Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 227: Dominate the sky! Fire coverage returns to the blue sky! Nuclear missile punch! …

Chapter 233 Dominate the Sky! Fire coverage returns to the blue sky! Nuclear missile punch! (5k)

Uranium walks in the forest.

Those who live in the sunset forest are definitely some soul beasts with relatively weak strength, and the more you go inside, the stronger the strength of the soul beast will naturally become.

The surrender porcupine was different, it chose to wander around at will.

But for uranium, even if it goes deep into the sunset forest, there is no threat.

Sunset in the forest has long been covered by the little serum.

Soon, Uranium felt it, and he gradually stepped into the range where the Submerged Porcupine was.

An indescribable coercion covered the surroundings.

This is a sign of a powerful soul beast, and it is also the so-called prototype of the domain.

But it has not reached one hundred thousand years, and...

There will be no chance in the future.

Uranium sensed the radiant energy around him and could not help but nodded secretly.

Xiaoxue was right, there was not a little bit of radiant energy from his body around him.

Going deep into the soul beast colony, Uranium certainly didn't want to consume too much soul power. After a slight recovery from the top of a certain hill, he cast his gaze into the distance.

During the previous march, he finally encountered some troubles, and two golden tigers with a cultivation base of more than three thousand years blocked his way forward.

One male and one male, Uran carefully observed each other's **** and concluded that the other was a husband and wife.

Although it was a little troublesome, they died in Uranium's hands without using nuclear explosive kicks. Their bodies, which were as strong as King Kong, were finally kicked.

What Uranium wanted was the whole body, not the fragments that had been kicked and turned into powder.

It's been a long time since he made high-level soul beast meat dishes. Recently, he read a few cookbooks from the chef of Tiandou City, and planned to try something for Zhu Zhuqing.

After returning to his original intentions, in the past there were soul beasts to provoke him, he would either scare the opponent away, or let the opponent leave by himself, and kill him without existence.

But now, to blame, blame these two golden tigers for being the first group of spirit beasts he encountered, anyway, he wouldn't attack the spirit beasts.

"Huh?" Suddenly, his keen perception made him shiver cleverly. Although he found nothing in his mental detection, he still felt like his hair standing upright.

what happened? Surprised, Uranium ended his rest state for the first time. He believed in his own perception, gave a sudden warning sign, and could make him have such a violent reaction, the danger of this sudden attack might be...

Radiation field, open.

Taking a deep breath, Uranium gradually calmed down.

It's the pig who can give him so much pressure.

The radiation field spreads towards the surroundings in all directions.

Almost in an instant, he caught a giant spirit power fluctuation, right under his feet!

"How is it possible? Isn't it still far away?" When he was shocked, he didn't worry at all, letting this soul beast perform.

Because he was shocked, but it was this method, not the opponent's combat power.

He is invincible.

With his hands hanging down on both sides of his body, Uran's eyes began to emit a faint silver light, but the soft silver had a strong killing aura.

The Radiant Eye Wuhun opened.

"Do you want to dance too..." In an instant, his spirit, energy, and spirit had all reached their peak state.

In the next moment, Uran's eyes were suddenly covered by dust rising into the sky!

A giant figure suddenly emerged from the ground and rushed straight into the sky!

expensive! ! ~

Horrible spirit power fluctuations mixed with terrifying roars resounded across the sky!

Submerged Porcupine, soaring into the sky!

Uran's left toe touched the ground, and the whole body stagnated for a moment, and the steel short knife had been handed over from the right hand to the left hand. The next moment, with his body turning halfway, he suddenly retreated backward.

Turning around at the same time, the clanging sound of various stainless steel weapons continued, and they hurled at the giant figure that jumped up in the air at will.


The behemoth landed!

The big tree collapsed, the boulder shakes up!

The strong shock wave dissipated in an instant, but before and after rushing to Uran's body, it was like a breeze blowing on his face.

Broken rocks flew across the sound of the roar, and the fallen leaves of the trees in that direction were suddenly blown out, clearing a blank space.

Uran repeatedly grasped with his left hand, and the stainless steel long knives that had been taken out appeared in his hands one by one, and then flew out continuously.

