Doupo: Elemental God

Chapter 1636: Tomb of Beasts, sign in

Latest URL: "OK!"

When Lu Yunxiao spoke, Queen Medusa and others naturally would not have any objections.

A group of people tore apart the space towards the Tomb of Ten Thousand Beasts.

The Tomb of Ten Thousand Beasts is essentially a tomb of beasts.

The divine beasts that fell here occupied most of the land of divine beasts, and over time, an incomparably huge cemetery was formed.

It is haunted by death energy all the year round, and because it is mixed with evil energy from outside the territory, it is extremely dangerous. It is a fierce place in the land of gods and beasts.

In the same way, this is also the place with the most chance treasures.

The speed of Lu Yunxiao and his party is definitely not slow, not to mention the Zhuntian Supreme, Lu Yunxiao is the real Tianzhi Zun.

In fact, in just a moment, the door of space opened directly to the Tomb of Ten Thousand Beasts.

The sun hangs high above a lone peak, the space vibrates, and several figures step out of it.

Lu Yunxiao was dressed in white, with his hands on his back.

Queen Medusa and others stood side by side with her.

Lu Yunxiao looked forward with piercing eyes.

One can only see that there is a thick gray fog as thick as a sky barrier between the distant mountains and mountains.

The gray air was extremely cold, and faintly, it seemed that there were countless cold ghost howling sounds coming from there.

In the midair, the shadows of countless tombs appeared faintly, with a deathly aura.

They arrived at their destination smoothly, the Tomb of Ten Thousand Beasts.

The gray and indistinct death energy pervades the world, that cold feeling, even the spiritual power cannot be completely isolated, a trace of death energy entering the body will gradually cause the spiritual power in the human body to be gradually eroded.

Lu Yunxiao stood on the solitary peak, his eyes were as clear as water, looking at the layers of death above the tomb of the beasts, his eyes were still calm.

"Is this the Tomb of Ten Thousand Beasts?"

"Sure enough, it's a fierce place!"

Queen Medusa's pretty face was solemn. In this tomb of ten thousand beasts, the aura of death was extremely strong.

I am afraid that even the supreme powerhouse will be attacked by death energy if he enters it, and if he does not have special ability to defend himself, his spiritual power will be exhausted and he will die.

"It's natural. In this tomb of ten thousand beasts, countless divine beasts have fallen."

"Those who can die here, there is no one below the earth supreme."

"Even the super divine beasts of the Supreme Heaven level have fallen a lot here."

"This is a truly fierce place, but it is also an absolute treasure."

Lu Yunxiao's lips moved slightly, and he spoke softly.

The Tomb of Ten Thousand Beasts, this is the origin of the beasts, the most vicious place, and the true supreme treasure.

Especially in the deepest part of the Tomb of Ten Thousand Beasts, where is Lu Yunxiao's ultimate destination.

"The more powerful an existence is, if it is not buried in time after death, it will be more likely to be born with death aura. This is probably the reason for the perennial death aura in the tomb of the beasts."

Ying Huanhuan's ice blue eyes shone slightly, and her voice was as clear as a silver bell.

In the Tomb of Ten Thousand Beasts, even she felt a sense of shock.

It was as if there seemed to be something terrible hidden inside.

I don't know if this is her illusion.

Lu Yunxiao glanced at Ying Huanhuan approvingly, and said with a smile: "Huanhuan is right, this is indeed the cause of death."

How amazing is the death of a super beast?

It's really strange that so many super beasts have fallen in this tomb of ten thousand beasts, and they are full of immortality.

However, Lu Yunxiao didn't continue to talk about the so-called dead air. He looked at the sky and said, "It's getting late, let's talk about it after entering the Tomb of Ten Thousand Beasts."

As soon as Lu Yunxiao finished speaking, he immediately sank into death.

Seeing this, Ying Huanhuan and the others quickly followed.

Although the death aura is powerful, they are still fearless with their cultivation base.

The movement of mana is to block the invasion of death energy.

Stepping into the Tomb of Ten Thousand Beasts, the temperature between the sky and the earth suddenly became gloomy and cold.

The gray dead air around him was already so strong that it blocked his vision.

And under the erosion of these dead energy, even the perception of the soul will be suppressed a lot, and it will not be able to extend far.

Some of the surrounding mountain peaks began to gradually turn gray and white. Looking around, there was no greenery at all. This place seemed to be a dead world.


In that distant depth, there seemed to be a gloomy beast roar, and there was no trace of life in it, just like a dead thing.

Lu Yunxiao looked around calmly. With his strength, he was naturally not affected in any way.

However, the environment of the Ten Thousand Beasts Tomb is indeed harsh, and it is not even suitable for the survival of living things.

"Ding, the check-in location is detected, the check-in starts, and the check-in time is three hours."

At this moment, the voice of the system sounded in Lu Yunxiao's mind.

It was not until entering the Tomb of Ten Thousand Beasts at this time that the system's sign-in began.

"Three hours?"

Lu Yunxiao raised his eyebrows slightly, but then ignored it.

Three hours is not too long.

"Shua! Shua! Shua!"

Suddenly, there seemed to be a piercing sound.

Lu Yunxiao looked around, only to see a few gray-white shadows rushing towards them.

These shadows are gray and white, their eyes are empty, and they don't have any sanity.

Their appearances are also different, and some even present half-human and half-animal postures, but without exception, they all exude a strong death breath.

It seemed that they sensed the anger of Lu Yunxiao and the others, and they attacked recklessly.

"Beast spirit?"

Lu Yunxiao muttered, and glanced over.

Those figures were completely turned into fly ash in mid-air and disappeared without a trace.

Lu Yunxiao didn't pay attention to some low-level animal spirits of the supreme level.

"Beast spirit?"

Queen Medusa and the others frowned again.

"You can understand it as a monster born after being attacked by death energy, mixed with a small amount of soul power."

Lu Yunxiao said casually.

Queen Medusa and the others seemed to understand and nodded.

Lu Yunxiao looked at the dead silence around him, and waved his hand casually.

A space vortex emerged, and rows of figures stepped out of it.

These are the elite teachers of God's Domain, and the strength of each is in the rank nine supreme.

And there are thousands of such nine-rank supreme beings.

Besides them, there are dozens of Earth Supreme Beings.

With Lu Yunxiao's casual flick, the emperor's flames split, and two strands of flames ignited on everyone's dispelled the dead energy around them.

"See domain master!"

Everyone saluted Lu Yunxiao one after another.

Lu Yunxiao nodded slightly, his voice was flat but full of majesty, "Dozens of you, each lead a team to explore the tomb of the beasts."

"There are countless opportunities in this Tomb of Ten Thousand Beasts. You take all the opportunities you can get, and grab all the resources you can get."

"If you really can't take it away, leave a mark, and I will come in person when the time comes."

Lu Yunxiao gave the order.

"Yes, domain master!"

Everyone responded one after another.

"Well, go, remember to explore carefully."

Lu Yunxiao waved his hand and said.

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