Doupo: Elemental God

Chapter 1606: The Emperor of the Western Heavens Comes

Lu Yunxiao shook his head, he had a different opinion.

Blind low-key, is useless.

Others will only see you as weak and deceptive.

When you should be strong, you should be strong, so that others will fear you.

A power, especially a top power, should have deterrent power.

Not intentionally high-profile, but necessary high-profile.

That's what he thinks.

Regarding Lu Yunxiao's words, Yun Yun was noncommittal.

She pressed against Lu Yunxiao's chest, and murmured, "No matter what you do, as long as you know it in your heart."

"I am your wife and I will support you in whatever you do."

"And when you are acting yourself, you must always remember that you are a person with a family and responsibilities."

"Think more before doing things, and don't do anything reckless."

"I know."

Listening to Yun Yun's words, Lu Yunxiao was silent for a moment.

After a while, he nodded and kissed Yun Yun and Qing Yanjing on the forehead.

"I have you, I will not mess around, I will not do things that I am not sure about."

Lu Yunxiao promised.

He has walked all the way, relying on stability.

Even when she pretends to be coercive, she is always pretending to be coercive.

He won't mess around.


Yun Yun hummed lightly, hearing Lu Yunxiao's familiar heartbeat, she narrowed her eyes slightly.

On the other side, Qing Yanjing also squinted her eyes with a look of intoxication.

The warmth of Lu Yunxiao's embrace and that seductive breath made her deeply unable to stop.

The three of them leaned against each other, and the golden sun shone on them, giving them a feeling of tranquility.

Lu Yunxiao also narrowed his eyes slightly, enjoying the rare tranquility.

I don't know how much time has passed, Lu Yunxiao suddenly opened his eyes, and a stern look flashed in his star pupils.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Yunxiao's sudden movement woke up Qing Yanjing and Yun Yun, and they hurriedly asked.

Doubts remained on their faces, and they were incomprehensible.

"There's a blind mouse coming to your door."

Lu Yunxiao opened his mouth calmly, with a calm expression, showing no signs of happiness or anger.

However, Yun Yun and Qing Yanjing, who knew him well, knew that the visitor must be an enemy rather than a friend.

Lu Yunxiao would not say such things to friends.

"Go, go and have a look!"

When Lu Yunxiao got up, Yun Yun and Qing Yanjing also quickly got out of his arms.

Following Lu Yunxiao step by step, he quickly disappeared into the courtyard.

Luoshen City, above!

Between heaven and earth, the situation changed suddenly.

The vast sky, which was originally a clear sky for thousands of miles, suddenly surged with wind and clouds.

Clouds rolled up one after another, and an inexplicable pressure permeated between the sky and the earth.


In the sky, there was a buzzing sound, and a spatial vortex appeared out of thin air.

In the vortex of space, endless golden lights shone faintly, and the pressure in the sky became more than ten times stronger in an instant.

Luo Tianshen immediately appeared above the Luo River, looking at the vortex shining with golden lights, with a serious expression on his face.

Beside him, there are two figures, and these two figures exude a strong momentum.

Judging by that coercion, these two are also genuine Earth Sovereigns.

With the addition of Luo Tianshen, the current high-level combat power of the Luoshen clan has basically appeared here.

"Where is the expert here, please show up and see."

Luo Tianshen looked serious and alert.

Judging from this posture, it seems that the visitor is not kind.

Especially the coercion faintly coming from the vortex of space is surprisingly powerful.

The strength of the comer is probably beyond imagination.

As if hearing Luo Tianshen's words, two figures suddenly appeared beside the space vortex.

They were two old men, plainly dressed, somewhat stooped, with white beard and hair.

However, the powerful aura on them made Luo Tianshen's eyes tremble.

"Earth Supreme Dzogchen!"

Luo Tianshen looked at the two with an ugly expression on his face.

Especially when he looked at one of them, his heart stopped beating, and his child's hole shrank suddenly.

"Old Man Winter?"

Luo Tianshen couldn't help uttering the name, his face stiffened.

He knows this person.

This is someone from the West Heaven Battle Hall.

"Hehe, Luo Tianshen, it seems that you haven't forgotten the old man."

The old man Lin Dong looked at Luo Tianshen, and said with a fake smile.

Luo Tianshen stared at him closely, and asked: "Senior Lin Dong, why did you come to my Luoshen Clan? You..."

"Stop talking nonsense, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, you know what you have done yourself."

"Hey, today, I have your good fruit to eat."

The old man Lin Dong sneered, and looked at the golden whirlpool with reverence on his face.

Luo Tianshen seemed to have remembered something, his face was full of horror.

"Could it be that His Majesty the Emperor of War is also here..."

"Respectfully invite my emperor to come!"

The old man Lin Dong didn't pay attention to Luo Tianshen's words at all, but bowed directly to the space vortex, and the sound shook the sky.

As if hearing the words of Old Man Lindong, golden light burst out from the space vortex.

Immediately afterwards, a stalwart figure stepped out of the vortex.

He stood with his hands behind his back, his feet stepping on the void, and the aura emanating from his body made him seem like the ruler of heaven and earth.

The coercion of that mighty Ruos made countless people prostrate on the ground in the entire Luoshen City.

Even a supreme powerhouse like Luo Tianshen felt the ubiquitous coercion, his body trembled, and cold sweat kept flowing.

This coercion is simply too strong, like the wrath of heaven and earth, it is awe-inspiring.

"War... His Majesty the Emperor of War!"

Luo Tianshen clasped his hands in a salute, sweat was already oozing from his temples.

The pressure of the Western Sky War Emperor is far stronger than imagined.

So strong that he could hardly resist.

In front of the Western Heaven War Emperor, he was as weak as an ant.

"Luo Tianshen, you are so courageous!"

When the Emperor of War of the Western Heaven spoke, his loud and deep voice resounded rumblingly between the heaven and the earth.

That kind of coercion made everyone in Luoshen City feel awe.

Luo Tianshen, who faced the coercion directly, was even more stressed. He endured it, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "I don't know what His Majesty Zhan Huang wants?"

The Western Heaven War Emperor looked down at Luo Tianshen like a **** looking down on an ant, he spoke calmly, seemingly without the slightest emotion, "You know what this emperor said."

"Privately let outsiders participate in my affairs in the Western Heaven Continent, Luo Tianshen, do you still have my emperor in your eyes?"

The Emperor of War of the Western Sky asked.

The thunderous buzzing sound startled De Luo Tianshen, and finally broke out in cold sweat.

He really couldn't argue with that.

The most important thing is that no matter how good the relationship between Lu Yunxiao and the Luoshen Clan is, they are not related to each other after all.

The Luoshen Clan really couldn't come up with a suitable justification.

But the problem is that there were not a few forces that asked for foreign aid in the past.

Xitian Zhanhuang also opened his eyes and closed his eyes.

But why did the Western Heaven War Emperor find him from the Luoshen Clan this time?

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