Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 278: The last day of the qualifier (six k)

Soon, the qualifiers came to an end.

Uranium didn't participate in the next game. After the game against the Thunder Academy team, no team dared to face the second team of Emperor Dou.

But what is interesting is that Tiandou Royal Academy has never had a head-on collision with Shrek Academy.

Even the Kamikaze Academy team and the Tianshui Academy team of the Five Elements Academy, Uranium had not encountered it, and this also stopped him from wanting to appear on the stage.

It's boring to play against a weak team, but people who want to play well can't meet them.

In the last 20 games, the Elephant Academy team and Canghui Academy are already considered high-level duels for the Huangdou Second Team, but they are still not the opponent of the Huangdou Second Team.

Especially Zhu Zhuqing, with one-handed and unpredictable tactics, broke all the students with a single pair of clicks, even if other academy teams had been prepared, either back to back or looking at each other’s shadows, through watching and helping to solve Zhu Zhuqing’s instant movement method. But this is of no use.

The reason is that one of the sister soul master Shi Lingling in the second team of Emperor Dou, after playing the Thunder Academy team, she has cultivated to level 30. The Royal Academy of Heaven Dou sent her to the Soul Beast Forest overnight and absorbed a thousand-year stream. Liu, a plant-type soul beast, has awakened a thousand-year soul ability: solid wood armor.

This is a surprisingly defensive, but quite heavy auxiliary spirit ability. The more spirit power is input, the harder it becomes. On the contrary, if the spirit power is input less, it will become tougher. It can be said that no matter what It is a very practical spirit ability.

Originally, this was a spirit ability that was not suitable for Zhu Zhuqing, but Uran suddenly discovered that once this spirit ability stopped supplying spirit power, the solid wood armor would turn into a pool of fine wood powder and would not disappear.

This provided uranium with inspiration, an inspiration for making dust and haze on site.

If the flame encounters wood flour, paper powder, cotton, tobacco, etc., it will produce explosive volatilization.

Because in the Soul Master Competition, all items are not allowed to be used, not only the Soul Guidance Device, even ordinary items are not good, but Zhu Zhuqing's soul bone effect is in the shadow of the underground, and it can be considered as having top combat power. , Otherwise, relying on the forty-fourth level of spirit power alone would not be regarded as much in the Soul Sect Ruyun Soul Master competition.

Therefore, using the temperature generated by the burning power of Yadèle's third spirit ability and Shi Lingling's third spirit ability turned into wood powder can produce a special combination, a combination that can be called a small explosion. It was born between two girls.

But what uranium pays more attention to is not its explosive power, but the smoke it produces. Although the time is short, it can only last for half a minute to a minute, but for Zhu Zhuqing, this is enough time.

Therefore, this has Zhu Zhuqing's overwhelming advantage before.

However, the shortcomings of this tactic are also obvious, fear of wind.

Especially for the Kamikaze Academy team, if you encounter this team, Zhu Zhuqing’s short-term smoke coverage will become a joke, and will be blown away every minute, and all seven of them are flying spirit masters who can fly in the sky. Although there are still shadows on the ground, it does not threaten the sky.

Can be called perfect restraint Zhu Zhuqing.

Because there is no shadow in the sky for Zhu Zhuqing to take advantage of, if you encounter the Kamikaze Academy team, Uranium may have to play early, otherwise it will not be able to fight at all. Feng Xiaotian and the others only need to continuously release the consumption spirit ability in the sky. Then Zhu Zhuqing can be hardened on the ground until his soul power disappears.

Even an ordinary avian spirit master has a certain probability of winning against Zhu Zhuqing, who is incapable of airborne agility attack type spirit masters. It is nothing more than using his soul skills to consume Zhu Zhuqing remotely, and then Zhu Zhuqing dodges with his own speed. , And so on repeatedly, until one of the two sides runs out of soul power.

Therefore, a flying spirit master with a spirit power level lower than Zhu Zhuqing can only guarantee undefeated in battle with her, but it cannot guarantee to win her, otherwise, with Zhu Zhuqing's forty-four spirit power, he can still lose to a 30th-level soul. Can't respect it?

