Doupo: Elemental God

Chapter 1600: The New Trouble and the Trouble of the Luoshen Clan

Whether there is a Supreme Dharma Body or not is a huge difference for the Supreme Power.

Lu Yunxiao's subordinates are inferior to the Ninth Rank Supreme Beings of the same level when it comes to combat effectiveness.

Without him, the biggest reason is the law body.

Even the most common law body can increase a lot of combat power.

Therefore, if Lu Yunxiao wanted the 3,000 Silver Armored Army under his command to unleash all their strength, Dharma Body was essential.

And with Lu Yunxiao's personality, this dharma body must not be ordinary.

At the very least, it must be one of the ninety-nine supreme dharmakayas.

After all, his vision is here.

But the Ninety Nine Supreme Law Body, this level of Law Body, if you want to get it, you have to spend a little more thought.

And after getting it, the resources to be consumed when cultivating the Dharma Body cannot be ignored.

"It's really a wave of ups and downs, one wave after another, the problems are really one after another!"

Lu Yunxiao scratched his head, feeling a little headache.

After solving the problem of the star map, the problem of the Dharma body came again.

To be honest, it's not very difficult to get the Ninety-Nine Supreme Dharma Bodies, who are at the bottom of the ranking.

After all, there is strength and money.

As long as you want it, there is always a way to get it.

But the Dharma body can be obtained, but what about the 3,000 resources for cultivating the Dharma body?

The treasures of heaven, material and earth for cultivating the Supreme Dharma Bodies, especially those ranked ninety-nine among the Supreme Dharma Bodies, are not cheap.

What's more, there are three thousand copies.

This consumption is not a small amount.

There are still 3,000 Silver Armored Army, do you want to practice?

Cultivation also requires Supreme Spiritual Liquid.

Depend on!

Lu Yunxiao looked helpless and had a headache.

He can't do nothing, just make alchemy and refine tools to support them.

He also needs to cultivate himself.

Lu Yunxiao pulled his hair and couldn't help sighing.

"How about it, now you know our troubles back then?"

Yun Yun's slender and slender jade fingers touched his shoulders and gently kneaded them.

Her voice is as clear as a stream, and as crisp and sweet as an oriole.

Lu Yunxiao enjoyed Qing Yanjing's kneading and felt a burst of relief.

He squinted slightly and leaned against Yun Yun, feeling comfortable for a while.

"Jing'er, come and help me beat my legs."

Lu Yunxiao narrowed his eyes and said.

Qing Yanjing was stunned for a moment, then pursed her lips into a smile, stepped forward obediently, put Lu Yunxiao's leg on hers, and hammered it lightly.

Qing Yanjing was still as gentle as water.

"Shu Tan, this is the life a person should live."

Lu Yunxiao groaned, feeling as if he had reached the pinnacle of his life.

Yun Yun hammered Lu Yunxiao angrily, and said coquettishly, "You, can you stop acting like a grand master?"

"And Jing'er, don't spoil him all the time, this guy is getting more and more depraved."

Qing Yanjing smiled softly, and said: "As long as my husband likes it, Jing'er is fine."

"And sister Yun, don't you love your husband too?"

"No way!"

Yun Yun blushed and denied it.


Qing Yanjing covered her face with a smile, and continued to beat Lu Yunxiao's legs.

Lu Yunxiao smiled and covered Yun Yun's jade hand with his big hand, kneading it from time to time.

Yun Yun rolled her eyes at Lu Yunxiao, but didn't pull away, she just hugged him and let his head rest on her stomach.

While pressing Lu Yunxiao's temples, she said, "Yunxiao, it's time for us to put the work of building forces on the agenda."

With the appearance of the Three Thousand Silver Armored Army, she also felt the pressure.

It is urgent to build power.

Such an army must have a large enough territory to support it.

Simply relying on Lu Yunxiao alone?

Then should he continue to practice?

Even, from a rational point of view, Lu Yunxiao's cultivation is more important than anything else.

Because Lu Yunxiao's strength is their greatest guarantee.

"It's really time to put it on the agenda."

"Wait a few more days, and when Baiyue and the others finish converting their spiritual power, we will leave."

"I've been dormant for two months, it's time to get down to business."

Lu Yunxiao said calmly, a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes.

In his heart, he was full of ambition.

This vast world is still waiting for him to conquer it.

"Worshiping the moon and them, it may take more than half a month."

Yun Yun said.

"I've been waiting for two months, I don't care about another half a month, I can afford to wait."

As Lu Yunxiao said, he raised his head slightly and looked at the boundless sky.

"In the past half month, I feel that the atmosphere in Luoshen City seems to have become tense."

Lu Yunxiao changed his voice and asked about the Luoshen Clan.

"The concubine heard that it seems that she suffered some losses on the battlefield ahead."

Qing Yanjing, who was hammering his legs, kept his hands on and spoke softly.


Lu Yunxiao's eyes flickered, "I remember that the current Luoshen Clan, in terms of strength, doesn't seem to be much inferior to the Blood God Clan."

"However... in the Luoshen Clan, some idiots seem to be half-heartedly engaging in internal strife."

He clearly remembered that the Luoshen Clan didn't seem to be peaceful either.

On the contrary, this ancient race has long since decayed.

Luo Tianshen's lineage is the direct line of the royal family, but within the Luoshen clan, there are still other royal families.

These royal families also seem to have earthly supreme beings.

Where there are people, there are fights.

This, will never change.

Fighting for power and profit, and intrigues are common occurrences.

Today's Luoshen Clan has such hidden dangers.

"It's just a normal thing."

"A lot of races have these things."

Qing Yan responded quietly.

Lu Yunxiao smiled playfully and joked, "For example, the ancient Futu clan?"


Qing Yanjing let out a coquettish moan, and stared at Lu Yunxiao with Rushui eyes, with resentment on her face.

"Just tell the truth."

Lu Yunxiao spread his hands and said with a smile.

The Futu Ancient Clan is no better than the Luoshen Clan.

Even the Futu Ancient Clan is more stubborn and corrupt than the Luoshen Clan.

Moreover, the Futu Ancient Clan is much more proud than the Luoshen Clan.

Most of the people inside look at people with their nostrils.

Especially the Profound Vein and Mo Vein, that is not the usual arrogance.

It's very arrogant!

On the contrary, Qingmai, who was born in Qingyanjing, is relatively weakest.

The situation we are facing is not optimistic.


Seeing Lu Yunxiao's smiling face, Qing Yan quietly snorted, stopped hammering her legs, and turned her head away.

Lu Yunxiao smiled I didn't expect Qing Yanjing to play a small temper, it was really the first time I saw her.

"Okay, okay, just don't say anything, husband."

Lu Yunxiao comforted him.

Qing Yanjing glanced at Lu Yunxiao, her resentment lessened slightly.

Then he raised his hand again and hammered lightly.

Yun Yun lowered her head and pressed the acupoints for Lu Yunxiao, wisps of delicate fragrance spread into Lu Yunxiao's nose, the fragrance was overwhelming and intoxicating.

"Yunxiao, do you want to help the Luoshen clan?"

After being married for many years, sometimes Lu Yunxiao's thoughts can't be hidden from Yun Yun's eyes.

She also knew the man's temperament very well.

Gratitude must be repaid, and hatred must be repaid!

The grievances and grievances are clear.

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