Zi Chu was not surprised at this, this is a matter of course.

Two half-step treasures that can be transformed into innate treasures are naturally more cost-effective than one treasure.

Of course, if you want to truly transform into a treasure, it takes a long time to conceive. In this process, the sun's origin cannot do it. It is already the limit that he can do, otherwise he can directly rise to the level. Arcana.

When the Taiyi is born, he needs to use his own laws to conceive.

Zi Chu received the Qiankun Ding and said goodbye to the origin of the sun, but received no response.

Zi Chu didn't care, and just drew away.

This time it was a huge gain, at least some of his previous inferences have also been verified. When the prehistoric becomes stronger in the future, then he can build the treasure.

At that time, if every saint has a treasure or a magic weapon comparable to the treasure, it will definitely be very lively.

Of course, this is just what Zi Chu thought about. If it is true, then the entire prehistoric land will not be messed up.

Zi Chu went directly to the north, and when he was on the way, he began to refine the Chaos Clock.

The Chaos Clock is very coordinated. When it descends to the north again, the prohibition of the Chaos Clock has been refined 38 times.

Stepping into the north again, Zi Chu discovered that the situation here was getting more serious, and the blood and evil spirits were actually eroding the earth and spirit veins.

If they are allowed to succeed, this piece of land will really become like later generations, barren, vicious, and unscathed.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zi Chu flew directly to the sky, Sun True Fire Gourd directly summoned, and suddenly a terrifying suction erupted from the gourd's mouth.

The real fire gourd of the sun, the biggest feature is that the fire of the sun can be born continuously, and there is even a chance that the real fire of the sun can be born.

However, in order to deal with the power of these blood evil spirits, Zi Chu still engraved the swallowing prohibition and the sun and moon prohibition in the pot on it, in order to be able to collect these blood evil energy directly.

It now seems to be useful.

Although the blood evil spirit is difficult to be purified by ordinary means, it can be absorbed, and they will also actively corrode.

Therefore, under the suction power of the gourd, these blood evil air all converged towards the mouth of the gourd and was incorporated into the space inside the gourd.

Zi Chu's movements were great, which naturally shocked the entire prehistoric creatures. When they saw Zi Chu collecting the blood evil spirit, they were all a little shocked and regretful at the same time.

Why didn't they think that the blood evil spirit could still be collected.

But some mighty frowned, and then one by one seemed to be waiting to see Zi Chu's digestion.

You must know that they have also tried to collect, but it didn't take long before the magic weapon they collected was directly corroded.

There was even an ancestor who accompanied him with a middle-grade Xiantian Lingbao for this, which made him feel painful for a long time.

Zi Chu's magic weapon was only an acquired spiritual treasure, they didn't think it was comparable to an innate spiritual treasure.

Normally, it is true, but they don't know the universe in this gourd.

Since Zichu refined the Lingbao, it has been catalyzing continuously. At this time, the space inside the gourd has already given birth to a large number of solar fires, and even some great sun fires.

Therefore, after these **** evil spirits fell into the gourd early, they directly faced the fire of the sun that pounced like a hungry wolf.

The fire of the extreme sun, especially the strongest flame in the world, should not be too simple to kill the blood evil spirit.

And with the passage of time, I don’t know if it’s my own illusion, this gourd seems to have changed a bit, um, the seeds of the nine true sun fires have been strengthened!

However, it is too small and self-sufficiency has not found out what the change is, but as long as it continues, it will definitely be known.

Those powers who were waiting to see Zichu digestion gradually discovered that the gourd was not only corroded, but the power seemed to be getting stronger.

At this time, they still don't understand, this is because Zi Chu has found a way to restrain these blood evil spirits.

Governing the north, the merits obtained will certainly not be less than the original Zi Miao and Zi Jing preaching preaching preaching. Greed appeared in the eyes of each of these great powers, but they did not dare to step into the north.

Zichu, Honghuang's recognized number one powerhouse, even if he hasn't become stronger, but it is undeniable that he must go further in Hunyuan territory.

To provoke the opponent, it is equivalent to provoke the entire Zi Lingtian, even Luo Hui must consider whether it is worthwhile, not to mention these creatures.

And the relationship between Zi Lingtian and Yang Eyebrow is very close.

You know, raising eyebrows opened the dojo to the East China Sea, not far from Wuliang Island.

If it weren't for a good relationship, which party would be willing to be not far away from their own dojo, and another powerful dojo, this is a provocative behavior.

But Wuliang Island and Kongming Island are in peace, and the two families often move around, which shows that the two are closely related.

To provoke Zi Lingtian, perhaps even the Sky Underworld Island was counted. At that time, the three Hun Yuan couldn't support any power.

Of course, the most important thing is that they have not found a way to deal with the blood evil spirit, otherwise there may be people who really take the risk.

The real fire gourd of the sun hovered over the north. At first, the prehistoric creatures were still paying attention, but as time went by, the predominant might be busy with their own affairs.

And ordinary creatures have gradually become accustomed to the sight of the surging blood evil spirit.

As time went by, the blood evil spirit gradually became thinner, and the blood evil spirit was no longer in the northern peripheral area.

"It's no wonder that I haven't seen fellow Zichu Taoist for hundreds of thousands of years. It turned out to be a way to find the power of the north!" Zi Lingtian raised his eyebrows and said again.

He looked at the north, and slightly admired, "Friend Zichu is really compassionate!"

"My brother was once entrusted by the Great God Pangu. I hope my brother can take care of the prehistoric man. This is my brother's promise! Naturally now the north is destroyed. If my brother doesn't manage it, it will be abnormal!" Zi Huan said softly, but felt nothing. To the exception.

Yang eyebrow nodded, as early as the time of chaos, Yang eyebrow knew the mystery of Zichu, and even when Pangu opened the sky, he saw Zichu next to Pangu.

It was already guessed by raising eyebrows, Zichu must have a relationship with Pangu.

It’s just that Pangu trusted Zichu so much and gave Zichu the responsibility of taking care of the prehistoric, and Zichu did not live up to Pangu’s trust.

After that, raised his eyebrows and gathered his mind, discussing with Zi Huan.

And Zi Jing, Zi Yi, and Zi Miao were listening.

The three of them had already realized Da Luo Dao Guo, and what they lacked was a little aura. As long as they grasped this aura, they could step into the Hunyuan.

However, this aura is simple and simple to say, but difficult to say, if there is no chance, you may not be able to grasp it for a lifetime.

When the three listened to the Tao, they wanted to realize this insight from the Tao of the two.

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