However, this is a normal situation, in a one-to-one situation, so there is no doubt about it, but now it is the Soul Master Competition, as the deputy captain, she has such a weakness that there is no anti-air method, which is simply a nightmare.

This is also the case, and Tianshui College, Shui Bing'er's Ice Phoenix Martial Spirit, is also Zhu Zhuqing's nemesis.

No way, how to fight the intangible opponent?

"Flying spirit masters are enemies that are difficult for you to deal with. In the future, I will find a way to get you a flying spirit ring or spirit bone, otherwise you will not have the ability to resist against opponents like Shui Bing'er." Uran pointed The slowly ending game, with a sense of sigh.

The current game is the Shrek team vs. Tianshui Academy team.

This is the last battle of the qualifiers, so Uran will use Shui Binger's Ice Phoenix Martial Spirit as an example.

"Indeed, she can freeze the ground, which greatly limits the pace of ordinary soul masters, but the soul masters of Tianshui College can walk freely on the ice. Even if I can escape into the shadows to dodge, sooner or later my soul power will sustain I can't help it." Zhu Zhuqing also nodded in agreement.

Although she was the deputy captain of the Emperor Dou Second Team, it was clear that she was not invincible.

It's just that she hasn't met an opponent who can get her off the altar.

As for the Kamikaze Academy and Tianshui Academy teams, both were powerful teams with high spirit power levels, standard spirit ring configuration, and special cards.

Although Zhu Zhuqing is strong, she is not as strong as uranium after all, or that she is just infinitely close to uranium in certain aspects, but in terms of weaknesses, she has some serious flaws.

For example, Uranium is a kind of pentagonal warrior with fast speed, great strength, strong special skills, high physical resistance, high special resistance. In addition to life span, it also limits him to fly to the sky side by side with the sun. The rest has surpassed the spirit master. Concept.

When meeting a flying fast, flying high, a lightsaber cuts past.

When encountering a restricted area, the ice and snow will wither, everything will freeze, and the one that obscures the line of sight will stop when it opens, and a lightsaber cuts past.

When confronted with defenses like Elephant Sect, they are all sandbags, and they can hit whatever he wants, one by one.

And Zhu Zhuqing is a bit worse in this aspect, but in terms of attack power and speed, if she wants to compare with uranium, it will be considered as strong as uranium and will have a long headache.

But when the skinny is stopped, the timing must be accurate, and nothing is bad, because once Zhu Zhuqing uses the soul bone, he will escape into the shadows, and then he will return to reality. During this period, she is completely invincible. , In other words, if the timing is not caught, it will be useless to start the time and stop, and it will not be hit at all.

This is Zhu Zhuqing's side.

After the qualifiers, the five-line teams must present awards and issue qualification certificates in front of Emperor Xueye.

Soon, five teams that appeared, headed by the captain, walked onto the VIP seats.

As the captain of the second team of Emperor Dou, Uran naturally also went, and he could not be absent, nor could he be replaced.

Although he didn't play a game in the qualifiers, and the opponents he encountered were not particularly strong, this did not hinder his position in the hearts of the audience. This was lifted by Zhu Zhuqing.

Everyone is thinking, Zhu Zhuqing is so strong, so how strong is he as the captain?

Since Tiandou Royal Academy's record is 27 wins and zero losses, it ranks first. Kamikaze Academy's record is 26 wins and one loss. Kamikaze Academy ranks second. Shrek Academy has 24 wins and one tie. Two losses ranked third, Blazing College ranked fourth in more than half of the wins than Tianshui College, and Tianshui College was still fifth.

Thunder Academy had a chance to qualify, but it was unlucky. In the 25th and 7th games, we met Tiandou Royal Academy, and even once met Kamikaze Academy and Tianshui Academy. They all lost. Direct wins are not even in the top five.

