Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 216: The fifth spirit ring! Shocked Xueqinghe! (Four k)

The illusion disappeared.

All the bright forests have disappeared.

At this moment, what appeared before Uran's eyes was a dazzling golden red world.

The smoke and dust on the periphery cannot dissipate on its own, like a whirlpool, moving slowly.

In front of Uranium's eyes, there was only the scene shrouded in smoke and dust, like the destruction of the world.

Nuclear explosion center.........

"No matter how many times I watch this scene, I will feel amazing. Is this really something human can do?" Looking at everything in front of him, Uran slowly closed his eyes, feeling the energy absorption halo fully opened. , The radiation field is fully opened, and the crisp feeling of absorbing all the surrounding energy.

"At the moment there are only two kinds of energies of α and γ. If all three energies are added, I am afraid it can achieve the true nuclear explosive power and a high temperature of 100 million degrees! It is a pity that I can't do it, but when I get there, I am afraid Douluo Continent, there are no opponents..."

"In front of my eyes, there is no opponent..." After absorbing the surrounding radiation energy and the extremely magnificent mushroom cloud of radiation, Uranium slowly opened his eyes, and a glimmer of light suddenly burst into his eyes!

"I am now... in full condition!"

The radiation energy has been absorbed, and the huge soul power contained in this is transformed in the uranium radiation field and energy absorption halo. Although it has not become inherent, it is only temporary soul power, but it does not prevent him from possessing the previous Heyday fighting capacity.

"Alright? Uchiha Uranus?" Suddenly, a calm female voice rang in front of Uranium.

Uranium suddenly looked up and saw a large crystalline flower that was identical to the surrounding golden-red glazed ground.

The sound came from inside.

"What kind of talent is this? It's incredible to be able to survive in the center of a nuclear explosion." Uranium can see clearly. His eyesight is very good. He can clearly see that the outer surface of the crystal is constantly being vaporized, and the inner layer is again There are new crystals formed, just like the endless flower of immortality.

But what is foreseeable is that although this crystalline state can survive the nuclear explosion center, it consumes soul power.

"This crystallization?" Xiaoxue's voice gradually became a little ethereal, as if the body did not exist in the real world, with an indescribable sense of illusion.

"This talent was obtained from a very rare soul beast. It has no name, but I named it: Survival of the Fittest." As he said, the crystalline flower in front of Uranium suddenly bloomed. There was a dazzling luster.

The light blue halo continues to flow, light red, silver, and green. The light red, silver, and green spectrum reflect bright colors, which constantly flash in front of Uran's eyes. For a while, Uranium dreams of returning to the earth, the feasting neon lights of modern cities in.

"The effect of the survival of the fittest is probably to survive in an extreme environment. A very shallow shield is placed on the periphery of oneself, and the surrounding energy is absorbed to change one's attributes to achieve complete consistency with the surroundings. The more extreme the environment , The longer it will take to change your attributes." Xiaoxue spoke out the information of this talent little by little.

It seemed that it was accompanied by her words, visible to the naked eye, a large crystalline flower, and its generation speed was obviously slower than what Uranium had just seen.

No, it's not slower, but the high temperature around it has been adapted...

"Okay, come out, we have to leave here as soon as possible, and then go to catch the submersible porcupine, otherwise someone will come here." Uran waved, indicating that the blood can come out.

Thanks to his kindness, he will absorb the radiant energy every time he finishes using it. Otherwise, according to the spirit masters in Douluo Continent with such a deadly temperament, he would go wherever things go and get into his nuclear explosion area. Died suddenly.

Hearing the affirmation from Uranium, the next moment, that crystalline flower instantly changed from its dazzling luster to dim.

As if lost all energy.

The crisp sound kept coming, like a mirror shattering, pieces of broken crystals fell to the ground, revealing the fiery red fairy grass.

Bloody killing fairy products.

As soon as he got out of the crystalline form, Xiaoxue visibly bent the blade with his naked eyes, hugged himself, and cried out constantly.

"Hot and hot..."

"Hey, you little girl." Uran smiled faintly, walked in front of her, bent over, and pinched her stem.

At this moment, as if time and space reincarnation, he once again came to the way he saw her for the first time.

For the first time, Uranium could feel her rough dark brown branches with a sticky and moist feeling, like touching a slug, or soaking her hands in a pool of blood.

But at this moment, there is only a refreshing ice blue color.

"Reborn, Xiao Xue."

With a strong right hand, he brought the underground crystal ball, the ultimate fairy grass that had absorbed all the talents of the soul beast, was uprooted by him.

