Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 208: Submerged Porcupine! (Four k)

This is a dense forest.

The hot sunlight penetrated the gaps between the layers of the forest and shone down.

The sunset forest at this time is no longer the lush and refreshing look before, but is full of


A figure constantly shuttles through the forest, looking for his goal.

There are still a lot of soul beasts in the forest, but they are all at the level of a thousand years and a hundred years, and there are very few in ten thousand years.

Sunset Forest is famous for its large number of advanced soul beasts. Although it is not as good as the real soul beast paradise like Star Dou Great Forest, it is also one of the best in Douluo Continent.

With the huge perception brought by the radiation field, Uranium can quickly feel the location of the spirit beasts around it.

Suddenly, at this moment, Uranium stopped.

"What's the matter?" Uranium slowly looked in one direction and felt a strong breath.

But this breath is constantly declining.

"The infection in the radiation field does not break dn so fast, but who is this energy fluctuation that is almost the same frequency as my radiation field?"

Uran murmured, "At least it is the Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast, and it doesn't look weak, but it is being hunted."

"Does that terrifying soul beast feed on the other party? I want to go over and take a look."

After pointing in a direction and gesturing a distance, he turned around and was ready to set off without hesitation.

He was about to leave, and suddenly, the earth trembled violently!

A huge soul beast, like a hedgehog, emerged directly from the ground. It was covered with thorns and barbs. Especially on the back, horns that were crystal clear and transparent, like ice thorns, stood tall and wanted to pierce. Sky!

It is huge in size, at least the size of a four-story villa, and at least ten meters in height. There are two fangs in the mouth of the blood basin, and the black and blue hard armor is vertical and horizontal. It looks very ugly. It looks like a wild boar.

The soul beast came out of the soil, and almost instantly, a Qi machine was released from Uranium, locking the big wild boar.

"Isn't the submerged porcupine extinct?"

Uran's face changed slightly, "This body is so big, at least seventy to eighty thousand years old, it should be the overlord of the sunset forest, how could it appear here? Could it be that it is the guy who ate all the high-level soul beasts in the sunset forest? Huh?"

"No, it's not me!"

This submersible porcupine shook his head as soon as it emerged, as if it was extremely unsuitable to the surrounding environment.

Of course, the radiation field is definitely a devastating blow to living things.

But what Uranium is worried about is whether the radiation field will have an effect on this submersible porcupine.

The submerged porcupine is an ancient soul beast. Among the soul beasts, it also belongs to the extremely cruel and violent existence. They feed on any creatures, except for the same kind, almost all comers will not refuse.

Not only that, this brutal soul beast has the ability to absorb soul power and energy, which is the special effect produced by the dense crystal spikes behind it.

Attack and defense are extremely abnormal, as long as those energy attacks fall on the opponent’s crystal spikes, they will be absorbed and charged by these blank carriers, and become corresponding energy spikes, so that the submerged porcupine has a launching energy tip The ability to stab.

On its body are pieces of hard black and blue armor pieces, layered on top of each other, perfectly wrapping the body other than the spikes, and even the fragile face is protected by a thick layer of armor pieces.

The most important thing is that its energy spikes can threaten the spirit and soul. That is to say, once it is attacked, even if it does not die, it will become an idiot, fierce and evil.

Extremely difficult to deal with.

Uran frowned and glanced at the submersible porcupine, shook his head slightly, and a very decisive person first left in the direction he had sensed.

He wanted to see that direction alone, what exactly would that breath be?

And after the surviving porcupine came out, it ignored the human beings in front of him, but turned his head and ran away in a certain direction!

The momentum is huge, like the earth shakes the mountain!

After Uran found that the Submerged Porcupine was not following him, Uran could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He naturally understood the danger in dealing with this soul beast.

If he wanted to kill this soul beast, he could do it naturally, he could beat it, but it was unnecessary.

If the nuclear explosion kick is used continuously within a day, he will not be able to hold it for long. What's more, his most important goal is that the guy whose frequency is very close to his radiation field can actually achieve the same ability as his radiation field. how can that be?

The silver-haired youth quickly shuttled through the forest, his eyes slightly cold.

"No, the spirit beast aura around them has diminished. Could it be because of that aura?"

Feeling that the breath of the Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast began to decrease, the faint sense of anxiety in his heart became stronger.