According to previous years, the five element academies were able to get the five qualifying places in the Tiandou City competition area. Or, these five places are in their pockets, but in this year, they have appeared one after another. Two black horses.

One is Shrek Academy, and the other is the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy.

You know, the first team of Huangdou is related to the dignity of the Tiandou imperial family, so it holds the place in the finals, but now, it seems that the second team of Huangdou, who is not as good as the first team, can get five qualifying places, and it has a record of victory. .

Is this still the Tiandou Royal Academy with noble waste?

So as Uran slowly stepped onto the rostrum, he immediately felt several gazes mixed with curiosity and fighting spirit. Among them, the strongest was Dai Mubai of Shrek Academy.

Undoubtedly, for all the academy teams that want to win the championship, Huangdou Second Team is an extremely tricky team, and for Dai Mubai, Uranium is even more significant.

This is an opponent that he is very eager to defeat in his heart, whether it is because he took Zhu Zhuqing away, or the invitation to the battle after the battle against Soto City.

This is also the ultimate goal of his hard work in the past two years, to win him and win uranium.

It is precisely because he understands the gap between himself and Uranium that his determination is thicker and heavier. He is convinced, but it is also because he has considered his weaknesses that he can understand what qualifications he can take to face this powerful opponent.

Although he hadn't really completed the awakening state of the Saint King before, whether it was the domain, the change of appearance, or the evolution of the martial spirit, he hadn't achieved it, but the increased spirit power could already make him comparable to the soul king.

If this kind of blood rejuvenation is really so easy to deal with, then Tang San doesn't need the sacrifice of the Blue Silver King.

This is the reason why Dai Mubai has not yet become the first battle force of the Shrek team. Shrek's strongest individual soldier is also the Moonsilver Blade Spirit, Diana. Her spirit quality is even higher than that of Sword Fight. Luo Chenxin's seven kill swords.

Among the weapon spirits, only the Darkborn Devil Scythe of Kaiying could stand alongside them. No matter what dragon-patterned sticks, snake sticks, or even clear sky hammers, they could not compare to these two spirits with special backgrounds.

But it’s a pity that Raast is a martial soul who likes to do things. At that time, after seeing the Radiant Titan Great Ape in the forest, he called the world too dangerous. He decisively closed himself up and sealed Kaiying by the way. It’s been six years, so that Diana is already over 40, and Kaiying is still only thirty-three. If the levels of both sides are the same, Kaiying can still play against Diana, and the outcome is five. Between five, but now, he has no such qualifications.

"Next, your Majesty, Sovereign Sovereign of Qibao Liuli Zongning and Bishop Salas will personally provide the qualification certificates and bonuses for the five teams entering the promotion match."

The qualification certificate for promotion is actually a handwritten note. This thing is not afraid of fraud. After all, Wuhun Hall and Tiandou Empire are very clear about which college has been promoted, but the bonus is already known by Uranium.

The top five colleges receive the same prize money, after all, this is just a qualifier. Each team received a reward of 10,000 Golden Soul Coins issued by the Heaven Dou Empire, and in the finals, the final top three prizes will be provided by the Soul Hall.

After the awards were awarded, the host’s right to speak for the award was handed over to the most noble Emperor Xue Ye present.

Emperor Xueye swept his eyes from the representatives of the five colleges in front of him, staying on Uran for a few more seconds before smiling and saying, "First of all, children, I want to congratulate you."

"You have successfully obtained the qualification to advance in this Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. As the supreme ruler of the Heaven Dou Empire, I am proud of you. You are the hope of the empire's future, and as the leaders and deputy of each team Captain, your strength has also played the most important role in the game, so I decided to confer the titles of your ten viscounts."

"The titles of the barons of the other participating students of your five colleges, after you graduate, the door of the imperial royal family will be opened for you at any time, and your fiefdom will be uniformly allocated after you graduate."

In previous games, there was no precedent for awarding knighthoods, but this time Emperor Xueye additionally canonized the captain and deputy captain of each team as the viscount, and the other team members as the baron’s reward.