The roar of the submerged porcupine landing on the ground spread far away, as if the entire sunset forest was shaken, and the violent echoes kept turning around in the forest.

In just such a short time, everything around was leveled.


In the smoke and dust, a giant figure like a mountain slowly appeared.

The dark-brown epidermis has cracked cracks, revealing the dark red muscle tissue and gray-white fat layer.

The original sharp spikes on the back were also dim and dust-free, as if covered with a light gray gauze, no longer the same scene as before.

The eyes of the black hole do not have a hint of luster, but they reveal a frightening madness.

It is tortured by radiant energy.

The flesh and blood are cracked and the soul power is not as good as the day. Today it is close to the edge of madness......

"70,000 years, I should be enough." Looking at the soul beast exuding horrible spirit power fluctuations in front of him, Uran whispered, showing a cold killing intent.

At this moment, the Submerged Porcupine looked at Uranium's direction, and the killing intent in his eyes was much more than Uranium!

This is of course, because all this is caused by this human!

Submerged porcupine, ten thousand year soul beast, very good, I found you. At this time, Uranium not only had no fear in his heart, but inexplicable excitement.

The word fear had long since disappeared from his mind and was replaced by the word calm.

Of course he doesn't need to fight this big guy. His goal is to play with it to a limited extent. After all, the Radiation Domain is enough to suppress any Radiation Soul Beast, whether it is the Radiation Titan Great Ape or the one in front of him.

Radiation Submersible Porcupine.

At this moment, Uran suddenly moved, and his whole person jumped out like an arrow, unexpectedly provoking him. Just as his body rushed out, his eyes and elemental pupils slowly lit up, and the terrifying breath that controlled the power of radiation bloomed instantly.

The Submersible Porcupine, who had already prepared for battle, couldn't help but froze, an indescribable sense of fear instantly appeared deep in its heart.

Even overshadowed its amazing killing intent.

At this moment, Uranium had clearly seen the spirit power in the opponent's body in the pupil of the element. The fourth spirit ring, burst kick began to light up.

The submersible porcupine itself is also a soul beast with super spiritual power. It quickly breaks away from the sense of fear, and can not become a crazy soul beast with its own spiritual power, but when its eyes and pupils of uranium element For a relative moment, the body couldn't help shaking violently.

In the volley, Uran screamed fiercely, and a layer of colored light burst out of its legs. This colored light contained seven colors of blue, red, yellow, blue, gold, black, and purple, but it was tight. Then, it melted into one body and turned into a dense gray.

Energy gathers, soul power bursts!

When they appeared together, the air around the surrender porcupine body was violently distorted. The distortion was so strong that even its huge body was a little unclear.

The moment the gray brilliance filled with terrifying soul power fell on the head of the submersible porcupine, the light twisted violently and turned into a huge vortex, as if to shred the body of the submersible porcupine!


The vortex was shattered with a violent sound of "chi", the surrender porcupine screamed, and a pair of black eyes burst instantly, blood rushed out, and its body was also tumbling before barely standing up.

But on the skin, dark brown blood is constantly left behind, looking hideous!

Okay, Uranium couldn't help but admire at this moment.

He can survive a headshot, and it seems that his burst kick is not enough to threaten it.

The submersible porcupine in front of me should have only been more than 70,000 years old, and it was the deadliest head that had withstood his own blow, and it looked like it had eyes and no eyes, and there was no difference. Big.

All of this is slow to say, but in fact it all happened between lightning and flint.

At this time, Uranium relied on the explosive power of one blast, but could not really kill it. Once he fell into the opponent's fighting rhythm, it would be difficult for him to kill it without injury.

While releasing the strongest blow (pseudo), Uran sighed in his heart, and his soul power poured out at this moment, pushing his body forward like a meteor.

The submerged porcupine screamed sternly. Although it had lost its eyes, it still judged Uranium's movements with its powerful mental power.

And its screaming sound also began to emit violent spirit power fluctuations, as if a special spirit ability, directly facing the inevitable road of uranium forward.

The dust-covered spikes behind him instantly lit up, and the crystal clear spirit power fluctuated extremely purely, with the rhythm of death, as if ripples were shining in the space.