"What kind of soul beast is it?" His thoughts were flying, "Furthermore, even the surrounding soul beasts lost their breath because of this. Will the submersible porcupine, a brutal soul beast of this level, be attracted? But I didn't see the corpse of the soul beast along the way, nor did the submerged porcupine come towards this place."

Before long, he felt that he was getting closer and closer to the breath of special frequency.

at this time.

A spirit beast rushed out of the front and rushed towards him.

Uranium was taken aback.

He recognized this soul beast, it was a shadowy tiger.

"From the perspective of momentum and size, it should be around five thousand years." Uranus was secretly alarmed, "How can I run to my side?"

This Shadow Youhu is an extremely insidious soul beast. Its body is dark and has no luster. It is like a ghost in the dark night. It can emit a shadow wave to directly reduce the spirit power of the soul master soul beast under attack. His fur is also protected by spirit power, and many spirit abilities can hardly cause substantial damage to it.

But suddenly, the shadow Youhu who was attacking the uranium stopped!

Suddenly stayed in the air!

The next moment, under Uran's horrified gaze, its body suddenly shrivelled!

Before Uran could take any action, this Shadow Youhu lost all its vitality and fell to the ground in a daze.

It seems that time has passed extremely long.

Within two seconds of Shadow Youhu's fall, Uran watched its body from fullness to shriveled, from shriveled to pale dust.

With the breeze blowing, a cloud of tiger-shaped dust drifted away with the wind.

As if this world, this Shadow Youhu had never existed before.

There is no blood and no traces, just pure, become dust, and drift away in the wind.

Seeing such a scene, his pupils suddenly shrank!

"No wonder that so many soul beasts died in Sunset Forest, but I couldn't even see a corpse!"

A flash of lightning flashed across Uran's brain!

"This sunset forest is their grave!"

Uranium looked at the figure that turned into flying ash right in front of him, and while horrified in his heart, he couldn't help but turn his mind quickly.

The Shadow Youhu Eight Achievement just now was driven away by that strange soul beast.

And the reason for his sudden death was definitely because of that soul beast.

"What the **** is this, should I go there?"

Uranium watched extremely vigilantly at the location of the energy fluctuations that were still some distance away from him. He was very nervous. What he had just seen had already given him a very bad premonition for the next battle.

Even the thousand-year spirit beast turned into ashes at such a distance, and if he fought at close quarters, wouldn't he die on the spot?

This is different from what we said before.

"The Radiant Eye Martial Spirit is the strongest martial spirit. Even if you look at the Douluo Continent, a martial spirit born with its own domain, there has never been a martial soul except me. If I pass now and die, then everything I did before , Both the family and Zhu Zhuqing will be in vain."

That kind of extreme fear of dying, even the kind of fear that one might die once approached, made Uran's heart terrified and at the same time more nervous!

If you pass, the probability of death is as high as 90%!

Uranium stepped back a few steps, his eyes fixed on the direction of the energy fluctuation, the more sensitive, the more complicated his heart became.

The breath of that ten thousand year soul beast disappeared.

Then, Uran's face changed drastically!

The energy fluctuations that were almost the same as the frequency of their own radiation energy disappeared!

"Go! I can't deal with it!"

Without hesitation, Uranium turned around and left, galloping toward a place that was not covered by the radiation field. Even on the way, he completely closed the radiation field to ensure that no energy fluctuations would occur.

He has a hunch that he opens the radiation field and emits energy fluctuations so that he can sense the other party.

Then, can that soul beast also sense itself?

Just walking was not enough, Uran felt that his speed was not fast enough, and immediately began to run at full speed, but he did not turn on the martial arts, nor did he use the second soul ability limit nuclear energy reaction to increase his speed.

He was worried, would he let the other party notice him when he turned on the spirit?

There was a silhouette of a person rushing through the forest. The speed was so fast that the afterimages of the aisles were continuously drawn in the sky, dazzling.

At this moment, the outside of the forest was close to the depths, where the radiation field was not covered, and a group of five people laid the still warm body of the teenager flat and began the final preparations.

"Boss, can this method really attract a horror porcupine? There are still such soul beasts in the sunset forest?" Luohu casually used the blood of the teenager to set up a special ceremony, but it was obviously very strange, it was obvious This is the first time.

The leading woman was holding a vial in her hand and constantly sprinkling it on the juvenile's corpse. Although there was no change, the other four people felt faintly that the surrounding air seemed to be filled with a special atmosphere.

