Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 355: Wuhundian surrender

"I... admit... lose." Hu Liena whispered, losing the highlight in her eyes.

The voice was not loud, but with the support of soul power, everyone could hear it clearly.

Seeing this, the audience was stunned.

Even Bibi Dong was stunned.

Did not expect this scene at all!

Only Ning Fengzhi stood up suddenly.

"This is... actually has this level of mental power?"

At this time, Ning Fengzhi looked at Sword Douluo, and found that this mainland famous swordsman Chenxin, Sword Douluo, was also embarrassed at this moment.

Spiritual power, the hidden ability of a soul master, can be said to be able to cultivate very few ways, and there are not many ways to improve it. Only the martial arts who specialize in spiritual power can develop in this aspect.

And the uranium in front of me is so strong in spirit? Not only was she completely immune to Hu Liena's charm control, but also controlled her in turn!

This is a path that has not been conceived before. Logically speaking, mental power should only have an additional effect when attacked at the spiritual level.

Obviously, he didn't understand either.

After that, Hu Liena softened and fell toward the ground.

Hu Liena fainted.

The cardinal turned directly into a light and shadow, and he held Hu Liena with his arm, inspected it, and said in a deep voice:

"It just falls asleep naturally, it's okay."

He said to Bibi Dong's position.

Bibi Dong nodded slightly.

After speaking, the cardinal, who was the referee, took another look at Uranium and had to announce:

"Tiandou Royal Academy-Huangdou Second Team wins!"

In this way, after the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace was also defeated, there was no need for the other players to play. Uran won the victory and successfully entered the winner group of the finals.

And this afternoon, the Spirit Hall team will compete with the Shrek team for a qualifying spot, competing for a spot to challenge Uranium again!

All the soul masters in the audience watched Uran slowly walking down the square from the back, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

The three golden generations of Wuhun Palace were defeated by him in this way?

Or... defeated without injury?

When this news reached Tang San and his party who were resting at the moment, they were all shocked.

"Defeat without injury?"

Ma Hongjun swallowed, "Rongrong, is this really what your father said?"

Because they were sent back by Bibi Dong in advance, they didn't see any battle scenes. Naturally, they didn't understand the spirit abilities of the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace, and what Uranium showed.

Ning Rongrong nodded and pursed his lips, "I originally wanted to ask my father how he defeated him and what the spirit abilities of the three golden generations were, but he did not say."

Ning Fengzhi would definitely not talk to Ning Rongrong about such things.

If he said that, he was tantamount to taking the initiative to betray the Papal Palace, which was a very unwise choice.

After all, he saw with his own eyes that the Pope took the initiative to drive Shrek out of the spectator stand. Naturally, he didn't want Shrek to observe the specific situation of the three of the Golden Generation.

"Father said it himself."

"Is the golden generation too weak...or is the uranium too strong?"

Oscar squeezed his chin and thought, "But how come the Golden Generation is also a 50-odd soul king. Although it is a personal battle, it cannot be defeated without injury, right?"

"Forget the time."

Dai Mubai looked at the sky, "From the time we got down to Uncle Ning's message to us, it took less than an hour, minus the process of information transmission... and it may be even shorter, meaning that uranium only took one hour. If not, we will lose three people in a row."

Thinking of this, Dai Mubai was speechless.

"Nana, do you think you are sure? With our hole cards, can you achieve this level?" Suddenly, Dai Mubai remembered something, and turned to look at the cute face of Diana with caution. Asked in a tone of voice.

"Oh... I don't know." Diana thought for a moment, then shook her head.

"How to fight this?"

Even the key figures have no confidence, what can be done...

Tang San was also a little silent. Hearing the news from Ning Fengzhi, his first reaction was that maybe the championship is really unlikely.

They still have confidence in defeating the team of Wuhun Hall, but they defeated Uranium...

To be reasonable, watching Uranium show more and more abilities along the way, the seven of them felt their confidence was being squeezed a little bit.

The master was a little silent, he opened his mouth, for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"Actually, I think we have a high probability of winning the Spirit Hall team. Even if we can't win Uranium, the runner-up of the Soul Master Competition is pretty good. Everyone say yes, hehe." Ma Hongjun lowered his head. , Suddenly lifted up, and said with an indifferent tone.

"Yeah, we are still young. We still have a chance at the next Soul Master Competition. It's a big deal. We will wait five years before we come back." Oscar was also a little desperate, and said in despair.

As soon as the voice fell, the master's voice suddenly sounded!

"Do you really think so?" The master's icy voice sounded, and with a rigid face, he glanced at Tang San, Dai Mubai, Diana, Ning Rongrong, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, and Xiao Wu, with hatred that iron can't make steel. The tone continued.

"Have you forgotten that Uranium is only two years older than Tang San? You can wait for five years, can't he wait?"

The master pointed at several people in Flanders, and continued to sternly said, "Look at Dean Flanders, Teacher Erlong, and Zao Wou-ki. They have trained you hard in the past two years. If you suffer, don’t they? Are you worthy of the teachers when you say such discouraged words?"

Hearing the master's anger the seven people suddenly bowed their heads in shame.

"You now represent not only the seven of you, but also Shrek, and even more of our teachers. You can choose to surrender for the sake of tactics, but when you really face the enemy, you must not be timid!"

"Be sure to believe in yourself, you can defeat uranium!"

"No one is invincible!"

The master looked like a torch, looking at several people.

Seeing this, a surge of excitement surged in the hearts of the seven, and their faces flushed.

"Teacher is right, we were wrong!" Tang San took a deep breath, "No one is invincible! Even if it is uranium, the Shrek Seven Devils definitely have a way, even if there is no martial spirit fusion skill, we I must be able to beat him too!"

The remaining six nodded.

The master looked at the seven with relief.

The master looked at Tang San and said calmly: "Now, you have a rest and discuss the tactics for dealing with the Wuhun Temple team in the afternoon. They were defeated by Uranium. I think even if there is no vitality injury, they are still injured. , Although the healing resources of the Wuhun Temple far exceed those of the two empires, it is not for the dead."

"This time, the Shrek team can only win, not lose, and the victory must guarantee a complete victory. You, absolutely must not have any serious injury, otherwise it will greatly reduce the future victory rate against Uranium."

Finally, the master took a deep breath and said solemnly: "The stronger the opponent, the greater the gold content of the championship! You will always be my most proud disciples, I am proud of you! Team Shrek will win."

Tang San was also infected by this atmosphere, he took a deep breath and looked at the other six people.

The next moment, the seven members of the Shrek team shouted in unison: "Team Shrek will win!"

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