Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 192: You Hong Tian Ren Ju

There was silence around the eyes of Binghuoliang.

The moonlight shed lightly, penetrating the haze of the mist.

A faint silver light fell into the eyes of the ice and fire in the deep valley, shining on Uran's face.

Loosen the treasure of heaven, material and earth, Uranium shifted his gaze to other plants.

"There are too many good things."

Looking at the countless treasures in front of him, Uranium couldn't help but whispered lightly.

Except for fairy products that require specific storage and consumption, other heavenly materials and earth treasures do not have this restriction. As long as you take them, you can take them, that is, everything in front of you can be packed and taken away.

But for now, the most important thing for uranium is the existence of grass.

"Let me think about it. Where is the daffodil jade muscle bone that Zhu Zhuqing ate?"

Uran stood upright and began to rotate around the eyes of the ice and fire.

Narcissus jade musculoskeletal is known to be an immortal grass that Zhu Zhuqing did not have any conflicts after eating it, and the original method of taking it was also written. Apart from carrying it, it was the least difficult immortal grass he could obtain.

"The white delicate flowers and grasses look like green lotus and white couples, they are spotless, with functions to nourish the muscles and bones, and energize the seven meridians and eight channels. I took a look. Why are there so many herbs that meet the appearance requirements?"

Uranium quickly circled around the eyes of Binghuo and Binghuo. After only a cursory observation, he saw seven or eight kinds of herbs that met the appearance requirements, and he was stunned.

Taking a deep breath, Uranium decisively opened the pupil of the elements, resisting the dazzling flash of energy fluid fluctuations around, and began to distinguish the energy value of these herbs.

The reason why immortal grass is immortal grass is not only its unique special effect, but more importantly, the energy that immortal grass can store is the top priority.

The more energy you store, the more soul power level you can upgrade.

The effect of each immortal herb is to increase the soul power of about ten levels, but a part of it is mainly manifested in the transformation of oneself, and the increase of soul power will naturally weaken it.

The difference between top matching fairy grass and ordinary fairy grass lies in the energy level difference between transformation and soul power enhancement.

After watching a circle, Uran focused his gaze on the center of a cluster of medicinal plants. The white medicinal plants were like stars crisscrossing the moon. The growth was not high, but there was a crystal clear sense of straightforwardness. From his angle, he looked over. There is actually an illusion of seeing oneself.

"I found you. Narcissus jade muscle bone."

Suddenly, as he slowly withdrew and approached, a large flower more than three feet tall came into view.

For no reason, a word appeared in Uran's mind.

Exquisite fairy grass!

The whole plant is pilose, the leaves are alternate and petal-like. The outer circle is a round of golden yellow fine edges. The inside suddenly deepens and becomes purple. The deeper the depth, the color becomes thicker until the center is red. Round buds.

Just seeing this glance, Uran's expression was a little dazed, and he didn't even notice the faint swelling and pain in his hands.

beautiful flowers.

This is Uranium's first feeling.

In the next moment, Uranium woke up suddenly, his expression full of solemnity.

He clearly knew that he had been attracted.

Under the moonlight, large yellow and purple flowers swayed gently, as if dancing with the wind.

"This is immortal grass, and it may be suitable for me."

Uran slowly walked over to this flower that resembled a chrysanthemum, but not like a chrysanthemum, staring at the energy contained in the fairy grass.

In his field of vision, various energies converge continuously, and the red and blue in the air are especially numerous, and all of them are submerged in it, as if it were substantial.

"Let me see what your structure is and what is the direction of improvement."

This immortal grass absorbed so much energy from the eyes of the ice and fire, I am afraid that the energy level fluctuations in it have reached the level of the best immortal grass, and the direction of improvement is the focus of Uranium's concern.

Looking through the autumn water dew is a must for him, can enhance the soul power of his eyes, and his martial arts are radiating eyes, the martial arts of the eyes and the fairy grass that enhance the eyes, may even be the best match, BestMatch!

Look beyond the surface.

Uranium wanted to figure out how to pick this plant suitable for him, and how to take it, so as to pave the way for the next time after Dugu Bo went out.

In the body of this fairy grass, there are four different kinds of energies constantly running, three more than the heavenly material and earth treasure he had just seen.

One red and one blue are the two-color energies at the eyes of the ice and fire. This is also the key to improving the quality of the fairy grass.

One yellow and one purple, almost astonishingly the same as the two colors on its appearance, like...

"Does the energy in the body reflect the color of the exterior? Or does this change happen by chance."

Muttered, Uranium again began to observe carefully, touching the petals with one hand, a sharp sharp edge suddenly cut a tiny trace on Uran's palm.


The marks are not deep, very shallow, as if they just scratched the cuticle, and there is no pain.

But Uranium was surprised not by this pain, but by the existence of an inexplicable worry.

I just touched it and cut off my hand, and I waited to eat the petals.

The young man slowly squatted down and continued to observe the continuous evolution of the energy contained in it. In his vision, the red and blue colors from the outside world were constantly absorbed by the yellow and purple energy, and the external ice and fire dazzled Energy is constantly pouring in like an endless stream, and only then has the four colors in front of him.

But if the supply of the eyes of the ice and fire is lost, I am afraid that this fairy grass has two energy colors. How to absorb it is a difficult problem for Uranium. After all, he does not have Tang San's Xuantian Treasure Record that records eating method.

During the observation, Uranium suddenly discovered an interesting place.

The two energies of yellow and purple are not entangled with each other, but are straightforward and distinct.

Its stem is purple.

Most of the petals are purple.

Only the outermost layer is yellow.

Could it be...

"Does the energy in this kind of fairy grass also erode each other? The purple energy erodes and converts to yellow energy. Perhaps the existence of this kind of energy is the key to my ability to swallow the fairy grass and absorb the medicine."

Looking at the fluctuations in front of him, Uran's eyes lit up.

Thinking about this, Uran immediately stood up, ready to look at the narcissus jade muscle bone, the fairy grass that Zhu Zhuqing had decided upon.

But before he waited to take a few steps forward, suddenly, a sharp pain that felt like a needle pierced all over his body suddenly came!


With a Uranus realized immediately.

I have stayed here for too long.

Without hesitation, he forcibly endured the swelling of the whole body, and the pain of acupuncture is generally invaded by the energy of the eyes of ice and fire. Uranium ran directly towards the outside world.

With this movement, beads of sweat came out, and the fine sweat covered his forehead. This level of pain was precisely because he had spent so long on the edge of the pool that he was full of this heaven and earth aura.

If it is to be resolved, I am afraid it will take some time to absorb the energy with the energy absorption halo.

When he left the center of the eyes of the Ice and Fire and came to the outside of the valley, Uran immediately stood and stopped, looking at his hands in amazement.

Heaven and earth aura.

It was absorbed by the body spontaneously!

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