"Nether Cat, possess!"

After Zhu Zhuqing’s Martial Spirit Nether Cat was possessed, Zhu Zhuqing’s eyes changed color at the same time. His left eye was dark green and his right eye was clear blue. The long hair on his head was naturally tucked on his back, but it was very illusory. , In the shadows, unconsciously faded a bit.

"Spoke...Eye of Destruction, open."

Compared to Zhu Zhuqing's immediate enemy, Uranium looked much more relaxed, with one hand in his waist, his expression calm.

Black and yellow pupils appeared in the eyes, and along a certain direction, they began to rotate slightly, but the speed was extremely slow, which indicated that Uranium had not entered a highly combat state.

"Sa, come and fight with all your strength."

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing who was ready, the boy took a step back, raised his right hand, turned half of his body, changed gestures, and launched an invitation to Zhu Zhuqing.

The battle begins.

Zhu Zhuqing took a deep breath, his feet trembling slightly, his figure tensed, and a pair of cat's claws slowly lifted to his eyes, and a faint gray awn attached to the cat's claws, looming.

In the next moment, with a forward movement, Zhu Zhuqing's figure disappeared instantly. During the movement of her body, she carried a series of faint phantoms It is difficult for people to capture her precise location.

The timing of Zhu Zhuqing's shot was so wonderful that it happened to be the moment when Uranus just raised his hand to invite the battle, and his arm did not fall back to the moment of weakness in defense.

py time————

Push the book, recommend a Douluo fellow written by a friend-Onmyoji of Douluo World

The following is a brief introduction:

How can there be any yin soldiers crossing the border, only a group of bald men marching forward with a heavy load~

A bald man who died suddenly due to liver itch and rat activity was reborn in a hit anime. Looking at the golden talisman in his hand, he would growl like a groundhog when he died!

"Oudi! It's Oudi! It's all Oudi!!!"


Douluo colleagues, YY from a great African Onmyoji!

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