Soul spikes!


The soul spike seemed to be coming in an instant, almost sticking to Uran's body!

Uranium only flashed a thought in his mind, so fast?


At the next moment, time stopped.

At the very moment, Uranium stopped time.

Pulling away the spikes gently, a touch of chill spread from Uranium's eyes.

It was too thrilling. Sure enough, a spirit beast of this level had amazingly high combat power, so don't take risks and play games with it.

Just end it.

Uranium extinguished the idea of ​​playing with the Submerged Porcupine. In order to prevent himself from overturning and being nailed to death by soul spikes, he decided that this little game should be over.

Radiation field.........

Raising one hand, three fan-shaped radiating eyes suddenly turned in a circle in his eyes.

The next moment, time continues.

The soul spikes continued to move forward, but they were unable to pierce the ground, turning into crystal clear soul power and dissipating.

And the big pig suddenly trembled all over the body before he felt the breath of killing.

As if a disaster is imminent.

The invisible threat, the force of terror, instantly burst into the entire radiation field!

The submerged porcupine, which was almost entirely a radiating soul beast, froze in an instant!

The radiant energy in its body has rioted!

Endless fluctuations burst out of its body!

Only a few crisp sounds of Gada were heard. Under Uran's control, this giant soul beast that dominated the sunset forest had its life coming to an end.

This is as it should be.

"I am the emperor of radiation..." surrendering to my feet is your only meaning.

Looking at the corpse of the Submersible Porcupine, Uran's eyes showed a steadfast brilliance. He was absolutely certain that if he wanted to deal with such a big guy under normal circumstances, he would indeed be an eight-ringed Contra-level powerhouse. Do it.

Only a titled Douluo can be guaranteed to win, and it is not 100% sure to win. The soul spike is very terrifying, and if it is stabbed, it will cause mental problems.

but. All this is in the past tense, Uranium is still successful after all. For him, the most important thing now is to absorb the fifth spirit ring in front of him and officially become a soul king.

Uran raised his eyes, glanced at the lifeless soul beast, and the soul ring that slowly rose up.

The soft spirit power flowed, and the spirit power operated in a normal way. With a slight movement of Uranium's mental power, it had already led the black spirit ring on the surviving porcupine corpse to fly towards him.

It was also the ten thousand year spirit ring, but the spirit ring produced by the Silver Moon Wolf King was not ordinary black. In the black, the gray brilliance faintly flickered, and Uranium could clearly feel the fluctuation of the gray brilliance.

This is a radiating soul beast, a unique fluctuation.

It was the same when absorbing the fourth spirit ring.

"I hope you can bring me what I want. I long for long-range soul abilities. It's been too long, too long." Uran murmured, his eyes flashed with firmness.

"Let's get started." He closed his eyes intently, and the spirit ring entered the body!

The black spirit ring enters the body, and the first sensation of uranium is best described in two words: explosion.

That's right, as soon as the black spirit ring merged into his body, Uranium felt as if his body was about to explode.

The whole person trembled violently. A layer of gray flickering halo burst out from his body in an instant, spreading a full three meters in diameter, and then gradually faded, and Uran's face suddenly became pale.

The span from 20,000 years to more than 70,000 years is equivalent to the fifth spirit ring to the eighth spirit ring, or even the ninth spirit ring!

The span is too big!

But if it can be absorbed smoothly, the spirit abilities he can obtain are also extremely terrifying!

He never expected that the breath of the surviving porcupine was so overbearing. The first thing that gave him the power was not the strong spiritual power at the core of its spirit ring, but the power of the attributes.

His radiation field can already leapfrog absorption, even can absorb this kind of power perfectly, but this is still too much! At that moment, it burst out in Uran's body.

Uranium already had a very strong willpower, but when that terrorist force exploded, he still felt like his whole body was going to be burst. That feeling is absolutely uncomfortable!

However, all he can do now is forbearance!

There is a knife on the head of the word Ninja, but it is a hundred forbearance into gold!

The spirit power was fully operational and began to receive the spirit ring. At the same time, a force of power burst out of Huo Yuhao's body at the same time.

In the words of uranium, it should be that the deflated calf has stiff wings and wants to fly! beat him!

