Doupo: Elemental God

Chapter 1591: Entering the big 0 world for the first time

Lu Yunxiao nodded to Xiao Yu and the others, and said.

"Just leave it to us."

Hai Bodong said immediately.

Xiao Yu and the others also responded, expressing that they would definitely take good care of Yunmen.

Lu Yunxiao smiled softly and brilliantly, "I'm going to Daqian, the shortest is one year, the longest is three years, and I will definitely return."

"At that time, I will connect the Battle Qi Continent to the Great Thousand World."

"Everyone, see you later."

"Congratulations to the door master."

In Cloud Gate, congratulatory voices resounded in unison.

Lu Yunxiao smiled again, then waved his sleeves lightly, leading Yun Yun and Qing Yanjing to fly towards the plane passage.

After Lu Yunxiao and Lu Yunxiao, Xiao Xuan, Bai Yue, and Jinglian Yaosheng also hurriedly followed.

A group of people rushed out of the plane passage and headed towards the Great Thousand World.

In the vast and endless nothingness, there are occasional space storms raging, and meteors pass by from time to time, causing a loud bang, echoing between the sky and the earth.


In the boundless world, a few beams of light suddenly passed by, and in the stream of light, several figures emerged.

One man and two women, revealing their figures.

The man was dressed in white, with a chic and elegant demeanor.

As for the two women, one was dressed in green clothes, a blue cloak, and a noble phoenix bun, with a graceful bearing.

One is dressed in a white dress, with a graceful figure and a fairy air, like a nine-day fairy descending to the mortal world.

One man and two women are rare faces in the world.

These three people are exactly Lu Yunxiao and Yun Yunqing Yanjing.

They have been traveling for a month in nothingness, tearing apart countless spaces.

What can be seen is still a vastness and nothingness.

"A lot of things have been discovered in the lower plane along the way, but so far, there is still no complete continent."

Watching meteors fly by in front of his eyes, Lu Yunxiao's eyes were extremely peaceful, without causing any waves.

Shooting stars are beautiful.

But no matter how beautiful the scenery is, if you see it too much, you will feel bored.

In this vast emptiness, there is not even half a human figure, and it is desolate and lonely.

In such a state, Lu Yunxiao's mood is naturally not so beautiful.

It can only be said that having Yun Yun and others as companions is neither good nor bad.

"The Great Thousand World is vast and boundless, and some remote areas are indeed uninhabited."

Qing Yanjing's voice was soft and soft, and she comforted, "But as long as you continue on your way, Jing'er believes that you will soon discover the New World."

Qing Yanjing is always so gentle and considerate.

Always give warmth and comfort when needed.

Lu Yunxiao smiled when he heard the words, and squeezed Qing Yanjing's jade hand, "Jing'er said the same thing, it's only been a month."

"The main thing is this empty space, it's too deserted and uncomfortable to stay in."

After all, people are group creatures, and they also like bright and colorful colors.

After staying in darkness and nothingness for a long time, the mood will always be depressed.

"After we find the new continent, we can determine our position."

"Instead of running around like headless chickens like they are now."

Lu Yunxiao continued.

Hearing this, Yun Yun couldn't help but nodded.

It is indeed unwise to rush around without a head, an end, or a goal.

The most important thing for them now is to find a place where people live together and lock their position.

"Yun'er, Jing'er, hurry up, let's do another big jump."

Lu Yunxiao looked at the two of them and said calmly.

Yun Yun and Qing Yanjing responded, and quickly grabbed Lu Yunxiao's hand.

With a thought in his mind, Lu Yunxiao directly tore the crack in the space, and then rushed in with the two of them.

The world is vast and endless.

The Western Sky Continent is located in the west of the Great Thousand World. This is an ancient continent.

When it comes to the vastness of the territory, it may not be as vast as those of the super continents.

But when it comes to reputation, it's not weak at all.

In ancient times, this continent was already famous and well-known by countless powerful people.

And on the Western Heaven Continent, there were also some well-known legends left behind.


Above Nine Heavens, the space suddenly vibrated, and three figures swept out of it.

Lu Yunxiao took the lead, looking at the bright and brilliant sunshine and the vast and boundless continent visible to the naked eye, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Finally... I found a place where there are living people."

Lu Yunxiao stretched his waist, the sun shone on his body, reflecting layers of radiance on his face.

His already flawless and handsome face looked even more handsome, with the ten-colored lotus imprint on the brows shining brightly, exuding a sacred majesty.

Seeing such an outstanding Lu Yunxiao, even Yun Yun and Qing Yanjing who got along with him day and night couldn't help being dazzled.

The two girls quickly came back to their senses, their faces blushing slightly.

They are old couples, yet they are still attracted by this man's charm, and they can't hold it back, really.

Yun Yun couldn't help but spit secretly in her heart, berating herself for not living up to expectations.

But one thing to say, this little man is really becoming more and more charming.

"Ahem, I don't know which continent this is?"

Yun Yun coughed, and seemed to calmly change the subject.

Lu Yunxiao didn't notice anything wrong, and his attention was successfully diverted.

"Let me see!"

Lu Yunxiao muttered, looking down through the thick clouds.

Everything below is in sight.


The sound of killing soared to the sky, and the two torrents collided fiercely. In an instant, spiritual power burst out, and flesh and blood flew across.

In Lu Yunxiao's eyes, he could clearly see rows of armor falling down like wheat.

Blood, stained the earth red.

"Huh? They're actually fighting?"

Lu Yunxiao raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect to encounter a big battle when he first came to the Great Thousand World.

The many armies below are not weak.

In terms of aura, the aura of the subject of the battle is even comparable to Dou Zun.

Even the weak ones have the power of Dou Zong.

It even seems to be stronger than the average Douzong.

Moreover, it is still a large piece of the kind.

Good guy, whose army is this?

Very good.

Lu Yunxiao was amazed, such an army, placed in the Douqi Continent, probably only the Eight Ancient Clans, the Three Beast Realm Clans, Yunmen and Danta can produce and only they can have it Such background.

So it should be said that it is worthy of the Great Thousand World?

As soon as you come, you encounter this kind of race that is comparable to the ancient eight races?

Moreover, in Lu Yunxiao's perception, on this continent, there are quite a few hidden strong men.

Even in the deepest part of the continent, there is a faint pressure that seems to transcend heaven and earth.

Lu Yunxiao was very familiar with this kind of coercion.

That is the coercion that belongs to the Supreme Being.

In other words, this continent has a ruler.

Moreover, this ruler is also a Heavenly Sovereign.

"Interesting, so, which continent is this?"

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