Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 273: True or false

"I can't tell, you are quite knowledgeable. That's right, it is jinma stone, but it is not the same as the rare jinma stone on the mainland. It can restrain spirit power. You see, the soul master at the front is a dignified soul. Sheng, now he is almost unable to walk with a stone on his back, what irony is this." Si Wang said with a sullen smile.

Among the soul masters who walked out of the hole, the leader was the soul saint Ye Feng that Uranium had fought against.

It’s just that, at this moment, the very old man is carrying a huge golden stone on his back. Under the restraint of his spirit power, he has already taken one step and shaken three times. The suffering is unspeakable. A huge boulder of this level can be replaced by a great spirit master. He can walk easily, but what he is carrying is a special golden stone.


Suddenly, a door opened in the silent camp.

"It looks like you are all here." A tall old man wearing a silver-gray robe with an old face opened the door and walked out slowly, placing a pair of muddy eyes on Yake's body.

The old man is obviously quite old, but even though he has gray hair, his unobtrusive aura shows the two of them extraordinary.

"I have seen the monitor." When Siwang saw the old man, his face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly bent down and bowed with respect.

The old man waved his hand gently, looked at Yake who was nervous, and smiled: "Don't be nervous, if you don't understand the rules of the camp, I will teach you."

Yake nodded as if smashing garlic, he was also puzzled, why he came here when the captain of the second team besieged Emperor Dou, when he died, is it possible that everyone in Douluo Continent should come here after they die?

"This is the place of divine punishment. If the ordinary spirit master had no sins before his death, he would be reincarnated safely, but if you tried to kill people and overwhelmed and died, then this is your home. And this place is. Level three camps, like this, there are many more in the entire desert."

"Your task, I think Siwang told you too. That's right, it's mining. Simply mining. Just dig out the golden stone and carry it on the flat ground. If you carry three times in a day Ten bamboo baskets, then count you as completing the task, if you continue to memorize it, the extra will be converted into points. For example, you can redeem points to reduce your sentence, or redeem delicious dishes to satisfy your appetite."

"And here, except for His Majesty Cronus, the God King of Dongfeng, who can take people out of here and return to the mainland, there is only the last way." The old man said slowly.

"The last way, what is that?"

After hearing that there was still a way to survive, Yake's eyes lit up.

This ghost place, it is estimated that the entire desert does not even have a living creature, let alone a soul beast, only sand. Obviously, he has no ability to resist other than obey.

And now, if he can go out as soon as possible, he is willing to do anything. He is the soul king. If he can go back, he will absolutely not dare to do such a murderous thing anymore. He will absolutely honestly seek a decent position. , Live a life in peace and stability.

"This last way...that is to cultivate to the realm of Contra, then replace the old man and stay here for the rest of his life. You see, the old man was once a prisoner in this land of divine punishment. "The white-haired old man smiled negatively, staring at Yake's pale expression, and mocked.

"You want to live and refuse to be Dongfeng's dog. It's hard for me. Why don't you just eat here for a lifetime like me. If you still want to return to the Douluo Continent, then you just Be able to perform well and wait for the arrival of the King Cronus."

Yake was stunned.

Live a lifetime in such a ghost place?

Suddenly, there was a year of hopelessness or rejoicing in his heart. At least, he could still be saved, so he wouldn't really die in the battle that surrounded the captain of the Emperor Dou Second Team.

"I, I understand, Master Overseer." In the end, Yake slowly lowered his head and said with a slightly stiff expression.

He still doesn't want to die. If he can live, he is willing to put out all his chips, even freedom, nothing more than selling himself to an organization under the authority of a god. He can have this kind of opportunity, maybe it is a good thing.

This idea is also the idea of ​​all the prisoners in this camp.

In this desert, there is no soul beast, only the strong sun that Henggu exists.

Naturally, if you want to escape here, you will starve to death for up to three days.

"It’s sensible, huh, okay, you can follow Siwang, it should already be lunch break at this time, eat a good meal, and you may be tired in the afternoon." The old man put away his gloomy face. He smiled and patted Yake on the shoulder, then he returned to his house.

But when the old man had just returned to the house, the smile that bloomed like an old chrysanthemum on his face instantly stopped.

The next moment, the old man slowly relaxed his body, his hands dropped, standing stiff behind the door, motionless.

At this moment, he has lost all the aura of the Contra powerhouse, like a mountain like a rock. If you insist on an analogy, it is like the npc in the game, without the'player' talking, receiving tasks, etc. Just stand quietly, without eating or drinking.

The silver-robed old man is the npc in this ‘land of God’s punishment’.

There is only one camp in this desert.

And this place of divine punishment is nothing more than an illusion.

But this illusion is a soul master, specially prepared for these soul kings, soul emperors, and soul sanctuary.


"This kind of burden, even my mental power, which can be called a titled Douluo spiritual attribute, is a bit too much."

Uranium stood among the trees, converging the soul emperor's bodies scattered in various places, and said in pain, holding his head.

Ordinary soul masters don't have this kind of making a group of people faint all the time like dreaming, and even their dreams are extremely real, which can be called the illusion of second life.

Even the more than 70-level soul sage the leader of Canghui Academy, Can Mengshi was able to torture Tang San by virtue of the particularity of his martial soul, allowing him to see his most painful fantasy. In the end, he had to wait until he arrived at Title Douluo before he could see what kind of torture Tang San had suffered.

Even like Uranium, freely controlling the illusion, in the eyes of other soul masters, it is simply a fantasy.

"Uran, you are like this, there will be competitions next, if you are asked to play, can you eat it? Now your mental power is all concentrated on these soul masters, in case..."

Zhu Zhuqing wrinkled beautifully when he saw Uran's headache, and couldn't help but worry.

There will be more and more strong players in the next Soul Master Competition, and after she plays, the next battle will definitely be targeted, and there is no longer the initial strength.

"Don't worry, I was just experimenting with the flow of time between fantasy and reality. After about a month, these guys will be brainwashed by my arrangement in the fantasy, and they will eventually be used by me. Moreover, I am not without one. The power of war, even if I don't use mental power, I have to deal with other soul master teams and have other moves."

Shaking his head, Uran smiled bitterly at Zhu Zhuqing, "Well, these people's bodies will be handed over to Old Xue, let him help arrange to take care of them in a nearby small village. I have a terrible headache, so I will go back to rest first."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded lightly, supported the uranium, and walked in the direction of Tiandou City.

"This little guy is really good at calling people. I'm too old. Forget it, just treat him as a face. You can kill the soul emperor at the age of twenty, and even one person can kill the soul sage. It's also killed, the future is boundless."

Xue Lao smiled bitterly and shook his head, turning his head to look at the soul master's body lying on the ground like a crowd of dead pigs, a coldness in his eyes.

Within a moment, Uran and Zhu Zhuqing returned to Tiandou City.

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