Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 232: Lovesick Heartbroken Red and Xiao Wu (4k)

"Uran, it's been a long time, hey~ your soul power" Qin Ming also nodded to Uran immediately, and responded with a smile on his face.

But the next moment, his face suddenly stagnated.

Uran's current spirit power, he could not feel the depth

Obviously half a year ago, he could still perceive Uranium's forty-eighth level of spirit power. Could it be that his strength had already crossed the fifty-level threshold in just a few months?

Although Qin Ming said that he could not see anything, he was already overwhelmed in his heart.

This soul power upgrade speed is too fast!

Naturally, Uranium didn't have any scruples, and hurried to greet him with strides, "Ms. Qin, I am here."

Qin Ming glanced at Uranium, revealing a questioning look.

"I have been walking for almost half a year. I must have made some progress. You don't need to look at me like this." Uran noticed Qin Ming's somewhat stiff look, and smiled generously, admitting the progress of his spirit power at the moment.

But the master, watching Uranium's generous appearance at the moment, couldn't help sighing secretly.

With such talent, coupled with the spirit power level far surpassing all of the Shrek Seven Devils, I'm afraid the Soul Master Competition is very difficult to fight.

But fortunately, listening to Qin Ming's meaning, Uranium is a member of Huangdou's first team, and in the end he will only be recommended to the finals, without having to face him now.

Although Xiaosan has always been excellent, once compared with Uranium, even if he is as strict as a master, he can't help but sigh that this kind of genius is probably the number one in the world.

Fourteen-year-old Soul Sect.

However, the master didn't know it clearly. Naturally he couldn't see Uranium with his soul power. At this moment, he was already a fifteen-year-old soul king.

"Let's talk while walking." Uranium smiled at the two.

The master's gaze stayed on Uran all the time. At this moment, listening to Uran talking to him, he turned his gaze back, raised his hand and extended his hand to the academy to invite, "Come on."

Although he could not see anything from his rigid face, Uranium felt sensitively that this middle-aged man seemed to have some special thoughts.

Is it

"Do you want to use my strength to suppress the Seven Shrek Monsters, so as to prevent them from being impetuous?" Uran quickly clarified the key point. Master is not the kind of person who will be passionate about outsiders. , Even if it were the Seven Shrek Monsters, he would only smile at Tang San.

The rest of Dai Mubai all looked cold.

Even if Uran's strength is superb, I am afraid that in the eyes of the master, it is not as important as what Tang San eats at noon.

People are different from person to person.

Uranium understands what happened between the master and Bibi Dong, and is sure that he will not become his own stumbling block, so he didn't take the attitude of the other party into his eyes at all. He just wants to leave after finishing the matter.

Four people walked into the college.

Walking into Lanba Academy, I felt quite different from Tiandou Imperial Academy. Although there was no beautiful mountain in Tiandou Imperial Academy, everything gave people a very atmospheric feeling.

The spacious path leads directly into the interior. On both sides of the road are patches of woods. At the end, you can see a large playground with a diameter of more than two hundred meters. The playground is surrounded by a circle of three-story buildings.

Teacher Qin Ming introduced to the two of them separately that in these three-story buildings, there are places for practice in mimicry environments, student dormitories, and teaching buildings.

If the Tiandou Royal Academy was built on the mountain, then this Blue Bull Academy was built in the middle of the forest, because around the teaching building, the rest of the area is full of forest.

It is said that this is the largest flora in the entire Tiandou City.

Along the way, Zhu Zhuqing did not speak. With her temperament, she was not a talkative person, and there was nothing to say with Qin Ming and the person named Master.

Zhu Zhuqing walked side by side with Uranium, not rushing, but vaguely, it seemed that he always lags slightly behind Uranium by half his body, and invisibly, he directly distinguished the priority of the two.

Soon, the master left first and headed towards the main teaching building of the college. After talking about it for a while, he had already understood Uranium's martial soul, the Eye of Destruction, the main martial soul, and the main martial soul, which are very interesting titles. He should quickly record these things.


Uran also didn't understand the difference between Zhuanyan and ordinary Wuhun. Anyway, the master didn't understand this aspect. If you fudge, he shouldn't notice it.

