Doupo: Elemental God

Chapter 1611: Destruction of the Western Heaven Battle Hall

Seeing the gradually disappearing figures of Lu Yunxiao and others, Luo Tianshen stroked his beard slightly and sighed silently. He understood that next, the entire Western Heaven Continent would be replaced by a new master.

And the forces on the mainland may also reshuffle the cards. But this is not a bad thing for their Luoshen Clan.

Embracing Lu Yunxiao's thigh, they Luoshen clan have a bright future! ...Western Heaven War City! For the former Xitian Continent, this city is undoubtedly an inviolable holy city.

Because here is the headquarters of the West Heaven Battle Hall. Normally, the heads of various top forces and superpowers in the Western Sky Continent rarely come to this city except for some special days.

Because they can dominate and enjoy respect in other places. But once they arrived at Xitian Battle City, even the dragons had to coil up, and the tigers had to lie on their stomachs, honestly daring not to show their usual domineering arrogance.

Because, in this city, there is the Emperor of the West. The master of the Western Heaven Continent, the famous Tian Zhizun, lived in this city.

But today, it is different. Lan and his group passed through the space vortex, and appeared in the sky directly above the West Heaven War City.

To act like that is to treat the entire Western Heaven Battle Hall as nothing. And it seemed that they had discovered the high-profile and arrogance of this group of people, and the law enforcement troops of Xitian Battle City rushed towards this group of people.

But in the face of the menacing Xitian Zhancheng army, that group of people seemed extraordinarily calm. Among the crowd, Lu Yunxiao's white clothes were rustling, and his eyes were indifferent.

He was condescending, overlooking the entire city. This West Heaven Battle City is worthy of being the headquarters of the West Heaven Battle Palace, and it can be said that there are many powerful people.

However, in Lu Yunxiao's eyes, there was no emotion at all, only the depth and calm like a secluded well.

"Kill!" Lu Yunxiao spat out the word lightly, and in an instant, the temperature between the sky and the earth dropped sharply, and snowflakes fluttered!

One word can change the weather of heaven and earth, and one thought can turn the universe upside down. This is the Supreme Being of Heaven! Following Lu Yunxiao's words, more than a dozen figures rushed out at the same time.

All of them exuded an extremely domineering aura, and waves of turbulent energy caused the spiritual power in the entire world to riot.

Compared with the troops of the Western Heaven Battle Hall that poured in continuously, these ten or so people seemed extremely small. Lanna really fought, but there was only one result, and that was crushing, real crushing! half a day! In the center of Xitian War City, there are stretches of magnificent palaces. The palaces are located on high mountains, and when you look down, you can see the whole city in your sight.

And this palace is naturally where the West Heaven Battle Palace is located. In that middle place, there is a majestic and majestic hall. At this moment, in the hall, on the high throne, Lu Yunxiao's figure quietly emerges.

He rested one hand on the armrest of the throne, his eyes were slightly closed, but he had a majestic majesty. At the bottom of the main hall, Yun Yun and others lined up in two rows, and in the middle, there were dozens of figures kneeling on the ground.

Their auras are all the same vain, and it is obvious that they are all injured. In half a day, Lu Yunxiao's men had wiped out the entire Western Heaven War City.

Anyone who resisted stubbornly has been beheaded on the spot. It would not be an exaggeration to say that blood flowed like rivers in the entire Xitian War City.

As the base camp of the Emperor of the West, there is no shortage of loyalists here. It is naturally impossible for such a person to surrender, and the only ending will be destruction.

Most of the people who were brought into the hall because of the sudden death were willing to surrender. And those who are qualified to come to the main hall, without any accident, are all genuine Earth Sovereigns.

There are not many people here, and the West Heaven Battle Hall also has a profound heritage. Even if most of them were killed, there were still nearly a hundred people who came to the main hall.

The sheer number is astounding! Lu Yunxiao narrowed his eyes slightly, tapped the handrail with his fingers, and looked at the many earthly supreme beings below.

Most of these people are low-ranking supreme beings. There are more than thirty supreme beings in the upper ranks!

As for the Earth Supreme Being Dzogchen, there are not many, only three. Except for the two Earth Supreme Beings that Lu Yunxiao killed in Luoshen City, Queen Medusa and others also killed four people in this Western Heaven Battle City.

There are only three Earth Supreme Beings left in the Western Heaven Battle City. But this also shows that even in the Western Heaven Battle Hall, the Earth Supreme Dzogchen is not everywhere.

Such strong men are still quite rare! Lu Yunxiao narrowed his eyes slightly, with scrutiny. It is naturally impossible for him to kill all these supreme beings.

The Western Heaven Continent is huge, and he also needs these people to help him with common affairs. Just relying on Yun Yun and the others is far from enough.

They are enough to deter the mainland, but if they want to control the mainland, they need subordinates. These people are good tool people.

But following that, there was a problem. These people were all defeated and surrendered. If you want to talk about trust, then he really doesn't trust them at all.

If they can betray the Emperor of the West, they can also betray him. Therefore, he still needs to make some necessary preparations.

There is no way, who makes the number of people less nowadays, extraordinary times, extraordinary means!

"The Western Heaven War Emperor is dead, I killed him, you... understand?" Lu Yunxiao said calmly, his eyes were extremely oppressive.

The coercion that was raised at that moment was like an overturning of the world, making the supreme beings in the field prostrate and sweat profusely.

"I... I'll understand!" said the Supreme Being of Lan many places. The Western Heaven War Emperor is dead, and all the powerful people who were loyal to the Western Heaven War Emperor in the Western Heaven Battle City were beheaded.

The rest of the people were already terrified of Lu Yunxiao, Yun Yun and the others, fearing them like tigers.

"Now that you understand, do you want to die or live?" Lu Yunxiao flicked his fingers casually asked.

"I want to live... I want to live!"

"Please forgive me, my lord. Give me a chance!" These supreme powers quickly replied, all scrambling to be the first.

He didn't follow the Xitian War Emperor on the spot, and he didn't fight to the end. It means that these people are all people who cherish their lives.

And such people, more or less, don't have much integrity. Now that Lu Yunxiao is strong, they are naturally submissive, for fear of being killed!

"Very well, since you want to live, then hand over a strand of your soul."

"I think, none of you will refuse." Lan Lu Yunxiao's tone was flat, but there seemed to be a concentrated murderous intent.

Listening to Lu Yunxiao's words, many Earth Sovereigns in the West Heaven Battle Hall in the hall had ugly faces, but they still didn't dare to object.

Handing over a wisp of soul means that their life and death will be controlled by Lu Yunxiao from now on. From then on, life and death are controlled by people!

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