The ape ancestor of the White Ape clan is also a rising star, and is the sixth island guardian of Wuliang Island, named Bai Kong.

Of course, the ape tribe, the flower tribe, the mastiff tribe, and the fox tribe are the four most powerful tribes on Wuliang Island. Besides these four tribes, there are also the wolf tribe, rabbit tribe, and eagle tribe.

Zi Chu was satisfied with this. Although the races on Boundless Island were not as powerful as the powerful clans on the Primordial Land, they were still quite good.

At least, the races on Boundless Island don't need to go through a lot of calamities.

The birth of the Heaven and Earth races, each race was born, and in the dark, there is a secret to let Honghuangsheng be inspired to know, even if it is the birth of the creature race on Boundless Island, it is also for Honghuangsheng to know.

Although the birth of the Heaven and Earth race was not announced by a great road, no one dare to underestimate this newly-born Hundred Clan.

Each of the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn is a mighty person with the level of the great Luo Jinxian, and there is more than one. Not only the tribe of dragon, phoenix and unicorn, but also some races are also extremely powerful.

The most important thing is that the great powers discovered that the birth of the Hundred Clan is actually sharing the fortune of the great fortune.

How can these powerful people be able to endure this? Of course, it is impossible to directly break out of the battle. Although it is said that under the influence of the robbery, it is still a small number of life and death.

However, although there is not much life and death, there are a lot of frictions. In addition, for the purpose of gathering energy, the means of the mighty to constrain the forces are a lot more crude.


On this day, above the East China Sea, there was a Taoist leaping quickly. However, although it was a fast forward, the Taoist seemed to be looking for something.

Today's dragons have not left the endless deep sea. Therefore, there are only one or two dragons wandering in the East China Sea occasionally, but they will not stay for long.

Naturally, this man had also encountered the Dragon Clan, and he also had a touch of envy in his eyes.

The three tribes of Dragon, Phoenix and Qilin have divided up nearly half of the entire primordial fate. If they could conquer the Dragon, Phoenix and Qilin, it would be a great thing.

However, it is a pity that there are too many strong people in the Dragon, Phoenix and Qilin tribes, and it is extremely difficult to conquer, at least with his cultivation base, it is impossible.

When he came to the East China Sea this time, his main purpose was to subdue the fox tribe, the white ape tribe, the mastiff tribe and the flower tribe.

Of course, there are some small clans who are also targets of his plan to surrender.

This East China Sea is an outstanding man, and nearly a dozen races have been born. If all these races are surrendered, his luck will be stronger, and the possibility of breaking through to the late Golden Fairy Da Luo Jinxian will be higher.

But what surprised him was that he had searched for nearly a hundred years in the East China Sea, but he could not find the location of these races.

However, this man did not give up, but continued to search.


Outside Wuliang Island, I don't know when there were so few smaller islands.

On the island, there are many creatures busy, and these creatures are all creatures on the immeasurable path.

Naturally, these islands were taken from the outside world by the fifth people in the purple day and placed them outside Wuliang Island.

And what these creatures are doing is nothing more than transforming these islands.

Wuliang Island is a world-class cave, which also caused Zi Chu's gaze to be quite high.

Of course, Dongtianfudi is hard to find, especially those top Dongtianfudi.

Zichu once also searched for those unborn blessed places in the world, such as Penglai.

It's a pity that maybe they haven't been conceived yet, or Zi Chu is not a destined person, so he didn't meet him.

However, unable to find those top-notch caves and blessings, Zi Chu could only transform it himself.

Take pictures of ordinary islands and transform the creatures on Wuliang Island into a suitable environment for survival. With some innate spiritual roots at the core, a large gathering array is arranged for each island to gather the aura of heaven and earth.

Even in order to better gather spiritual energy, Zi Chu also specially shaped several spiritual springs.

The creatures on the entire Wuliang Island have been busy for nearly a hundred years, and they have only transformed ten islands.

But Zichu wanted to arrange Xiawanzai islands around Wuliang Island.

It can be said that this is a very huge project.

Not only that, Zichu also plans to use Wuliang Island and Wanzuo Island as the foundation to deploy a peerless array to protect the entire Wanzuo Island.

But these are things to follow.

"Almost ten islands have been remodeled now, but you can find some creatures and place them in these islands.

But not now. If the past is inevitably made others think that I am here to fight for luck, and it is difficult to explain at that time, should I tell them that I am just for Honghuang to keep some seeds? "

Zichu believes that absolutely no one believes his words, but there will inevitably be some unnecessary disputes later.

But the really suitable time was after the eruption of the celestial beings at dusk. At that time, with the fall of mighty power, the race they gathered together was the best seed.

"Take your time, let's shape Wandao first.

Moreover, after Ten Thousand Islands are formed, a large formation can also be arranged. At that time, the three-tiered inner and outer formations can ensure that Wuliang Island is safe and free from any interference from the prehistoric. "

Zi Chu thought so.

As for the so-called East China Sea belongs to the Dragon Clan, I'm kidding, if I am willing, the entire East China Sea belongs to him. What is the Dragon Clan?

If the Dragon Clan dared to be arrogant, Zi Chu wouldn't mind, and let them know that the power of Dao Zun was inviolable.

With a chuckle, Zi Chu continued to retreat, refining his treasure.

Zichu has two treasures, one is the immeasurable axe talisman, and the other is a picture of chaos.

At the time of transformation, Zi Chu had only refined thirty-three of them to the prohibition. Now that he has reached the Daluo Jinxian Consummation, he can continue to refine, but it is estimated that the refining is up to thirty-eight.

But even if it only refining the five ways, the power of the innate treasure is enough to increase a lot.

Zi Huan, Zi Miao, Zi Jing, and Zi Yi are now working hard to cultivate. Compared with Zi Chu, they are far from the Hunyuan realm.

Of course, the four of them also caught the wheel of the avenue in the tide. As long as they keep on comprehending, they will definitely be able to step into the Hunyuan.

However, they are now competing with the Dao of Heaven. If they are unable to advance to the Hunyuan when the Dao of Heaven is born, then for them, more effort and more opportunities are needed.

Fortunately, they caught the wheel of the Dao. Even if the Dao of Heaven was born and the Dao disappeared completely, there was a chance to step into the realm of Hunyuan, but it was more difficult.

Of course, if you can step into the realm of Hunyuan before the birth of the Tao of Heaven, that is the true perfection.

Only if you step into the Hunyuan before the birth of the early heavenly Tao, can you be regarded as truly free and free, free from the influence of heaven and earth.

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