Seeing the master gradually moving away, Uran could not help asking: "Mr. Qin, everyone misses you very much. Everyone follows you as an example. Why did you leave Tiandou Royal Academy without saying a word?"

Qin Ming's voice suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at the puzzling Uranium, and said lightly: "Uran, I don't know what you think of the academy and the family?"

Immediately afterwards, he continued, "The sense of belonging, what drives me forward is the sense of belonging."

Although Qin Ming's words were very succinct, they made Uran's heart startled.

"I grew up in Shrek Academy. It was the teacher who taught me everything. Although looking back now, maybe I can choose another academy with better teaching qualifications, but if I were to do it again, I would still Choose Shrek because the elders I respect are all there."

"But, I'm sorry Yanzi, Tianheng and them." After all this, Qin Ming finally let out a long breath.

Looking at Qin Ming's expression gradually became somewhat stretched, Uran could not help but think of his family. If one day in the future, he encountered such a thing, would he also make such an impulsive choice?

Will do.

Uranium came to this conclusion without even thinking about it.

"By the way, are you here to find someone? Or are there other things." Qin Ming suddenly asked, after walking for so long, he still doesn't know what Uranium's purpose is.

"I'm looking for Xiao Wu." Uran said without hesitation.

"Then I will take you over. She is in the mimicry training area." Qin Ming took U and Zhu Zhuqing and did not walk towards the teaching building, but directly towards the forest behind.

The three of them were silent, and Qin Ming soon stopped. There was a bush in front of them. The bushes were close to people and looked very dense. Qin Ming smiled slightly and shouted towards the bushes: "Xiao Wu, first Pause, you see who is here."

Hearing the word Xiao Wu, the smile on Uran's face suddenly solidified, and his expression was insignificant. His eyes showed deep and agitated emotions. He knew that it was time to test his acting skills.

How to make Xiao Wu spit blood on it? This is a very big problem.

"Forget it, let's tell the truth, I don't want to lie, and I don't want to lie well. When Tang San looked back at the fairy grass, I was exposed." After thinking for a moment, Uran gave up his impulse to be an emperor.

Between the flickers of the body, a white figure has quickly flashed out of the bushes, full of childish pink and tender face, those extraordinarily slender and tight legs, and the small but very elastic little figure that won’t win a grip. Wasn't Xiao Wu the same as the scorpion braid with a pretty waist?

"Teacher Qin, you are here..." Xiao Wu didn't finish her words, because a somewhat familiar person appeared in her eyes.

The pupils shrank almost for the first time, Xiao Wu immediately recalled what Uran did in her mind, and the last battle, which was picked up by Uran's neck and thrown out of the soul fighting platform. Shameful.

It's like carrying a rabbit.

"Well, it's me." Uran's complexion was slightly softer, and he casually glanced at the mimicry training area around him, and couldn't help sighing in his heart. Although it is not as good as Tiandou, it is almost the same.

Plants and rabbits have a little affinity.

"Teacher Qin, Zhu Qing, I have something to tell Xiao Wu, can I trouble you?" Before Xiao Wu could say anything, Uran asked apologetically, facing both sides.

It’s better to say this earlier now, and he took a look through the autumn water, Tang San couldn’t find Xiao Wu’s true identity, plus the fairy grass aura, if Xiao Wu’s innocent love could be prolonged longer, That's worth it.

"That's it, I'll be waiting for you in the teaching building." Qin Ming nodded first and informed Uranium.

After speaking, he walked in the direction of the teaching building.

He knows better about Uranium’s self-confidence. He doesn’t do anything that oppresses others. Uranium doesn’t seem to talk much, but in fact, he thinks twice about seeing and doing things. And the arrogance in his heart would not let him do such a thing.

"Then I'll go visit the academy here first." Zhu Zhuqing also left with Qin Ming, leaving only uranium with a deep expression on his face, and Xiao Wu with a bewildered expression on his face.

"Oh, Uranium, do you have anything to do?" Xiao Wu's sense of Uranium is not bad. If the time they met is counted as the first time they met, it has been six or seven years, so there is nothing to him. What a vigilant mentality.

There was silence all around.

Only the sound of the wind kept blowing over the bushes of the green shadows, bringing a squeaking sound.

