Doupo: Elemental God

Chapter 1633: The Origin of the First Arrival of the Gods and Beasts

The latest website: Faintly, it seems that there are countless ancient and powerful beast roars, which have been transmitted since the ancient times.

Lu Yunxiao's eyes flickered, looking at the extremely huge continent that existed in the light.

That continent was vast and endless, even at an endless height, with Lu Yunxiao's eyesight, he still couldn't see the end of it at a glance.

The entire continent is filled with a vast aura like a prehistoric.

"What a land of beasts!"

Lu Yunxiao sighed in admiration, just a piece of land of beasts gave him the feeling that it was bigger than the entire Western Heaven Continent.

It is hard to imagine how big the unbroken Divine Beast Continent was in the ancient times.

Sighing in his heart, Lu Yunxiao looked into the distance.

Due to being in the endless sky, he can clearly see the scene above the mainland.

On the huge plain of divine beasts, there is a deep pit that is about millions of feet wide.

From Lu Yunxiao's point of view, the dark pit could be seen, and it was clearly an indescribably huge palm print.

That palm print seemed to fall from the sky, and it directly tore apart the land of divine beasts abruptly.

Countless huge ravines of millions of feet spread from here, dividing the land of beasts, and the terrain of the land of beasts changed as a result.

This kind of destructive power can be said to destroy heaven and earth. It is hard to imagine how many powerful existences in the land of beasts are instantly reduced to powder under this palm.

Even the Earth Sovereign, even the kind of Dzogchen, would probably vanish into nothingness in an instant under this palm power.

Even if the real Tianzhizun resisted head-on, he might be blown up on the spot.

Lu Yunxiao couldn't help but stretched out his palm and estimated it.

The power of this palm, even if it is not as powerful as his full-strength attack, must have reached the level of the supreme saint.

Only the Supreme Heavenly Supreme Saint can have the mighty power to shatter a real continent with just a few gestures.

You know, this is not the lower plane, but the Great Thousand World, a real super continent.

To be able to cause such a terrifying impact on a super continent, none other than the Supreme Saint.

"It seems that in that battle back then, the evil race from outside the territory really made a move."

Lu Yunxiao murmured softly.

This palm print alone represents the participation of a Heavenly Demon Emperor.

Of course, there must have been more than one Heavenly Demon Emperor who attacked the Yuan of the Divine Beast back then.

The origin of the divine beast is the origin of the divine beast, even if it is attacked by surprise, it cannot be eaten easily.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Lu Yunxiao's absent-minded look, Queen Medusa couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing, I just lamented the brutality of that battle back then."

Lu Yunxiao said casually.

Destroying the mainland so recklessly, perhaps only the evil race outside the territory can do it.

Although he is strong, he has never intentionally damaged anything.

Destroying a continent means the annihilation of countless creatures.

He has the ability, but he will not intentionally harm sentient beings.

Perhaps this is also the reason why the powerhouses of the Great Thousand World hate the evil races outside the territory.

Because these guys really don't pay attention to the so-called rules at all, they only know how to destroy and destroy.

"It's really tragic."

Queen Medusa looked at the extremely huge palm prints below, and the land of beasts that were torn apart and whose terrain changed enormously, and couldn't help but sigh.

The evil race outside the territory is indeed cruel.

If it wasn't for the presence of Lu Yunxiao in the Dou Qi Continent back then, I'm afraid it would not have been any better, would it?

These guys, the risk factor is too high.

"Hey, what is this?"

As the meteorite approached again, Queen Medusa's eyes froze.

She saw that in the incomparably huge palm prints, there seemed to be four huge Optimus Primes standing there.

It was like four giant peaks standing between the sky and the earth, but for some reason, it gave her a sense of shock.

This mountain peak does not seem to be an ordinary mountain peak.

Lu Yunxiao glanced over and saw the four giant pillars, and immediately understood what was going on, and a look of respect flashed in his eyes.

"That's not a mountain, but when the outsiders launched a destructive offensive, a powerful person in the land of beasts detected it in advance and tried to stop it, giving the creatures on this land a chance to escape."

"This one is also a super divine beast. Its main body is the Heaven-swallowing Turtle, which possesses the strength of the Heavenly Sovereign."

"Its defense, even the Supreme Being of the same level is difficult to break through, but even so, it can't resist this destructive attack."

"Its body was directly destroyed under that attack, and only its limbs stood upright, thereby protecting some creatures."

Lu Yunxiao's voice was flat, but if he listened carefully, he could hear a hint of admiration.

Although the evil race outside the territory is strong, but after all, if a strong person at the level of the Supreme Being really wants to escape, he can still escape.

But this Heaven-swallowing tortoise, in order to protect the creatures of the land of divine beasts, was willing to stay and die alone.

Even though the races are different, this does not affect Lu Yunxiao's admiration for it.

This sky-swallowing tortoise is just like the ancestor of the talisman in the past. This kind of dedication is admirable.

Listening to Lu Yunxiao's words, Queen Medusa and the others beside him were also in awe.

This kind of mind and spirit of self-sacrifice for others, this kind of courage and belief that is willing to fight the enemy to the death in order to defend the homeland, is always worthy of affirmation.

"If one day, evil races from outside the territory invade, I am also willing to sacrifice myself to protect the people I care about like this heaven-swallowing tortoise."

Ying Huanhuan was full of emotions, her beautiful eyes were firm.

She thought of her master Fuzu again.

In order to fight against the evil race outside the territory, they really gave everything.

And she is willing to pay any price to protect the loved ones around her.

Even if it was sacrificing herself.

"Huanhuan, what nonsense are you talking about, no matter what time it is, I will stand in front of you."

"I'm not dead yet, so it's your turn to sacrifice."

Lu Yunxiao glared at Ying Huanhuan with a rather stern look.

Ying Huanhuan just pursed her lips and smiled brightly.


She looked straight at Lu Yunxiao, with infinite tenderness in her Just know, hum! "

"Remember, I'm your man, I'm not dead yet, you must not die."

Lu Yunxiao snorted and emphasized again.

As a man, protecting his own woman is a matter of course.

Even if he died, he had to die first.

Moreover, just relying on the evil race outside the territory, they also want his life?

It doesn't exist, how can their group of shady mice have that ability!

"Let's go, go down!"

Lu Yunxiao said, at this time, the meteorite had already rushed into the atmosphere of the land of beasts.

Under the high-speed friction, the temperature of the meteorite rose rapidly, and even the slightest flames rose.

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