Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 200: Martial soul fusion between 2 people!

Stretching a big lazy waist, Zhu Zhuqing opened his eyes as if waking up, "So comfortable!"

But the surroundings are quiet, and even the sunlight has gradually disappeared.

Zhu Zhuqing blinked, only to find that Uranium was still sitting not far away, and he hurriedly covered his mouth and stood up.

Looking at the gloomy surroundings, the girl frowned involuntarily, and the time limit Uranus said was almost approaching.

Moreover, uranium is still absorbing grass.

The young girl immediately walked over and looked at him up and down a few times. She found that the terrifying coercion produced by Uranium when he absorbed the fairy grass was constantly restrained, and his whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of sheer luster.

"Isn't it over yet?"

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Uranium before he stopped, then set his gaze on himself.

Just as Zhu Zhuqing was feeling the changes in herself after taking the fairy herb, a low breath suddenly sounded.

There were no buildings blocking the outside of the empty valley. The restrained spirit power suddenly exploded in the last aftermath. The silver-gray light turned into substance and exploded from the body of Uranium, crushing towards the surroundings, with sorrow. The space screaming sound.

Uran's figure soared into the sky, like a meteor across the sky, directly into the air, his body stretched in the energy distortion, like a **** descending.

In the air, the long silver ponytail hair on the head has grown a bit longer, and it has been hanging from the shoulder to the waist. A pair of breathtaking radiating eyes martial spirits appear in the pupils, and the three black fan-shaped icons now have some subtleties. The change.

The bright silver fringe is engraved around the gouyu like a stroke, very subtle, like a silver thread.

As the body moved lightly, the whole body was grey light flowing, and a pair of eyes faintly appeared behind it, as if the Radiant Eye Martial Soul had made a significant improvement.

The uranium at this time is no longer as delicate as it used to be, and there is a long cry to the sky, and the endless pressure suddenly spread out, like a king over the world, swallowing mountains and rivers!

The pressure from the Radiant Eye Martial Soul made the air obviously a lot more dignified.


Standing on the ground, Zhu Zhuqing stared blankly at Uranium rising into the sky, and then the unparalleled spirit displayed at this moment was a little lost.

Although Zhu Zhuqing did not step forward, her concerned gaze always fell on Uran. Seeing that he hadn't fallen for a long time, she couldn't help feeling a little anxious. She wanted to step forward, but she was a little shy.

After all, there seems to be something wrong with the state of uranium.

In the faint, she felt a special attraction, which was completely untouched before, like...

Wuhun complements each other.

But the worries in her heart finally offset her shyness. Seeing that Uran hasn't moved for a long time, she still took a step, and the shadow of the soul bone skill was activated. The girl's figure was suddenly blurred, and then she came under the cover of night. In midair.

But the stay time was very short, the next moment, she began to fall.

When he fell, Zhu Zhuqing wanted to call him, but he was afraid of affecting him. For a while, he was a little confused and finally landed.

Just as Zhu Zhuqing raised his head and was about to take off for the second time, Uran's eyes suddenly opened without warning, and then he landed quickly, startling Zhu Zhuqing with a jump, rushing forward in exclamation and preparing to respond, but his feet A soft, almost fell.

Uranium reacted extremely quickly, suddenly disappeared in the air, and took her into his arms without making a mistake.

The speed was so fast that after he moved, there was a faint whisper.

"You...what's going on, let me go." Zhu Zhuqing's face was blushing, but when Uran woke up, she was obviously relieved.

Uran smiled and said, "I don't."

"You, you are shameless..., let go of me." Zhu Zhuqing lowered his head in Uran's arms, struggling hard.

But she didn't realize that her struggling movements were so soft and weak. Although her spirit power had increased a lot, at this moment, it was more like flirting.

Uran lowered his head, reached Zhu Zhuqing's ear, and whispered: "Only you, I will never let go."

As he said, he put his head on Zhu Zhuqing's beautiful hair, suffocated in it, and took a bite of the fragrance from the girl.

"You..." Zhu Zhuqing raised his head fiercely, looking in the direction of Uran with blurred eyes.

But it happened to meet Uran's changed eyes. Uran's eyes were full of sincere brilliance, staring at her with affection.

Almost at this moment, Zhu Zhuqing only felt his body soft and weak, and his face seemed to have turned into a red apple. Zhu Zhuqing only felt his brain trance. After all, he did not say what he said, and the body in his arms was also It softened a bit.

The two held each other for a long time.

The blush on Zhu Zhuqing's face dissipated a bit, and he sat on the ground with a complicated expression, his eyes glowing slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The same was true for Uranium, but more, he was thinking about how he felt just now.

At the moment he hugged Zhu Zhuqing, he felt the throb of Wuhun.

There is something on Zhu Zhuqing that is attracting him.

This kind of situation was never encountered in the past, but right now, after Zhu Zhuqing had absorbed the moonlight and looked at Chunlan, this kind of change occurred. It was impossible to say that it was not the change brought by the fairy grass.

This feeling is like a natural stretch of the body, as if encountering the warm sunshine, with a warm and harmonious feeling.

If you want to use uranium as an analogy, then he can think of someone handing him a bottle of ice water on a hot day, or when he was sweating, he found that he had a wet towel on his body. This kind of ultimate enjoyment that people close their eyes and keep hugging!

Thinking of this, Uran moved tightly, and leaned the arm around Zhu Zhuqing's waist even more towards him.

He whispered to Zhu Zhuqing's ear, "Did you feel it."

The girl's face turned red and nodded.

Her hands also embrace Uranium's but her right hand restlessly rubbed her long silver hair hanging down to her waist. It was a joy to play.

"Let's leave here first, and then test how much your improvement is, and the special rhythm between us, you should have guessed what it is?"

Uran loosened Zhu Zhuqing's hands, but found that Zhu Zhuqing did not let go, but firmly grasped the corner of his clothes.

"I know, Wuhun Fusion Skill."

The girl suddenly woke up and immediately let go in a panic. Although her heart was very nervous, she still insisted and said calmly.

"Then you should also know what martial soul fusion skills mean? Zhuqing."

Uran glanced at the girl whose face was turning pale, and sighed suddenly.

Star Luo Empire.

The Zhu family and the royal family.

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