"How is it? Does it need to be the same as before?" Uran couldn't help but jokingly looked at the bright little blood.

Before what he said, it was placed in a wooden box and hung on his back.

"Yes, why not?" Xiao Xue suddenly became interested, and said with a smile.

Uranium laughed, and when he changed his hands, he took out a wooden box. At the center of the nuclear explosion where there was still residual temperature, there were some traces of scorching. Then Uran inserted her into the box, sprinkled some water, and took out the top of the box. A hole comes out.

After tidying up, Uranium intends to leave.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time........

Uran closed his eyes and began to feel the submersible porcupine.

The next moment, he opened his eyes, as if a cold light came out of his orifice, with a sharp edge that made the heart trembling.

"Here!" Before he could say anything, he galloped away in a certain direction!

The figure in the jump has an elusive sense of illusion, but it is not the illusion of Zhu Zhuqing, but a deception similar to the visual effect. Compared with ordinary people, this sense of speed has already surpassed the normal soul sage, level fifty. The uranium is comparable to a high-level Contra in terms of speed at this moment!

You Hong Tianrenju, itself is the best fairy grass in terms of increasing speed!

It’s just a pity that its grade still doesn’t allow his martial arts soul to have the ability to replenish, but Uranium is already content, because he is a mutant martial arts soul, and he can change his fan-shaped icon. For the surprise.

As Uranium went away, the sunset forest ushered in a series of extremely fast flashing figures.


Just as Uranium was gradually approaching the Submerged Porcupine.

Sunset over the forest, outside.

"His Royal Highness, many soul beasts around here seem to have begun to riot."

It was an old man who was speaking. If Uranium was here, he would definitely recognize him. This person would be one of the three education committees he met at the Tiandou Royal Academy, Mengshenji!

"His Royal Highness, why do you come to this sunset forest? It is enough for the three of us to investigate the situation, and the existence that caused this soul power shock is not sure whether it is a soul beast or a soul master, or whether it is an enemy or a friend, in case Taking a shot at His Royal Highness, judging by the opponent's spirit power, I'm afraid I can't help it."

Zhilin said worriedly.

The other Bai Baoshan looked at the surroundings vigilantly, and often looked at the man in front of him who was wearing men's clothing and had blond hair.

"How can I say it is also the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire. If it is a soul master, looking at the face of the father, I will definitely not embarrass me. And if it is a soul beast, there is still a poisonous Douluo crown in the sunset forest, so big right now He won’t be aware of the situation, I’m afraid it’s already on the way."

The man who is called His Royal Highness is quite self-confident.

Indeed, if according to his remarks, there is no problem in fact, on the contrary, he is very rigorous, but his fault lies in it. He did not count that Dugu Bo has been scared to see this situation.

"His Royal Highness is reasonable. Within the Tiandou Empire, only three of us and others are considered high-level spirit masters. If even we can't protect Your Highness, no one would dare to come here to investigate the situation."

Mengshenji coughed a few times, "Old Lin, what information did the surrounding plants feed back?"

Zhilin's martial soul is a high-level plant-type soul beast, the sky vine.

After reaching a certain spirit power level, the plant martial arts soul can perceive what happened in the surroundings from the surrounding plants.

And the higher the martial spirit level of the plant martial spirit, the more information it can receive. For example, the Blue Silver Emperor can perceive all the information, and the most peak is the Blue Silver Domain.

"Just where the mushroom cloud disappeared, there was an astonishing battle. The auras of both sides, one strong, one weak, but the weak, were the core of this shocking explosion. My martial soul The ranks are limited. The specific battle between soul beasts, soul master and soul beast, soul master and soul beast, and the surrounding plants cannot give me any feedback."

Zhilin's eyes narrowed slightly and his face was rather ugly.

"Unfortunately, if it's the scene, maybe I can parse out more information, but the surrounding plants are telling me danger. The scene is extremely dangerous. Maybe when we get closer, we need to be very careful."

Zhilin continued to add that the superiority of the plant martial arts spirit in the forest area was instantly revealed.

If it is an ordinary beast spirit, even a top beast spirit, it is impossible to have this advantage.

The three are the Education Committee of Tiandou Academy, and at the same time, they are also members of Xue Qinghe, the prince of the Tiandou Empire.

This man who is called His Royal Highness is naturally Xueqinghe.

The four of them flashed rapidly in the sunset forest, relying on the huge perception of the three Contras, they could instantly perceive the spirit beasts around them.

The low-level spirit beasts were running away, constantly rushing out from the depths of the forest, rushing towards the periphery in horror, as if taking a step back, they would be torn apart by the terrifying existence in the depths of the forest.

