Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 323: We are friends, right?

The Royal Knights also lost some fighters. After all, they were elite sergeants of the empire, and they would soon be able to recover.

   But after starting the journey, the group seemed a little silent.

  Uran returned to the carriage, only to find an additional man.

   is Xueqinghe.

   "You talk, I'll go outside." Kai Ying looked around and whispered.

   Kaiying touched his head, feeling that His Royal Highness was looking for his captain, there must be some secrets, if he heard it, it would be troublesome.

After    said, Kai Ying walked out.

   "You can't go to Wuhun City."

Xue Qinghe’s first sentence cuts directly into the subject, "You will die if you go. You are very lucky today. They are now targeting those people in Shrek Academy because they are relatively weak, but unexpectedly they met. Hard stubble, if you set the target on you for the first time, you are now dead."

"Yes, you have a guardian secretly protecting you, but you can't imagine how many powerful people will be sent when the Spirit Hall raises your threat to the maximum. To be honest, even if I am a prince, I I can’t speak in the Spirit Hall. This time you let three Spirit Douluos disappear. The next time, maybe the two Title Douluos came together. Uranium, Spirit City is too dangerous. Why, You'd better get off halfway, I will let the Royal Knights clear the road in advance."

   Xue Qinghe said to himself, but Uran was keenly aware of the meaning of his words.

  He can't speak in Wuhun Hall?

   Just kidding, she is the daughter of Wuhun Palace.

But when he thinks about her mother Bibi Dong, the pope who inherited the lineage of the Rakshasa god, and her hatred for Chihiro Ji, he is somewhat clear. Yes, maybe Qian Renxue is returning. Behind the Hall of Martial Spirit, with the backing of grandfather Qian Daoliu, he could stand up against Bibi Dong.

But now, Bibi Dong has the final say in the Hall of Martial Arts, and the two of them didn’t deal with it. Bibi Dong was forced to give birth to Qian Renxue because he was forced by Qianxun Ji back then. For this reason, Bibi Dong confronted Qian. Ren Xue didn't like it very much.

   This has led to Qian Renxue not being loved by his mother Bibi Dong since she was a child, and grew up with her grandfather Qian Daoliu since she was a child.

Only when Bibi Dong gave up his sword at the end was he able to relieve his suspicion, but then Bibi Dong was also dead. Before that, the two had been fighting, even if Qian Renxue successfully usurped the throne and became the lord of the Heaven Dou Empire. In the future, the Wuhun Empire will be established, and the mother and daughter may have to do another one.

   Therefore, even if Bibi Dong knew that Uranium was Qian Renxue's person, he would still be ruthless. After all, Uranium was a blazing genius in the Heaven Dou Empire.

   He was right.

  Uran probably guessed it too, and it can be seen from the number of high-level spirit masters sent by the other party that the other party really wants to wipe him out.

   But obviously, the Spirit Hall still values ​​Tang San's identity too much, and is too worried about another Clear Sky Douluo in the future.

   Although he showed great strength, in comparison, there is no twin spirit, the news of the Clear Sky Hammer shocked the spirit hall.

   "I will go, and I am not afraid of strong enemies."

   Uranium said lightly.

  Why should you be afraid of enemy threats? Just because the Spirit Hall wanted to kill him, should he run?

Perhaps it is the right decision to avoid his edge. After all, after he develops for a few years, he may dare to step on Wuhun City. However, he has time to stop, and Cronus Soul Guidance armor can save his life, and nuclear Explosive kick and nuclear missile fist are the two ultimate moves. Regarding the power of destruction, it is impossible to determine who will neutralize the other.

It’s just that he doesn’t want to use this powerful spirit ability in Wuhun City. It’s too shabby to bear the blood debt of killing innocent people, but if he takes Zhu Zhuqing Kaiying and others to kill a **** road, the problem is also Not very big.

   Turn your face and scare who?

   "You go, I can't protect you."

Xue Qinghe shook his head, his face was full of complex emotions. He knew that her mother would definitely kill him. He couldn't just sit back and watch, but no matter what, as long as she did not restore her position in the Spirit Hall in a day , Can't resist all her actions in one day.

   After all, the Wuhun Empire plan she was seeking was only to give herself more strength to fight Bibi Dong!

   "Qinghe, we are friends, right?" Suddenly, Uran raised his head, looked at Xue Qinghe's eyes, and held his hand.

   Seeing her hand held together with Uranium, Xue Qinghe was a little surprised.

  Friend, what a remote thing this is to him. When he remembered, he had never played with a child of the same age. Under the stern teaching of his grandfather, some of his childhood memories were just constant practice. Even now, acting as Xue Qinghe, the people he met will eventually It was a friend of Xueqinghe, not a friend of Qian Renxue.

"Child, my granddaughter, from the day you were born, the entire Douluo Continent was whispering this name: Qian Renxue!! My granddaughter! I proudly watch you grow up day by day and become the **** of angels. Incarnation.

   Remember, we have always ruled the Wuhun Temple with strength and wisdom.

   At the same time, I also know that you will use your powerful power carefully.

   But, the real victory of reign is to step onto the position of the **** that hangs in the sky!

   One day my life will reach the end.

   And you will be crowned as a god! "

  The memories of childhood flashed through Xue Qinghe's mind like a revolving lantern. From the time she remembered, she followed her grandfather to practice. Although she has parents, it is ridiculous that her parents are the same as none.

   Father hadn't met a few times, and he couldn't even remember his face, so he was killed.

   What's even more ridiculous is that he was killed by his own mother, and when his own mother looked at her eyes, there was immense disgust, and even killing intent, as if she was watching a wild dog on the side of the road.

   Although there is still a grandfather, but he has never felt a trace of affection from his grandfather.

   She felt that in Grandpa's eyes, she was just a tool, a tool that could achieve his goals.

   For a long time, she has been alone, just like walking in the dark, accompanied by her, only endless loneliness, even if hidden in the Tiandou imperial family for these ten years, it is the same.

   There is no one to talk to. The pressure on his body is like a sharp sword, hanging above his head. At night, I don't know how many times I dream of revealing my identity and wake up.

  Loneliness, worry, fear...All kinds of negative emotions are piled up on her body. She feels that she has not mentally collapsed because of these negative emotions, such as mountain pressure, and she is already very powerful.

   If I change another person, I guess I will go crazy.

   For so many She has also survived by herself, friend, in the past 20 years, she has not appeared, and she also thinks that she does not need friends.

   Looking at Uran's clear eyes, Xue Qinghe couldn't help but sighed.

   How dazzling.

   Friend, what an extravagant hope for the once self, but now, it is within reach.

   "Uranium, I promise, no matter what status I am in the future, you will be my most important friend!" Xue Qinghe looked at Uranium and said solemnly.

Uran released Xue Qinghe's hand and looked at Xueqinghe seriously: "Since we are friends, then you believe me. I am not an ordinary soul king. In this world, no one can stop my footsteps. It is God’s will! God’s will cannot be violated!"

   Xueqinghe quietly looked at Uranium who spoke wildly. He clearly looked like a big talk, but why, he couldn't find the slightest sense of disobedience?

For a long time, Xue Qinghe smiled freely, with a smile like a spring breeze, "Well, this time, I believe you, but if something happens to you, I will save you with all my life. This is mine. committed to!"

   Although he was smiling, the tone of his mouth was extremely determined.

   Looking at Xue Qinghe who was so serious, Uran could not help but smile.

   "Hahaha, then your promise will be extended indefinitely, because I am the one who walks the way of heaven and is in charge of everything."

   "As long as I hope, destiny will definitely be on my side!"

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