Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 408: Reunion

In the palace, in the womb.

Xue Qinghe and Uran stood side by side in the imperial garden, quietly waiting for the message from the guard to arrive.

This was instructed by Xue Qinghe. Since Uranium has already arrived, let him take Zhu Zhuqing away. The province will ask about Uranium every few days. Although she doesn't say it on the surface, she is actually a little annoyed.

"Uranium, what do you think of this five-year development period?" Xue Qinghe stood with his hand holding his hand and asked quietly, looking at the large flowers in front of him.

"If you don't want to leave Tiandou City, I will ask your father to put you by my side to assist me. In this way, you will not be sent to a remote territory. After all, at your current age , There will definitely be some nobles who are dissatisfied with your rapid promotion speed, because it will have a lot of impact on their established aristocratic circle. Who can ignore a powerful king?"

Xue Qinghe said so.

"Qinghe, why are you so sure that I can win the position of the real power king? There is no such thing as a champion of the Soul Master Competition. If the Tiandou Empire wins the championship every ten years, wouldn't it be every ten years of snowy nights? The emperor is going to divide a part of his territory and give it to a stranger? In my opinion, I am afraid that only the power of saving the country can be matched, otherwise, it is too cheap." Uran frowned and said what he was thinking about. guess.

"Definitely? Haha~" Xue Qinghe smiled, but his eyes did not contain any smiles, but rather cold.

"Uran, you underestimated yourself, and you underestimated the emperor's ambitions. Do you think that with your talent and spirit, ordinary soul master families can cultivate? Although you told me However, there is no special person around you to protect you. I will believe this, but the Great Xueye will not believe it. He should think that there is a huge hidden family behind you, so this is the title of king. , Not for you, but to win'you'!"

"The reason why Emperor Xueye is so anxious is because Wuhundian has done too much. In recent years, there has been more and more interference with other country's political affairs and continuous small actions in secret. Emperor Xueye is anxious. He needs strong assistance. That's why Ning Fengzhi is my teacher, the prince’s teacher, and when I take the position, he will be the emperor! What is this for? Isn’t it to tie the Qibao Liulizong? At the national level, there are no emotions, only interests, and You are the key to this core interest."

After listening to Xue Qinghe's words, Uranium fell into deep thought.

Indeed, Emperor Xueye didn't guess wrong, there was indeed a family behind him.


This family, I am afraid that he will not find the way back for a while. In the memory of a soul beast that Xiaoxue once swallowed, he was brought out in a certain forest by a movement that resembled the mighty power, directly from The alien space appeared in the forest, and at that time, all his senses were also controlled by the writing wheel eyes. He was regarded as his own family and always in the forest. I am afraid, this is also to protect the family’s residence. Necessary measures that need to be taken when discovered.

But the problem is that Xiaoxue is still at a critical moment during the transformation period. It can't be released for a year or a half. Even if it does, if you want to find a new way, you also need to find the family who lived in the Douluo Continent world. Of the people, this is simply finding a needle in the sea, how difficult it is.

So now he is just like a widow, no difference.

But this kind of thing...I can’t talk to Qian Renxue, because even Qian Renxue said oh, you really don’t have a family behind you, I believe you, but in fact, she and the emperor thought, It must be the same, otherwise how could it be analyzed from the perspective of Emperor Xue Ye?

If he really doesn't have any emotional intelligence, and tells Qian Renxue about his hole cards and retreat completely, then he will be cheated to death by someone, and that is what he deserves.

"...Well, you are right, I am indeed behind, with the support of the family. My spirit is also a mutant spirit in the family, just like the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect." There was a moment of silence, and Uranium slowed down. Slowly nodded.

"So this matter should be nailed down. I am very curious now. How do you want to develop? Should you go to a different place to be a noble king, or stay in Heaven Dou City? I have to declare one point first. I need to conquer by force, because I will rule the world as an emperor. In addition, the provinces will be completely controlled within five years. In fact, even if you want to be the regent and control all the provinces, I can allow you, because The Spirit Hall will eventually unify Star Luo and Tiandou. Compared with the whole world, these places are nothing short of the world. Haha~"

Xue Qinghe didn't shy away from talking so freely in the palace, and he didn't even fear that the walls had ears. Even if they had ears, they were his own ears.

As an undercover agent, there is always a titled Douluo close to her, who can say any information, as long as this person does not want to disclose it, then even if Emperor Xueye is standing outside the uterus, he will not hear any threat to Tian Dou. The words of the empire!

"...I don't want to stay in Tiandou City, I need to experience, and I still have some things to check."

Taking a deep breath, Uran finally shook his head quietly, rejecting Qian Renxue's kindness.

It is true that if you stay by Xue Qinghe's side, there will indeed be endless benefits, but after all, he can be regarded as a little pure-hearted, beautiful, mansion, rights, money, soul bone, he doesn't care.

"...Unexpectedly, you are not the same as those caged birds. I was mentally prepared." Nodding, Xue Qinghe smiled.

"Are you mentally prepared to ask me?" Uran couldn't help rolling his eyes. This asked knowingly, as if he would have other choices.

"Hehe, what if you can't think about it anymore?" Xue Qinghe put his hands on his chest, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but lifted, bringing a slight arc.

"Good guy..."

Uran just wanted to laugh, when suddenly, he heard a familiar spirit power aura breaking into his perception!

Before the breath was stable, the familiar breath began to flicker continuously. In less than five seconds, an abnormally precocious figure suddenly emerged from the reflection of Uran's body!

Zhu Zhuqing!

Naturally, Uran extended his right hand and took her shoulders quite familiarly.

This is almost about to form a habit. Every time Zhu Zhuqing jumps to his vicinity through the shadow, he almost always jumps out of this right side There have never been other exceptions.

"Where did you go?" The two hadn't seen each other for more than a month. This was the first sentence they met at this moment.

But before Uran was ready to speak, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes fell on his left hand, and in an instant, the invisible murderous aura suddenly spread from her body!

This contained a biting killing intent, and goose bumps appeared on Uranium's skin that was immediately irritated. Although this was not aimed at him, he still endured most of it at such a close distance.

"Your...hand? Who did it?!" Zhu Zhuqing's voice was trembling, and her eyes were red immediately.

As the person who is most familiar with uranium, even if the sleeves of Uranium's clothes cover everything at the moment, this abnormal posture cannot be concealed in the end.

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't believe it. The two hadn't seen each other this month, and Uranium had encountered such a thing.

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