But fortunately, they are all low-level spirit beasts, which have almost no existence in ten thousand years, and those over five thousand years are relatively rare. They are all about one hundred to two thousand years, and they basically have no ability to disperse four people.

Suddenly, at this moment, Zhilin stopped.

"What's the matter, Lao Lin?" Menengshenji and Xue Qinghe also stopped.

Zhilin slowly looked in one direction.

That was the starting point for the soul beast to escape.

It is also the starting point of the horrible spirit power fluctuations.

As they came all the way, all the sights were so shocking.

The surrounding ancient trees, streams, boulders, and jungles all dumped and burst, and the dust and fallen leaves on the ground were plowed into deep nicks. These are the tragic conditions caused by the shock wave.

The closer you get to the target location, the more cruel the surrounding forest looks.

There is no such thing as a forest at all, only a hideous, messy place.

It's like a tornado destroying a parking lot, making people unbearable to look straight.

"It's getting closer, three, but be careful."

Xue Qinghe murmured, "There are no high-level spirit beasts around, maybe they have all been driven away, it is such a existence, there is such a fighting power!"

In his mind, the ninety-ninth-level Angel Douluo flashed past, he was thinking, can Grandpa Qian Daoliu have such destructive power?

In the next moment, Xue Qinghe shook his head secretly, impossible. Grandpa Qian Daoliu is not the kind of soul master who specializes in destructive power, it is impossible to achieve this level.

The Mengshenji three did not say much, and nodded.

The four were about to leave, and suddenly, the earth trembled violently!

The violent footsteps keep approaching!

"No, there is a soul beast approaching!"

Mengshenji's face changed drastically, and he immediately summoned Wuhun, Zhilin, and Bai Baoshan. The same was true for Wuhun. The spirit power emerged, and the strong spirit power fluctuations immediately affected everything around him.

The leaves rattle like a violent wind, and the fallen leaf dust that has subsided soon dances again, as if to celebrate.

The next moment, a giant pig shadow rushed out of the woods!

The pig is advancing by leaps and bounds!

Like a storm knocking down a tree! The huge pig shadow instantly smashed everything in front of him!

But before the four of them could react, a figure that flickered extremely fast rushed out immediately!

The speed is so fast that the three Contras can't see exactly what the figure is like!

It flashed away in front of everyone, and soon the two shadows disappeared completely in the forest.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, all four of them could clearly see that there was a pale red light lingering around this person!

Shine like a meteor gliding across the sky!

In just a few seconds, the backs of several people were soaked with sweat.

Zhilin's face turned pale, "Who the **** is this! The blood-red shadow actually gave me a sense of power that I didn't dare to look up! Could it be that he caused the explosion of the battle just now!"

Xue Qinghe also turned pale. Although the pig shadow spirit beast was inferior to the red figure just now, the momentum it radiated was still above the three Contras!

It is clearly a top-level soul beast with a life span of 70 or 80 thousand years!

The figure chasing it, one can imagine how powerful it is!

Looking at a road that was arched out, and the red shadow at the end of the road, faintly, Xue Qinghe seemed to be able to hear a somewhat vague! "

After a while, these two terrifying auras disappeared into the perception of the four.

After a moment of silence, Xue Qinghe slowly calmed down the shock in his heart at this moment.

What Xue Qinghe really horrified was not the existence of this suspected Title Douluo.

But the slight, faintly familiar feeling!

Although vague and meager, she did feel it!

I definitely felt this breath before!

But after staying in place for a while, Xue Qinghe was still unable to compare this breath with anyone he had ever seen.

No matter it was Titled Douluo, the talented Uranium that he had seen, or other people, they didn't have this extremely special aura in front of them.

But Xue Qinghe can be sure of this inexplicable sense of familiarity, and he must have felt it somewhere!

"His Royal Highness, are you still going forward?"

Suddenly, a sharp but kind old man's voice broke Xue Qinghe's thoughts.

After recovering, Xue Qinghe calmly said, "Keep walking."

After all, the four of them continued to move forward and truly entered the nuclear explosion zone.

Very special spirit power fluctuations swept around.

After a while, without any hindrance, the place where Uranium had been was caught in the eyes of the four.

At this moment, Xue Qinghe and the three teachers of Tiandou Royal Academy were all stunned at the same time.

In front of them, there are extremely magnificent golden red, blue-purple, pink-white, a scene like a fairyland on earth, like a shimmering and shiny mirror world!

But faintly, the four of them could feel the power that had been contained in it, which was extremely astonishing, enough to destroy them!

The more you feel, the more horrified you are!

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