Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 400: 1st conversation

Uran opened his eyes and looked at him holding his arms on his chest, leaning against the window, with an indifferent expression, Qian Renxue, who looked like an overbearing female president, couldn't help but frown slightly.

He did not speak, nor did the other person speak.

On the one hand, he is brewing words in his heart; on the other hand, he wants to know what kind of situation he is in.

Was it discovered by Qian Renxue in a coma, and then communicated with Qian Daoliu who rushed over and decided to let him go?

Or this is the Martial Soul Palace, Qian Daoliu and Qian Renxue are not going to let him go, so they decide to torture him?

Was Qian Renxue found in a coma, and then was not caught by Qian Daoliu and took him to a safe place?




For a while, the thoughts in his mind kept popping up, and then there was silence.

At this moment, neither of the two would be the first to speak. One was waiting for Uran to take the initiative, while the other didn't know how to fool each other, as if the "wake up" that Qian Renxue said just now was Uran's own fantasy.

Uranus sat on the bed quietly for three minutes.

Qian Renxue couldn't help it finally.

"The trauma on your body only needs to rest for a week to fully recover, but your arm has just been fixed, and you will not recover without half a year of training."

She glanced at Uran's hastily fixed arm strap and said quietly.

As she spoke, Uranium could feel that the sun seemed to be getting stronger, emitting light and heat, and began to have a stronger energy movement than before.

This seemed to herald Qian Renxue's uneasy heart at this moment.

Because of the angel’s martial soul, the role of the angel **** is sacred and flame, and it can also absorb the power of the sun. However, due to the limitation of the **** position, the angel **** can only borrow a small part of the true fire power of the sun, but it is enough The **** of angels under the sun has the strongest state.

"Really." Uran moved his eyes to his left hand following the tingling sensation on his arm, and found that at some point, the open fractured left hand had been fixed in the style of an arm sling, connected to the neck. The shape formed a triangle, and the fractured part was connected and fixed by a dozen wooden sticks.

This kind of very professional approach made Uran a little confused for a while. Is this something Qian Renxue can do?

Although it is a bit ugly, but no matter what, this style of fixed splint is indeed the best way to deal with fractures. Next, you only need to continue to eat some high-protein light diets, the purpose is to provide the necessary nutritional conditions for fracture recovery .

For example, eating more egg whites, river fish meat, milk, etc., combined with appropriate sunlight, can promote the digestion and absorption of calcium in the human body, and is beneficial to the formation of new bone tissue.

The treatment is very good, that is, the wooden stick is easy to hit the inside of the elbow and itchy.

As Uran spoke up, Qian Renxue's expression became slightly active.

"who are you?"

After saying this, I don’t know if it was because of the divergence of thinking. Uran’s heart suddenly became a little nervous. He was a little afraid that Qian Renxue tugged at the corner of his mouth, and sneered at him and said: "I'm just a passing angel. Wuhun Spirit Master, remember it for me."

Uran glanced at Qian Renxue's white and flawless face, and couldn't help feeling a little bit in his heart. In the world of soul masters, it is true that the higher the soul power level, or the higher the martial spirit quality, the more beautiful people.

The two are almost directly proportional.

Anyone who has a high spirit power level at a young age is a handsome man and a pretty girl.

Except the old man.

Maybe, every time the spirit power level is upgraded, it is to expel impurities for the pure body, such as dead skin, dead mites in the pores, so the skin is delicate and shiny. It turns out that the appearance of people on earth is basically The sky is destined, but in this fantasy world, I am afraid it cannot be established.

"I am Qian Renxue. This is a small town eighty miles away from Wuhun City. If you go to the south side of the road, you can reach the public road from Wuhun City to the Heaven Dou Empire. There are ten days' worth of dry food, water and Clean the gauze, change the gauze once every ten days, and the hotel stay will expire after seven days."

"If you just want to ask me why I want to save you, then don't waste time. Is there any problem?"

Clean and neat, Qian Renxue released all the current information, including the way out, the current situation, and the time left for Uranium.

Originally, she intended to be honest with Uranium and tell the other person her true face, but after thinking about it all night, she finally decided to give up this bold idea.

She did not dare to bet, when Uranus knew that the prince Xue Qinghe, who she used to call her brother and brother, had suddenly died long ago. All that was alive was the skin bag and the dummy, and she was a member of the Wuhun Temple, even the Qiandao Liu who severely injured Uranium. Qian Renxue can't imagine what kind of attitude Uranium will be under this kind of entanglement.

And if it comes to what I have to say, then there are only two roads left, one dead end, and one leading to the unknown.

Either kill your mouth or let the uranium escape.

Different from Qian Renxue in the original work, he kept releasing people to Tang San, until he had to conquer.

Uranium's potential has been fully revealed. It can kill Titled Douluo, defeat multiple soul Douluo, and finally escape from Grandpa. This brilliant talent has brought unparalleled pressure to Qian Renxue. Once Uran left alive, and he became hostile to the Spirit Hall, then eventually the Spirit Hall would usher in only the end...

This was Qian Renxue's own hunch, and she was also very sure that her hunch would never go wrong, so she did not dare to gamble, and she did not dare to easily decide whether Uranium lived or died.

Uranium was silent.

The geographical location, departure time, and injury treatment were all properly arranged.

This is very different from Zhu Zhuqing who knows how to cook.

It's not that Zhu Zhuqing is not good. On the contrary, he took good care of him. Normally, the academy directly sent soul beast meat meals without them worrying about it at all, just practicing, and when they went to the outside world together, he managed the accommodation and food.

And now, Qian Renxue in front of him gave him a kind, as if to see another strangeness and novelty of mine.

"It's interesting, isn't it a big lady, but a doer?" Uran nodded slightly in his heart. He likes to deal with this kind of people. Such talents are interesting and can really change this ~Change, the world where the strong prevail over the weak.

However, he wants to become the strongest, but becoming the strongest is not the end. On the contrary, this is just a stepping stone needed to maintain his philosophy.

Without the strength, he didn't dare to speak hard. Just like now, he was almost beaten to the death. It is impossible to say that he has no energy in his heart.

Although I have lived in this Douluo world for many years, the good life of the previous life will still appear in dreams, and this time of near-death experience has strengthened Uran's belief that he wants to change the world. .

It is definitely not the strong that can determine the life and death of a person, but the law!

The law is the real social rule, not the current rule of the strong.

Of course, if a strong person dares to trample on the law, then the first thing to face is to be trampled by him, a stronger person.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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