"Yes, the spirit of our family family is the Shulker Pig. The Hauling Porcupine is the top legend of our family's martial arts. The patriarch who founded the family is the Hauling Porcupine Wuhun. The information he left behind is very recorded. It is clear that this kind of drug that can temporarily imprison the soul is needed to keep the dead person for three days, and the fresh soul will attract the surviving porcupine, and the stronger the soul, the stronger it will be attracted."

The woman looked proud and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with revealing the secrets of the family. These partners fought her on the soul field, poached the soul beast, attacked and killed the soul master, and did everything. They were both fox friends and applauding partners.

That's right, four.

"And this little genius, the twelve-year-old twenty-seventh-level great spirit master, is the most talented I have seen. It's a pity not to kill the monster. But with his spirit power level, he can attract at most ten thousand to two years. The soul beast of ten thousand years is just right for me."

When the woman thought about half a month ago that the young man would tear her clothes like a hungry tiger, she couldn't help but feel a little hot under her body. She stretched out her slender fingers and pressed her red lips, her eyes blurred.

There are always places in the city where people who don’t know each other can get to know each other. It’s just a pity that the teenager thought she was a red rose.

But unexpectedly, she was a pretended piranha.

Soon, the ceremony was set up, and the other four people suddenly became vigilant. The smell of blood was covered up. Ordinary soul beasts could not capture the **** breath, and his body was covered up, leaving only the fresh ones. The soul was imprisoned in the corpse, unable to leave.

The reason why the submerged porcupine will feed on any soul beast is precisely because its staple food is soul, not ordinary flesh and blood.

Also because of such a cruel recipe habit, all soul beasts encounter it in groups and attack it. Over time, the submersible porcupine develops the habit of underground dormancy and stable life. It basically appears once in decades, and then The surrounding area is raging and killing, eating and drinking enough, find a place to sleep.

In this way, it has changed its ecological habits, and it is already very difficult for it to be gathered by the soul beasts to kill it, unless it is the spring breeding period and the time to show up is relatively long.

It is spring now.

Soon, just as a group of five people were waiting, suddenly there was a rustle in the distance.

"Are you here?" The woman immediately stood up, her expression extremely excited, her eyes filled with unbearable surprises.

A galloping figure rushed out of the forest, tumbling a few times in the air, and finally, with perfect coordination, landed steadily.

The shiny silver hair was exposed.

Is human.

The body of the woman who had just stood up suddenly tightened, her eyes full of solemnity, she looked at the figure that suddenly ran out, her hands were tight, but considering that the squirrel porcupine might be coming soon, she gave up fighting with the opponent Thoughts.

This place is close to the depths of the forest, and appears alone in the forest, or is strong.

Or, bodyguards follow.

No matter what it is, it means that the other party must have the fighting power of the soul saint level, otherwise they can't survive in the place where such ten thousand year soul beasts are rampant, and it is not something they can deal with.

So once a battle occurs, it is very likely that the fighting power of the five of your own will not be complete, and this time the capture trip will be completely ruined!

Looking at the young man, Lao Shi seemed to have noticed his group as well. His original fierce face suddenly changed into a simple look, as if harmless.

Lao Shi thought to himself, at such a distance, I am afraid I can't see him like this.

But everything, including the expression and temperament of the old stone like a movie emperor, the blood stains in the woman's hand, and the corpse under the mat, were all seen by Uranium.

At a glance!

It's time to push the book again.

Tweet a book, Douluo colleagues, the collection is quite impressive. Among the colleagues at the starting point, there are many collections, indicating that the quality is good. If you are interested, you can take a look, but don’t forget to come back and hand me the tickets. Hehe.

Douluo's Scarlet Eye Douluo

The following is a brief introduction:

Tang Zuo is honored to be a member of the crossing army.

Since Blue Star crossed the world of Douluo's appearance, written round eyes, ten punches and swords.

Crossing Cheng Tang San's non-brother, Tang Hao's half son.

Start from Holy Soul Village.

The third Wuhun that determined his identity.

What does the wonderful system have to do with the God of Creation?

Establish Akatsuki organization.

What about Wuhun Hall.

Stay tuned

Douluo's Scarlet Eye Douluo! ! !

ps This single heroine Ning Rongrong, book friends group 799204164


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