Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 407: Enter the palace

Because of the arrangement, after Uran bought the medicinal materials he needed, he boiled and drank it by himself, and relied on himself. He had learned some knowledge about cooking medicine when he was studying at the Tiandou Royal Academy, which was not difficult.

Soon, he set off again, and it was only one day away from Tiandou City.

....time flies.....

From afar, you can already see the city head with the banner displayed. As the largest and one of the two most prosperous cities on the mainland, the walls of Tiandou City are as high as 100 meters, all of which are repaired by the hardest granite. Up and down the city, the soldiers patrolling and standing guard are all full-body armors and holding spears, and the murderous air that exudes from them can be seen to be tough.

As he approached the city gate, Uran raised his head and glanced at the huge three characters "Sky Dou City" above the city gate. He couldn't help but stop, and he vomited lightly as he watched the faintly sounding human voice coming out of the city gate. He murmured to himself, "Heaven Dou City, I am finally back."

He walked into the city gate and passed through the somewhat gloomy city gate passage, and then the sun suddenly brightened in front of him, and Uran raised his head slightly, showing a touch of cordial and familiar intersecting streets that appeared in his sight.

"It's been half a year, and it hasn't changed much." He smiled softly, letting the wind and dust on Uran's face fade a little, and glanced at the Tiandou Royal Academy outside Tiandou City, then turned his head and looked up. With your feet facing the street that has been walking for two or three years, walk quickly.

If you guessed correctly, Zhu Zhuqing should be with Xueqinghe. Tiandou Royal Academy cannot protect her safely, and Qian Renxue also knows this, so next, he is going to the palace!

The road to the palace is very iconic. Go along any major road. At the end of the road is the destination.

From the sky, Tiandou City is an almost circular city with the imperial palace in the center. All the buildings are built around 16 main roads, radiating in all directions like spider webs.

On the main arterial road, branch roads are divided, which forms the main traffic route of the city.

Uran walked along the road for nearly half an hour, and soon he saw the imperial palace.

It is a city within a city.

The moat quietly surrounds this magnificent imperial palace, and the water quality is full of blue. From time to time, black shadows flash across the water quickly, and I don't know what soul beast is living in it.

And in front of the palace gate is a road that can accommodate ten carriages. Next to the gate, there are rows of magnificent stone pillars. Below the stone pillars stand soldiers covered in armor, holding spears, and silent.

In front of the palace gate.

"Stop." Two guardian knights wearing silver armor blocked Uran's path. A total of 100 guardian knights raised their swords at the same time. "This is the forbidden area of ​​the imperial palace, one step closer, no matter what you kill."

Faced with hundreds of knights whose strength was obviously lower than his own, Uran's expression remained as indifferent as usual. He raised his hand and revealed his token.

A knight leading the country quickly stepped forward. When he saw the four characters on the token, he couldn't help but shiver cleverly. With a puff, he fell to the ground on one knee, "See Your Highness."

This is the personal thing that Xueqinghe bestows on uranium, and it is engraved with the gilt token of the Prince's visit! This token, even if it was Xueqinghe, was only one piece, and it was still on Uranium.

Hundreds of National Guardian knights made the same movements neatly. Under their background, the rather ordinary Uranium with a hood on them no longer looked so ordinary.

"Take me to see Xueqinghe." Uran told the other party his purpose in the simplest words.

Entering the palace, there is the presence of the leader of the guardian knight, and Uranium is not hindered in any way.

As the token holder of the Crown Prince of the Tiandou Empire, Uran has great authority, so when they reached the bedroom of Xueqinghe, they were not stopped until here.

Soldiers covered in armor holding spears, blocking the way of everyone.

Uran took out his unique gilt token, "Get out of the way. I have an urgent matter to see Xue Qinghe."

At this moment, a leisurely and pleasant male voice sounded, "Hehe, Brother Uranium, now that he is here, just come in directly, I welcome it."

"See His Royal Highness." The surrounding soldiers knelt down and Uran slowly turned around to look.

There was no other person beside Xue Qinghe, as if he was just passing by, walking slowly from the bedroom in their direction. I have to mention that under the disguise of Qian Renxue, he was still so handsome and sincere. Without any change, it still feels approachable.

But the appearance is not useful, the inside is the core. Uran knows that Qian Renxue’s horror is precisely that she only acts for the benefit of the Wuhun Hall. If her value is not exceptionally high, I am afraid it was at the beginning. It was not to save him then.

Fortunately, they are a group.

"His Royal Highness, hello." Uran slightly saluted Xueqinghe.

In any case, the superficial work is to be done for the soldiers who may be in the eyes of the emperor.

Xue Qinghe walked to Uran's side, took the initiative to hold his hand, and said with a smile: "Brother Uran, it's all here, why don't you come sit here first."

As he said, he turned his head, looked at the leader of the guardian knight, and said gently: "Go and tell your father that Uranium has arrived at the palace."

After speaking, he led Uran to the bedroom. Uran guessed right. Zhu Zhuqing was indeed protected in the palace, and he lived not far from his womb, although the external manifestations would give people an impression. The prince Zhang wanted to be lucky to Zhu Zhuqing, but Qian Renxue knew that this was pure nonsense.

Along the way, Xue Qinghe backed off the servants and soldiers, and quietly said to Uranium, "Uranium, fortunately, I picked it up in time a month ago. When I first arrived, my people had already fought against the people of the Star Luo Empire. Now, Zhu Zhuqing is quite strong, and someone who can support me arrives, otherwise, he really might not be able to get out of Wuhun City."

"And wait a while, the Great Emperor Xueye should come to summon you. According to your merits, it is enough to get the reward of the king's degree, and there is a high probability that you will get the actual fief. This is not the same as the illusory title of the king. This indicates that you can choose a more remote territory as the and you, as the actual controller, are solely responsible for everything in the territory, which is the so-called king of another land, and you can listen to it. If you don’t listen to the announcement, that old fellow, the power given to you is really big."

"Oh? King of the different surname, why? My attack did not save the Heaven Dou Empire, nor did I make any outstanding contributions. I just won the championship." Uranium was a little confused, this is a pie in the sky?

The emperor is not so stupid, right?

"Hehe, of course the emperor is not so stupid. When you get the territory, people will always go over and preside over the overall situation, right? Then you always need someone to help you with government affairs, right? You always need some start-up funds, as well as various trade routes, etc., these, As a completely alone person, a clansman without a family, it is impossible to recruit people in the local area. Naturally, the royal family will help you." Xue Qinghe completely saw through what Xue Ye wanted to do.

The old emperor wanted to completely tie the uranium to the chariot of the Tiandou Empire.

"But it's a pity that he would never think that Uranium is my person, and I am a person from the Spirit Hall." As he walked, a sneer hung on the corner of Xue Qinghe's mouth.

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