Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 376: Close combat!


The black Clear Sky Hammer crashed into the midair with the uranium that almost turned into streamer!

The piercing sound of gold, iron and steel spread throughout Wuhun City.

The sound started from the point where the Clear Sky Hammer and the lightsaber collided, and turned into waves of air. The soul power form shrouded on the Clear Sky Hammer almost instantly turned into nothing, and what was broken was the uranium soul power light. The sword, turned into a little bit of gray light, burst instantly.

Tang San couldn't help holding his head and screamed. In the case of Haotian's true body, his soul was almost connected to the Hammer. This level of confrontation has already involved a part of the spiritual realm, and his soul was affected. It was very painful because of a considerable amount of collision, and driven by that huge impulse, the whole hammer had been flew out. Directly out of the Pope Palace Square.

But Uranium didn't get better, he tried to use the soul power lightsaber to try to cut the Clear Sky Hammer in the real body of the weapon soul!

However, he failed. The confrontation between the two is like a pinpoint against a wheat mang. There is no winner in this fight. The shattering of the soul bone lightsaber means that he will not be able to use this soul bone skill for a certain period of time. Just like Tang San's Eight Spider Lances were severed, although he could recover on his own, it would take time.

"Ahem... I underestimated you, Tang San." Uran covered his right arm, sweat leaked from his forehead, and his face was slightly pale, and said with a trembling tone.

He felt that the soul bone on his right arm was tingling with bursts of pain, as if the soul bone was broken.

Tang San, who was over seventy, was not inferior to him in terms of strength at this moment!

With the increase in Haotian’s true body, Tang San’s physical fitness can also keep up with him. This is the increase effect of the seventh soul ability, and it is the most important method of the soul master. The increase is so powerful that there are few other soul abilities. Comparable.

You should know that if Tang San hadn't opened the device soul body, his soul power level would have reached the soul sage stage.

"Oh... it turns out that you don't feel good, Uranium..." Tang San put down the arm covering his head, his pale face gradually became a little bloody, he smiled reluctantly and stretched out his right hand to face Wu Shanxia. The direction of the soul city beckoned.


I saw a black light across the sky, like a meteor, shooting towards Tang San with a vigorous momentum.

The next moment, the Clear Sky Hammer that had just been knocked off fell firmly into Tang San's hands.

Uranium looked at the Clear Sky Hammer with emotion, and couldn't help but spit out: "Your hammer is too hard."

After listening, Tang San's face suddenly turned black, and the aura that had just gathered began to escape.

"I am now one with the human hammer, and the Clear Sky Hammer has been cut off. This also means that my soul has also been cut off." Tang San's expression slowed down a little, and he quietly explained to Uranium.

"That's really dangerous. In other words, you just walked through the ghost gate?" Uran asked without changing his face, as if he wanted to continue chatting with Tang San.

"You are delaying time."

Suddenly, Tang San raised his head, his eyes filled with deep purple meaning, as if he could see through uranium.

While talking, Tang San waved the Clear Sky Hammer and made a sound of tearing the air, "The soul bone lightsaber is broken, and it seems to have a great impact on you."

At the next moment, Tang San didn't have a chance to speak to Uranium, so he held the Clear Sky Hammer, stomped heavily on the ground under his feet, and immediately shot in the direction of Uranium!

"Good guy, I just want to rub my wrist." Uran was a little bit dumbfounded for a while, why did Tang San's brain make up for it, and he wanted to beat him like a dog in the water?

But since Tang San didn’t talk about martial ethics and planned to cheat and attacked his soul king, Uran was not polite. Although Tang San’s physical fitness and spirit power level were similar to him at the moment, it was not reached in just a quarter of an hour. At the time, Tang San couldn't completely control this power.

This is very similar to the principle of unstable foundation!

"Ho!" Her figure fell silent for a while, Uran's eyes glared fiercely, and he screamed, and stepped on the ground. His figure instantly turned into a black shadow, and he rushed towards Tang San who was rushing forward like lightning.

The figure flickered in midair, and with the assistance of high-speed movement, the fist wrapped in spirit power easily pierced the air. In the blink of an eye, the wave of spirit power sent out reached Tang San's chest.


