Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 397: My life is over

Because the power of the spirit ability at the beginning was too great, that he didn't enter here the first time, but it seemed that he also missed the best opportunity.

"Running?" Qian Daoliu frowned. This kind of situation beyond his control really made him a little disgusted.

"Let me feel the traces of aura you left behind..." Out of caution, Qian Daoliu did not search around for the first time, but closed his eyes and began to perceive the traces of where the uranium was fleeing. .

However, it is a pity that in this extremely terrifying explosion center, all traces seem to have been completely erased.

It's just that this doesn't stump Qian Daoliu. Since there are no traces of aura in the center, Uranium is definitely going to escape. With his overwhelming mental power and speed, it is not difficult to catch the opponent again.

Qian Daoliu quickly came to the edge area one kilometer away, and began to feel the traces there.

In Qiandaoliu's perception, the surrounding sites can be roughly divided into three categories. One category is a gray area that is calm as stagnant water. This category is mostly stones, trees, and things that have nothing to do with uranium.

The second type is restless spirit energy and special particle energy, which are in blue form. This kind of environment is very bad for people. Qian Daoliu knows it himself, so he doesn't want to stay in the nuclear explosion center for a long time, so he will run right away. Come to this fringe area.

The third category is.....

Qian Daoliu suddenly opened his eyes, and a golden light appeared in his eyes!

The third category is the past traces of uranium!

His figure flickered rapidly, came to a bush, squatted down, his eyes fixed on a branch and leaf.

However, what he looked at was not the flowers, but the scarlet on the branches and leaves!

"It seems that your traces are exposed, little guy." Qian Daoliu smiled, and then wiped away the blood stained on this branch and looked far away, as if he could already see the desperate escape. The uranium is average!

The next moment, Qian Daoliu's figure disappeared instantly.

Now that you know the traces of uranium dependence, then it is easy to handle it next.

Although the opponent has escaped his range of perception, in any case, it is only a delay of this point, and within a quarter of an hour, he can be killed.

For a time, as Qian Daoliu left, the nuclear explosion center once again fell into a weird calm.

got windy.

The trees and bushes rustled.

Suddenly, it was completely covered by golden-red glaze crystals, the messy ground was turned over, and a slightly pale hand stretched out from the soil.

Stretched out!


The hardened ground was broken, and there was a crisp sound. Uran sat up, his face pale, panting heavily, and looked at the surrounding with a look of surprise.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh one The fresh air supported him, but because of this rough movement, his face and neck were flushed, as if suffocated.

At this moment, the pain in the left hand is still reminding Uranium, this is only the surface calm.

In fact, once Qian Daoliu wakes up and finds that he has not been included in the range of perception at such a fast speed, he will discover what he must have missed or been deceived, and then immediately turn around and return here. .

Therefore, it was only a matter of time before Qian Daoliu found out that his strategy.

He must act now!

Because he couldn't guess when Qian Daoliu would come back!

"It seems that I won the bet..." After calming down for a few seconds, he looked around again and confirmed the position, Uran immediately supported him with his right hand and stood up.

At this moment, Uran's right hand still has the redness of a palm left!

This is his blood.

Just five minutes ago, at the moment the nuclear explosion kick was used, Uranium had already set up a round.

One, a living bureau.

In the first step, because of his own radiation field, he can be immune and absorb the manic spirit energy in the air, so he immediately used the energy absorption halo to absorb light and heat to ensure his survival and action.

In the second step, he squeezed the broken arm of his left hand with his right hand. Although the irritating pain almost made him roll his eyes and fainted, he still gritted his teeth and carried it down. Then, he swung vigorously. Take out his right hand and use his soul power to wrap the blood in, so as not to evaporate the blood into water vapor immediately under the extreme high temperature.

In the third step, relying on this terrifying shock wave, the blood wrapped in soul power flew down to the bushes a kilometer away and fell into it accurately, although the soul power burst in the center of the nuclear explosion was too terrifying, So much so that he squeezed the blood from his arm so hard that only a few drops fell on the outside world, but it was enough. At least when he saw the traces of the outside world, he could take the last step with confidence.

The fourth step is to bury yourself.

Because the explosive power of the nuclear kick was too great, the surrounding ground was forced to suffer the baptism, and natural pits were formed around it.

Uranium drilled into a natural depression, and the muddy soil fell into it. The mud flew around, and the dust caused by the shock wave floated around. The mud continued to stack in front of the uranium, and finally it was frozen and crystallized. Of the plate.

So that he not only has to resist the high temperature and heat, but also endure the extremely thin air.

If Qian Daoliu stayed in place for a few more minutes, it is estimated that he would really be suffocated to death.

This experience almost made Uranium think that his lungs and nose were all ripe.

"But fortunately, I deceived him. If I didn't deceive, I am afraid I would really have to wait for death." Uran sighed in relief, chose a direction away from Qiandao Liu, and acted quickly!

Because his soul power is almost exhausted, his speed is not too much, but it has reached the standard speed. Although he can wait a while at the nuclear explosion center, he can absorb the energy of the nuclear explosion center and turn it into soul power. , But Uran does not want to cause trouble, he wants to race against time.

Too little time!

With constant sprints, Uran's figure quickly disappeared into the dense forest.

The disgusting feeling of exhaustion of soul power caused Uranium to feel a headache during this escape, and even almost tripped over and fell to the ground, but no matter what, Uranium gradually relieved over time. .

It's been almost ten minutes, should I have come out?

When Uran was carrying such a relaxed thought, a golden figure suddenly shuttled from another place!

A golden light fell from a distance!

It happened to fall not far in front of Uranium.

Feeling the familiar breath of the angelic spirit, Uran's face changed again and again!

A thought called despair came to my mind.

"My life is over..."

After sighing, Uran's eyes flicked with gloom.

He has reached the limit he can do, and now it is true, without the ability to resist at all.

Thinking of this, Uran's body shook suddenly, as if he would fall down at any time.

But the next moment, when Uran raised his eyes and looked intently, a touch of astonishment suddenly appeared.


On the surface, she seemed to be in her early twenties, her skin was snowy, her phoenix eyes were powerful, the bridge of her nose was straight, her slightly slender phoenix eyes, and her face was somewhat powerful.

She is wearing a golden palace dress. The long dress is one-piece. It seems to be woven with gold silk. There is no excessive pattern decoration. The style is simple and elegant. The golden stand-up collar protects her white and slender. Her a long blond hair was scattered around her back casually, without careful combing, which formed a sharp contrast with her neat palace costume.

"What the hell, it turned out not to be Qiandao..."

Seeing that the person in front of him was not the middle-aged man with black hair, the tight nerves in Uran's heart suddenly relaxed.

This looseness, endless tiredness, fatigue, sleepiness, pain, and pain flooded into his heart, occupying all of his body!

The next moment, before Uranus finished the name Qian Daoliu, his eyes closed immediately. The body that was originally standing immediately lost all its center of gravity, and his straight face fell down!


Uranium fell to the ground and passed out directly.

? ? ?

As a result, the blonde girl who had just arrived was stunned.

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