"I want to give you something, it is very important to you." Uran carefully felt the breeze across his face, letting her long silver hair flutter, and then took out something with a little effort from behind.

It is a white flower that looks ordinary. The flower is the size of a palm and looks like a peony. It has no leaves of grass. There is a large stone connected to the rhizome. The stone is black all over, and its weight can be seen from the way the uranium lifts it. Extremely amazing.

On the white flower, there are a few amazing red patches, and the red blood looks a bit thrilling.

Uran sternly said: "The name of this herb is Acacia Heartbroken Red. It is the most precious treasure among the immortal herbs. It also has a legendary story. You see, the red blood stains are the youth's painstaking effort."

Listening to Uranium's words quietly, Xiao Wu was deeply moved in her heart, is this fairy grass actually so derived?

But what followed was secretly frightened. Uranium wanted to give her this kind of immortal grass with a strong meaning. Is this his intention? This can't work, only Tang San is in her heart.

He seemed to see the vigilance and determination in Xiao Wu's expression, Uran could not help but smile secretly, but was also happy for Xiao Wu. At least, regardless of Tang San's character, no matter what he did to Huo Yuhao after becoming a god, he They are all Xiao Wu's favorite people, and you can tell from the original work.

Xiao Wu was willing to give up her life for Tang San.

And Tang San would choose to commit suicide without hesitation, just to survive Xiao Wu.

But the effect of the immortal grass hasn't been finished yet, Uran continued, "The flower is an extraordinary product, I conservatively estimate that it can increase the soul power by at least ten levels, and it will also have a comprehensive transformation of the body."

The more Xiao Wu listened, her brows frowned, thinking about what matters to her about this kind of lovers' thing, but then immediately thought of herself and Tang San, she couldn't help but froze.

Is it

In the next moment, Uran's words broke Xiao Wu's stupefaction.

"I actually know everything, you and Tang San, I will sincerely bless you. Originally, I planned to save this fairy grass to you later, but unfortunately, I considered another effect of this fairy grass. I can give it to you now."

As soon as the voice fell, Uran took the fairy grass, walked to Xiao Wu's face to face, and placed it in front of her.

"I will leave it to you. I suggest you eat it before the Soul Master Competition."

While talking, Uranium took a few steps back.

"Wait, Uranium, why didn't you finish talking about the other effect you just said?" Xiao Wu blankly looked at the moving **** peony Acacia heartbroken red in front of him, and suddenly the voice sounded, making Uran's figure look like One is stiff.

She likes this fairy grass very much.

However, she also had to ask why she should give her uranium, obviously such a good fairy grass could be taken by herself.

Is she so important to uranium?

The number of meetings between them is also very few.

Even if the time between each other is early, but

"Uranium, I also want to know why." Xiao Wu is very clear-headed, and what Uranium does must have a special purpose.

The bushes rustled.

The two faced each other.

Uran's face gradually climbed into a touch of nostalgia.

"How should I say it, I still remember it was you who gave me the courage to live, Xiao Wu." Uran raised his head and looked at the warm sun with a nostalgic tone.

"It was your kindness that saved me. There is nothing to say. I will try my best to protect you, but unfortunately, Tang San has already taken a step ahead of me. Simply, I will give you Acacia Heartbroken Red. Can’t compare to one ten thousandth of yours, hehe, don’t worry, I didn’t mean to **** you from Tang San. I understand your intentions, and you have always been with Tang San." He laughed a few times, and Uran glanced with shock. Xiao Wu couldn't help sighing in her heart.

Finally spoke out the inner thoughts.

But the next moment, Xiao Wu's soft voice sounded.

"Then, I can't accept your fairy grass, I know, you don't have that idea, but I can't make Xiao San jealous, right?" Xiao Wu grinned and rejected Uran's fairy grass.

The tone is firm and there is no room for reversal.

Even if she understood that Uranium had absolutely no intention of pursuing her, and this fairy grass might be very suitable for her, but don't just don't.

"You should probably think about it again, Xiao Wu, it can help you conceal the spirit beast's breath, so that you will not be discovered by Title Douluo."

It seems that Xiao Wu's attitude has changed a bit, Uranium is very helpless, and can only throw out the ultimate killer.

"I said no, just no" Xiao Wu's face suddenly stiffened.

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