After arriving at the law firm, Su Yanxi watched his car disappear from his field of vision before turning around and entering the law firm. .biqugev

After confirming today's itinerary with Yi Yao, the two went to the home of the witness of the prosecution case. The two of them had been rushing for the case throughout the morning, but they did not find the slightest clue to their advantage.

"The head of the criminal investigation team said that the victim lived on the third floor. If the murderer climbed up through the air-conditioning vent on the second floor, it could explain the argument that the corridor and elevator could not be monitored. Wang Li is still the biggest suspect! Because judging from all the evidence, he is the last person the victim saw, and the last person in the call record. Attorney Su, are we going in the wrong direction and shouldn’t claim that Wang Li is not guilty? Instead, he should advocate a reduction of punishment?" Looking at the food at the table, Yi Yao has no appetite at all.

Su Yanxi, who was eating, heard her say this, and the chopsticks in her hand stopped. He recalled the scene of seeing Wang Li in the prison last time. After thinking about it, he finally shook his head, but didn't speak.

Seeing this, Yi Yao raised his hand helplessly to support his chin, and casually ate the meal.

After lunch, the two returned to the law firm. As soon as they walked into the office, Zhao Jing, another paralegal assistant, walked in and said, "Lawyer Su, the people from Jianning Company called this morning and said that they want to To purchase a piece of land here, you need to help them prepare legal information, and you need to go to the notarization."

Su Yanxi sat down and raised his eyes: "Who is in charge over there?"

"It's Chu Li, Director Chu."

Hearing this, Su Yanxi narrowed his eyes, recalling the generous and generous woman who had eaten with him before, and then he twitched his lips slightly after being silent: "What time is tomorrow?"

"Ningxia Building at ten o'clock in the morning."

"You go and prepare all the information about the Jianning Group, and let Yi Yao go to contact the people from the Jianning Group."


Su Yanxi didn't know how long he stayed in the office until the water in the cup was gone, and then got up and walked out of the office to the pantry. When the water was poured and she was about to go back to the office, a figure caught her eye.

"Hello, is Attorney Su here?" Qianying standing in the middle of the hall was asking the lawyer next to her in a whisper.

"Yes, are you?" The male lawyer nodded and looked up and down suspiciously.

"Director Chu, long time no see." Before Chu Li could speak, Su Yanxi walked down the stairs.

When Chu Li and the male lawyer heard the words, they looked at each other. The male lawyer nodded at her and went to work. Chu Li smiled brightly: "Yes! Attorney Su is even more beautiful than two months ago."

"Director Chu has won the award." Su Yanxi smiled, and after a pause, he asked again: "Why is Director Chu coming to me in time?"

"Everything goes to the Three Treasures Palace. In the morning, my secretary should have told your assistant about the land auction tomorrow. I am here to talk to you about the prerequisites of this matter. I wonder if Lawyer Su has time?"

"Director Chu is coming, naturally welcome, please!" Su Yanxi smiled and turned his body sideways, spreading his hands and making a please gesture. When passing by Zhao Jing's desk, he specifically ordered: "Send Come up with a latte, add sugar and milk."

After Zhao Jing nodded and left, Chu Li turned her head and smiled even more: "Lawyer Su's memory is really good. We met once, and you remember my preference."

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