Uranium's body turned gray in the next instant, and the source of the gray was his slowly rotating radiating eyes.

Invisible and colorless microwave particles began to emerge from his body.

A stream of high-energy particles surrounds the body, and the energy of gamma rays penetrates everything. High-speed electrons carry a stream of positrons around the body. A strong black light spreads to every corner of his body. The cold breath instantly suppressed the manic explosive force. . The majesty of the Radiation Domain was also released at this moment, completely suppressing the spirit ring of the Submersible Porcupine.

Submersible Porcupine is strong, but no matter how strong it is, it is not an opponent in the field of radiation!

Moreover, it has no soul shock to fight uranium.

Because its soul has been dispersed by the radiation field.

Today's Submersible Porcupine is just a mass of fat.

Under the full cooperation of the inner ghost and the radiation domain in the surviving porcupine body, there is no more suspense in the subsequent fusion process. After the short pain of Uranium, the black fifth spirit ring began to slowly imprint on his soul. And above the body.

In the subconscious, the spirit ring seemed to be changed by the need for uranium.

The characteristics of soul spikes were soaked in the horrible energy interaction of radiation, but more unknown changes appeared.

The original meaning of radiation is energy.

At the micro level in the world, there are countless particles in permanent motion, and the energy generated between the motion of these particles is radiation!

The original power released from the submerged porcupine in the radiation field gradually melted into the body of Uranium, which not only greatly increased his soul power, but also made his body stronger.

From the soul sect to the soul king, for any soul master, it is an important threshold, which means that the soul master enters the intermediate stage from the elementary level.

Although he possessed a fighting power far surpassing the Soul King, his strength undoubtedly improved again.

Moreover, perhaps it was because the surviving porcupine spirit ring was strong enough, or it was because the energy accumulated in the body was too much. After the fifth spirit ring was fused, his spirit power actually managed to break through the 55th level and enter the 56th level. Realm.

This is definitely a surprise for Uranium who needs to cultivate speed.

The reason is that uranium is an immortal grass eaten at level 48, You Hongtianrenju!

The spirit power of Immortal Grass directly pushed him to the fifty-level threshold, coupled with the spirit power of the submerged porcupine, all of a sudden, Uranium jumped for five consecutive times, reaching the fifty-sixth level of spirit power!

When he opened his eyes, the sky was already bright, the clouds and mist in the sunset forest were misty, and the sunrise rising from the east could not be seen.

Uranium shot up and stretched his body vigorously.

A powerful sense of strength immediately filled his whole body, that feeling was really wonderful, his body became more flexible, and his soul power breakthrough also increased his overall strength by at least 30%.

If converted into soul power, his nuclear explosive kick power, I am afraid it has risen a lot!

It is possible that the limit temperature of the center, the superposition of the two energies, is enough to reach a high temperature of 150,000 degrees!

Of course, all this is speculation. Uranium does not intend to experiment with the power of nuclear explosive kicks now, and he cannot test the difference between one hundred thousand and one hundred and fifty thousand.

After all, it's all gasification.

"I don't know how long it has passed." With previous experience, Uranium is really not sure if it is the early morning of the second day, or the third or even the fourth day.

With a movement of thought, silver light flashed in his eyes, one yellow, two purple, and two black, and five spirit rings suddenly rose from under his feet.

"Finally...Finally control this power!" Feeling the power of the fifth spirit ring in his body, Uran could no longer bear this sense of surprise, and he roared and cut through. The silence of the sunset forest!

His guess is not wrong!

The radiation field is the most powerful field in the world!

Unmatched, unstoppable!

"My fifth spirit ring........." Uran tremblingly raised his hands, and the invisible and colorless energy condensed in his hands, as if it could soar into the sky in the next moment!

"Dominate the blue sky! Nuclear missiles soar in the sky! Level the world! Unrivaled tracking! This is the power that modern warfare should have!" Suddenly, Uran extended his arm and pointed to the sky with a hideous look!

"From today! Distance is no longer an obstacle!"

A deafening roar resounded through the sky!

"The truth is only within the range of the missile!"


5k chapters, 1,300 words more than 4k

(End of this chapter)

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