The black shadow flickered, and the huge Clear Sky Hammer appeared strangely in front of him, like a thick shield, resisting the booming fist brewing explosive power.

The fists and hammers intersected, and a fierce wind suddenly spread from the intersection, shaking the space and making ripples.


A move to no avail, Uranium's wrist shook, and the five fingers immediately curled up and clasped tightly on the corners of the Clear Sky Hammer, then slashed across the hammer body, and immediately kicked!

Tang San's reaction was not unpleasant. After he noticed that Uranium had controlled the Clear Sky Hammer, his first reaction was not to break free immediately, or to wrestle with Uranium, but to loosen the Clear Sky Hammer decisively!

All of a sudden, the heavy weight of the Clear Sky Hammer poured down, and he couldn't control it with one hand and five fingers of Uranium. After all, he was not holding the hammer handle, but the hammer body. The Clear Sky Hammer was also very huge. It was about 1.5 meters, so under this huge force, Uran's body immediately showed an uncoordinated reaction.


Tang San released the Clear Sky Hammer, and a slender finger quickly came out, stained with a shining jade color. The mysterious jade hand opened at some unknown time, and it immediately pressed downwards, accurately pressing the deformed straight kick of uranium. , Made a crisp sound.

At the same time, Tang San's soul was once again linked to the Clear Sky Hammer, and this ancient black hammer moved on its own, smashing directly at Uran's face.

On one side of Uran's figure, he swung his posture, easily avoiding Tang San's attack. The next moment, Uran's eyes suddenly sharpened, and his soul power surged in his body, condensed on his hands and feet, and formed a similar pattern with a wave of ripples. Yu's hand guard, a semi-transparent hard thing like a leg guard, and as Uran's hand knife cut sideways, afterimages appeared in front of him instantly.

The hand knife slashed out, extremely fast, chasing Tang San's arm holding the hammer handle, but Tang San's observation ability was not weak. Compared with other spirit masters, the Purple Demon Eye had an extra small plug. In response, the handle of the hammer suddenly elongated, and everything about the Clear Sky Hammer was determined by Tang San himself under the Soul True Body, becoming bigger and smaller as he moved.

Only hearing a clang, Uran's hand knife slashed on the handle of the hammer with a crisp sound, but Uranium was nothing wrong, and under the protection of spirit power, there would be no bone breaks.

Although a hand knife fell through, Uran's palm also grasped the handle of the Clear Sky Hammer, and his other hand was curved, directly hitting Tang San's head with a brazen elbow.

Reluctantly, Tang San bent his arms to fend off Uran’s elbow blow. The two men mimicked, but the strength was still there. Tang San’s body suddenly swayed and his center of gravity was a little unstable, but he hadn’t waited for U With a further strong attack, the Clear Sky Hammer itself suddenly became bigger, directly blocking all Uranium's movements, and Tang San also got a chance to adjust.

But immediately Uranium rushed up again!

Faced with Uran’s melee style of playing hard against the Clear Sky Hammer, Tang San had a headache for a while. If an ordinary spirit master had encountered him, he would definitely be able to avoid the Clear Sky Hammer, then avoid it. Seeking for the flaws that he revealed when he attacked, he counterattacked, but Uranus didn't play his cards according to his routine.

Knowing that my Clear Sky Hammer is not strong enough, why do you still use fists to pick it up?

Therefore, the action of Uran's hard steel clear sky hammer directly disrupted the follow-up rhythm envisaged in Tang San's heart. In this close-range battle, every punch and every kick of Uran was full of great weight. , And Tang San was also caught in the rhythm of Uranium!

Melee fights are on the verge. Although Uranium's moves are extremely fierce, completely suppressing Tang San's fights, Tang San can also use the Clear Sky Hammer to assist his Profound Jade Hand, control cranes and capture dragons, and ghosts and fans. He's and Uran's tricks, but he knows that his soul sage state cannot last!

Thinking that he might regret defeat in this level of entanglement, Tang San's counterattack became more fierce. He wanted to look for an opportunity, an opportunity to do his best!

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