Obviously, he wanted to win five colleges for the imperial royal family.

This makes Bishop Salas a bit dissatisfied.

Regardless of the Heaven Dou Empire or the Star Luo Empire, the ranks of the titles are male, marquis, uncle, son, and male. Only one qualification for promotion in the qualifiers released ten noble titles of viscounts. The generosity of the Xueye Great Emperor was enough to surprise anyone around him.

However, as the emperor of a country, Emperor Xue Ye naturally blocked the mouth of Bishop Salas in just a few words:

"These five academies are all children of my Heaven Dou Empire, and the title is only an extra reward given to them by me, and has nothing to do with the Spirit Hall. If Bishop Salas feels wrong, you can give them authorization to divide the Hall of Spirit. The position of the deacon."

Bishop Salas looked a little gloomy. Although any position in the Wuhun Hall must be reported to the main hall, the more advanced the more so, ordinary people can't make appointments by themselves, but as the platinum bishop, he is especially aimed at the fifth year. The members of the Soul Master Competition of this year naturally have the right to cut first and play later.

After all, to draw geniuses, the elders on his head, under the crown of the Pope, would definitely allow it, but even if he wanted to draw, would the old guys behind the other sects agree?

These geniuses are not short of money. They are the heirs of some important people, and they have been cultivated with a lot of money. Can the Wuhun Temple be sent by a deacon?

But he didn’t dare to say about more important positions, because it was no longer what he could grant. Even if they could be granted, they would not necessarily agree to accept it. In case he was slapped, he would be embarrassed, but he would be the Pope. Accountable under the crown.

After all, Emperor Xue Ye is the emperor of a country and is eligible to be given a knighthood. The emperor is happy with him, anyway, the entire country belongs to him.

"Here I would like to give you a promise. If none of you knows the team can win the final match, the title of the team will be promoted to one level, and the captain will be promoted to two levels. At the same time, the academy prefix will be increased by the word Royal. stand by."

In other words, once a team from the Heaven Dou Empire wins the final victory, what awaits them is the treatment of the Captain Marquis and the Viscount of the rest of the players.

As for the Xueye Great Emperor, who is most optimistic about Tiandou Royal Academy, these rewards are almost directly arranged to Huangdou Second Team.

Although the Shrek team is also very powerful, the Tianshui Academy team, the Kamikaze Academy team, and even the Wuhun Academy team cultivated by the Wuhun Temple are not bad, and it can even be said that they completely surpassed the teams in the previous Soul Master Competition.

But what really made Emperor Xueye make up his mind was a word Xue Qinghe revealed to him.

Uranium can become the soul emperor at any time!

This Soul Sect is the strongest, and the Soul Master is everywhere in the Soul Master Competition. Suddenly a Soul King descends here, and he is also the top Soul King of Level 59. In this case, even if the Soul Power Level is not high. Emperor Xue Ye could also understand how shocking it would be.

Therefore, in order to prevent Uranium from being wooed by Wuhun Hall, Emperor Xueye also laid down his blood, a powerful imperial marquis, with a fief, and financial support. It can be said that it will be no problem to rely on the state to support it, although it will not be a problem. Under one person, over ten thousand people, but at the very least, the family heritage of becoming the top ten of the Heaven Dou Empire has already begun to emerge.

After hearing the promise of the Great Xueye, Platinum Bishop Salas was also startled immediately.

It seemed that he hadn't heard what Qing Xueye said.

But then, after figuring out the key, his face suddenly became extremely ugly!

As the captains and vice captains of each team, although these young people can be regarded as having seen the world, the large series of rewards of Emperor Xue Ye still made them a little confused.

What does the title stand for?

The Viscount can already have his own territory and attendants, and he will also receive a certain amount of subsidies from the country. This money alone is enough to live.

Although many spirit masters have titles, it is easy to obtain titles of kingdoms and duchy, but it is not that simple to obtain titles of empire, especially for directly conferred viscount titles. The territory owned by a viscount can already be a small city. .

