Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Chapter 177: :misunderstanding

Fu Jinheng took it, looked through it, nodded in satisfaction, and smiled: "Very well, this is what I want...biqugev"

Yi Yao smiled, nodded slightly, and left the office. Su Yanxi took a sip of coffee, raised his eyes and asked, "Why? Isn't your lawsuit easy to fight?"

"It was not very easy to fight before without this information. The other party was too tricky and admitted everything. Now it is different. I can't help him not admit it anymore. In the previous lawsuit, the court will also have the case. I contacted Judge Chen, but As you know, the court upholds fairness and openness, and it is hard to say anything."

"It's good if it helps you."

"However, I still have some specific questions I want to ask you. I wonder if Su Li is busy right now?"

Su Yanxi chuckled lightly and put down the cup: "Fortunately, if you have any questions, you can ask!"

Nearly 5:30, Su Yanxi and Fu Jinheng finished talking about work matters. Fu Jinheng heaved a sigh of relief and suggested: "It's almost time for you to get off work, so attorney Su, would you like to eat together? A meal?"

Su Yanxi tilted his head and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, thinking for a moment, and felt that the driver had been living in a law firm these days, and he was going out for dinner.

"Then you wait a moment, I will clean up."

Seeing that Su Yanxi had agreed, Fu Jinheng raised his eyebrows happily, got up from the sofa and stretched his muscles: "Then I have to think hard about what kind of feast I would like to invite Su Damei to dinner."

"Well, I should think about it." Su Yanxun gave him a glance and joked with a smile.

Su Yanxi put all the documents on the desk away, picked up the phone and bag and walked over, smiling, "Let's go!"

The two went out of the office together. When they exited the composite glass door of the law firm, there were several steps. It happened that Su Yanxi was wearing high heels today. When talking to Fu Jinheng, the steps under her feet suddenly became empty. A cold back and a startled expression, the whole person fell forward.

Fu Jinheng also bluffed, but he quickly grabbed her arm with his eyesight, and put his other hand around her waist.

Su Yanxi was in a daze before he stood still, his heart beat faster because of fright, and his face turned pale.

Fu Jinheng breathed a sigh of relief and looked down at her: "Is it all right?"

"It's okay, thank you." Su Yanxi shook his head gently, but his heartbeat hadn't calmed down yet.

"Actually you are very temperamental without wearing high heels."

"En?" Hearing this, Su Yanxian raised his eyes slightly in surprise, just to meet Fu Jin Heng's hopeful peach-like eyes. He was slightly taken aback, and suddenly found that he was still holding his arms, feeling a little bit uncomfortable. It was suitable, so he quit quickly, and smiled awkwardly: "Thank you just now."

"No, it's easy."

Su Yanxi smiled, looked ahead, just about to take a step, a familiar black Bentley was reflected in his black apricot eyes, the window of the car was dropped, and the man sitting in the cab was looking at it with cold eyes She and Fu Jinheng.

Her body was slightly stiff, her red lips moved, but she didn't speak. Fu Jinheng followed her gaze and saw Lu Jingyan's hawks indifferent.

A sarcasm smiled at the corner of his mouth, he unlocked his seat belt and got out of the car, and walked towards Su Yanxi's side with a terrifying hostility.

Su Yanxi was stunned, watching him getting closer and closer to him. For some reason, he stepped back in high heels, and it was this little movement that made Fu Jinheng protect her behind him.

Looking at the tall figure standing in front of him, Su Yanxi pursed his lips. Just when he wanted to speak, he heard the cold male voice piercing his ears: "What does Shao Fu mean to be in front of my wife? "

"Wife?" Fu Jinheng chuckled lightly, "Shao Lu is really good at joking, when did Yan Xi become your wife."

"When it became, Shao Fu doesn't need to know so clearly." As he said, he directly ignored Fu Jinheng, turned his head slightly to Su Yanxi behind him, and said coldly: "You have to stand still. Behind him?"

Su Yan looked at his eyebrows. When he said this, he always felt that he would not retreat, nor would he not retreat. After a while, he asked, "Why are you here?"

"If I didn't come, how could I see such a magnificent scene!" Lu Jingyan's cold eyes narrowed a little, and his hands in the belts couldn't help but clenched.

The tip of the eyebrows, which had originally been looked at, now looked even tighter. Su Yanxian walked out from behind Fu Jinheng and asked, "What do you mean by this?"

"It seems that you and Shao Fu have a relationship because of a case, and the relationship is not shallow."

"Lu Jingyan, you don't give me yin and yang weirdness."

"I'm yin and yang weird? I saw my wife and other men cuddling..."


Before Lu Jingyan could finish speaking, a crisp applause sounded, and even Fu Jinheng on the side opened his eyes wide, not to mention the others in the law firm.

Su Yanxi retracted his hand, his face was obviously angry: "You don't want to say something so bad, okay? What is hug and hug? I was just...."

"Heh." Lu Jingyan tilted his head, sneered, and squinted at her: "Very well, Su Yanxi, you are amazing." Yin Luo turned around and walked towards the car.

Looking at his leaving back, Su Yanxi's lips moved slightly, swallowing the words that hadn't been finished, and after the familiar Bentley car left, she slowly lowered her eyes and watched him just hit him. That hand.

The slap just now was actually unexpected. She only reacted after the slap, but it was too late.


"Sorry, I might not be able to eat the meal tonight, next time, I will invite you next time!" Su Yanxi raised his eyes sharply when Fu Jinheng spoke out, barely squeezed out a smile, and said directly. After returning to the lawyer's office, he was not given a chance at all.

Fu Jinheng was dumb. He wanted to explain it just now, but Lu Jingyan didn't give him a chance to speak. After looking at the lawyer's office, Fu Jinheng's heart sank and he turned and left.

When the twilight descended, and the lights came up, everyone in the law firm knew that the atmosphere at this time was a bit weird. When the time came, they all got off work. Only Yi Yao was left. After hesitating, Yi Yao knocked on the office door, but there was no response. , She courageously walked in and found Su Yanxi lying on the desk.

"Lawyer Su, it's half past seven, shall I order a takeaway for you?" Yi Yao walked over and asked cautiously.

Su Yanxi returned to his senses abruptly, glanced at the time, raised his eyes and asked, "It's already past get off work time, why aren't you off work?"

"I am a little worried about you."

"I'm fine, you can get off work!"

"But you haven't eaten dinner yet!"

"I do not want to eat."

"Lawyer Su, you have not eaten on time these days, and you have not eaten one meal. This is not good for your health. Eat as many as you want! Can I order a claypot rice for you?"

"No need." Su Yanxi repeated calmly again: "You get off work!"

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