Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 202: The pinnacle of evolution! Bloody killing fairy!

In the twilight forest, two swift figures are constantly jumping and running.

In the central and marginal area of ​​the sunset forest, scenes of survival hunting and escape are going on.

The figures of the two radiated spirit power fluctuations that represented the peak of the soul sect, dispelling many soul beasts of a small age, but they seemed to attract certain existences.

In the darkness of the forest, there seemed to be something more and more eager to move. Sometimes, it was the sound of dry branches being crushed.

Sometimes, it is a mysterious cry that suddenly rises up high.

Zhu Zhuqing gradually became nervous, and she felt as if something was slowly and quietly approaching them, like a ghost.

"Don't worry, if you turn on the spirit bone skills, they will soon die." Uran shouted loudly at this moment, explaining Zhu Zhuqing.

"Good." Zhu Zhuqing responded immediately.

The figure of the girl who went with her was blurred for a moment. In the dark forest, the screams of the soul beast attacked faintly came out, and the surrounding trees screamed even more, like an evil ghost descending.

After a while, the girl suddenly appeared again, except for some faint smell of blood, there was no blood stain on her body, black hair and black eyes, set against the white skin, like an elf in the night, with extraordinary charm and temptation .

Looking at the girl in front of him, Uranium couldn't help being a little lost.

But the next moment, he immediately recovered his senses and coughed lightly, indicating to move on.

Suddenly, Uran stopped walking, with a look of surprise, and hurriedly turned his head to look into the dark forest beside him.

There is no danger around.


Within the perception range of the radiation field.

The three specific ten thousand year soul beasts that he had infected before.


"What's the situation.... The combat effectiveness of the radiated soul beasts has surpassed that of the ordinary soul beasts, and the place where they are located is not considered the central area of ​​the sunset forest. Why did the three of them suddenly walk together and die? What happened?"

Uran looked at the forest in the distance, startled and angry, and the voice in his mouth became a little unnatural.

Immediately afterwards, a deep anxiety spread in Uran's heart.

"Go! Go straight to the camp."

Without hesitation, Uran rushed forward first, taking the lead and leading the escape.

Zhu Zhuqing's speed can't fully keep up with Uran's footsteps, but she has the soul bone skill·Shadow Jump.

Two hours later.

Tiandou City Lanba Senior Soul Master Academy.

The woods were dark and quiet, Tang San didn't rush to go back, but walked quietly in the woods.

The surrounding air suddenly became a little cold, and Tang San shivered cleverly, frowning strangely.

With his soul power breaking through the 30th level, his Profound Heaven Skill has also been cultivated to the fourth level, and it has reached the point where it is not invaded by the cold and heat. Besides, it is summer again, how can he feel cold?

And at this moment, Tang San suddenly stopped in amazement, just three meters away in front of him, I don't know when, there was already an extra person, a green person.

Green hair, green eyes, green nails, cold and evil eyes like a poisonous snake, this suddenly appeared in front of Tang San, and he saw it during the day, the titled Douluo Dugubo with the title of poison.

At the same time, he is also the owner of the fleece that U and Zhu Zhuqing have smashed, and the eyes of ice and fire.

The next moment, Tang San instantly disappeared, and slowly fell to his knees.

Caught by Dugu Bo, he flew directly towards his hermitage, the sunset over the forest, ice and fire.

However, Dugu Bo didn't know what was waiting for him.

After an hour--

"Who did it..."

Seeing everything in the eyes of Bing Huo Liang Yi, the old man with green hair and green eyes only felt a buzzing in his brain, and his eyes turned black.

After so many years, the relationship between him and Binghuo Liangyi has long been more than just the relationship between the medicinal garden and the owner. He personally watched these top-quality medicinal materials grow step by step under his careful care...

Dugubo has only one granddaughter under his knees, but he has been living in seclusion here, and only a few times a year can see the geese. He has always regarded all the herbs in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi as his own children. Look, countless efforts have been devoted to it.

At this moment, seeing the sight of the eyes of the two instruments of ice and fire, like a robber passing by, the herb and fairy grass disappeared, and his heart was no longer just suffering.

But the heart is dripping blood.

At this moment, the vitality of his body seemed to have been completely emptied, the temperature around his body seemed to disappear completely, his whole person looked cold like a piece of ice, and the expression in his eyes when he looked at Tang San completely turned into the chill of ice.

If it weren't for Tang San, he wouldn't go out, let alone find out that the house was ransacked when he went home.

"Who the **** is... I want to smash him into pieces!!!"

Dugu Bo walked into the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi in despair, not even noticing Tang San's surprise on the side, or the cornucopia and the three treasures murmured in his mouth.

Dugu Bo just walked slowly to the outside of the two springs, knelt down and looked at the fairy grass that disappeared without a trace, and the messy ground that looked like a dog gnawing. For no reason, Dugu Bo felt a sudden pain in his chest.

After decades of training, only these things are left...

It's just that Tang San didn't know. He should be fortunate that he met Dugu Bo first, and then came to this ice and fire two eyes, otherwise, in the state of Dugu Bo in front of him, he was afraid that he would be killed when he saw him.

Tang San looked at the look of Dugu Bo in front of him, and couldn't help but shrink his neck, a little frightened.

If he provoked Dugu Bo, he would definitely kill, and Tang San came to the conclusion before him without thinking.

a long time.

Dugu Bo stood up, with a slightly bowed figure, as if he had been hit by everything in front of him. He scanned the remaining herbs and moved his eyes to Tang San's body.

Pointing around the eyes of Binghuo and Dugu Bo said: "Remember, the morning after tomorrow, if you can't pass my test, then it is your death date."

Without saying more, Dugu Bo didn't even have the thought to speak at this moment, and he jumped up directly, with his toes on the mountain wall, rising like a big bird towards the top of the mountain pass.

With the figure far away, his voice passed clearly again, "If you dare to destroy my medicine garden, I will make you better than death!"

Seeing Dugu Bo's figure gradually disappearing into the mist, an arc gradually evoked at the corner of Tang San's mouth.

"Although I don't know who the person who came here to steal the herbs is, I still want to thank you. Dugu Bo must have gone to catch the thief. If he can steal the Title Douluo through the poison formation, he is not a weak person. Being caught soon, at least it can drag Dugubo for several days."

Dugu Bo left, Tang San no longer had to suppress the excitement in his heart, walked quickly to the side of the red hot spring water in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, rubbed his hands, and Tang San secretly said, "There is still plenty of time... ...."

On the other side, Dugu Bo had just stepped out of the secluded valley, closed his eyes and felt the spirit power fluctuations in the surrounding air, and instantly felt something wrong.

A faint **** smell, with a sweet but not fishy breath, diffused around.

"Is it a soul beast again?" Looking at everything in front of him, a group of severe cold light suddenly burst into Dugu Bo's eyes!

He is worried that he has no place to vent his anger!

I'll talk about the thief later...

Suddenly as an old figure appeared from the dark forest, Dugu Bo was stunned.

As a titled Douluo, the existence standing at the top of the Douluo Continent, even if it is a titled Douluo of the same level, must be cautious. If one is not good, if it is poisoned by him, then there must be death.

At this moment, he was actually in front of the old thing in front of him.

I felt the oppressive feeling of gas and pressure like a mountain topping!

Definitely the pressure of Title Douluo level!

But that old man is not the source.

Dugubo was keenly aware of this, and his eyes gradually moved down and placed on the wooden box around the old man's waist.

A flash of red light slowly lit up...

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