What's more valuable is that Emperor Xue Ye has assured the ten people in front of him that after this competition is over. They divided their fiefdoms.

This incidates that. They are not just a noble name, but a real estate nobility.

Salas's face looked ugly, he didn't say much, but his eyes were a bit more vulture.

Through the qualifiers, the captains and deputy captains of these five teams were all young soul masters among the elites, one by one, from the promise of Emperor Xue Ye and the prevention of Salas. They can also vaguely feel the smell of gunpowder.

Ning Fengzhi just stood by and smiled, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

Emperor Xue Ye looked around the five teams and said with a smile, "The promotion match will not be held in the battlefield of Heaven Dou City, but in the Royal Paddock, which is the barracks. By then, in addition to your five teams, there will be There are other divisions of the Tiandou Empire, the remaining ten teams from the Five Kingdoms!"

"The promotion competition is the best place to show your personal strength! The rules must be clear to you! I hope you will play well by then. In addition, in the promotion competition, the three students with the most victories, the Imperial Family will To provide you with the spirit ring you need for your next level promotion. You can choose the spirit beast types under 30,000 years."

This promise and reward are additional additions to the imperial royal family.

I have to say, very sincere.

For most of the Soul Sect students, next time, it will be at level 50, and it will be able to absorb ten thousand year spirit rings at level 50, which is extremely important to every soul master.

Moreover, this is a spirit beast that can be chosen by itself, and it can achieve the best match and best spirit ability.

The chief and deputy captains of the five teams were all a little excited after hearing the words of Emperor Xue Ye.

Emperor Xue Ye scanned the captains of the fifth team and nodded slightly, seeing the heat in their eyes. He only saw Uran's calm eyes. He paused for a moment, but didn't say much.

The promotion match will be held one month later, and they have one month to make corrections or breakthroughs.

Often after the battle, it is the best time to break through the level!

Seeing the scorching heat in the eyes of the ten elites before him, Emperor Xue Ye smiled slightly, "The promotion competition will be held one month later. I hope you can make breakthroughs in this month. Okay, I won't say much else. You kids are very smart, and I think you will make smart choices."

After saying this, the Great Emperor Xueye turned his gaze and swept across the face of Platinum Bishop Salas before he turned and left under the protection of the high officials of the empire.

After the awards, the five teams left in turn.

Salas' eyes moved slightly, but his expression had completely calmed down. It was hard to tell from the expression on his Just like what Xue Ye said, although he didn't say it clearly, but each The commanders and deputy captains of the academy team all understood what he meant. Choose between the Empire and the Wuhun Temple.

"In fact, there is nothing to entangle with. With the potential that I have shown now, and the relationship with Xue Qinghe, Emperor Xue Ye is even willing to spend a greater price to tie me up, because he knows that when I arrive At that level, all foreign objects are no longer important."

Uran and Zhu Zhuqing left the Tiandou Great Fighting Arena side by side, while slowly explaining to Zhu Zhuqing.

She is still immersed in the generous reward of the Great Xue Ye and cannot extricate herself.

As for the level he was talking about, it was naturally the Title Douluo level.

"But, this already means that you have a bright future, Uranium! You think, a city's fief, servants, mansions, rewards, although I don't know whether this title can be inherited, but no matter what, you are already You have the background of becoming a veteran nobleman, and I remember that you are a commoner, from commoner to top nobleman, my God, this is so happy!..."

While thinking about it, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes brightened. Uranium's happiness is her happiness. She congratulated Uranium from the heart.

"Actually, this is just a sugar-coated cannonball, but as far as I am concerned, I want to eat the sugar-coated, and I can accept the cannonball." For the reward of Emperor Xueye and the hidden challenge, Uranium Choice Gladly took it.

Even if Shrek's Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Diana are strong, how about?

What if they have the seven-in-one fusion skills?

What if there are three soul kings in Wuhun Hall?

He has won the championship of the Soul Master Competition!

Thinking that there is still a year left, Xiaoxue should complete its transformation, and the corners of Uran's mouth raised slightly.

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