Chu Li stood in front of her, smiled, her gestures were elegant and dignified: "Why is Yanxi here? Is it uncomfortable?"

"Waiting for someone..." Su Yanxi smiled slightly, seeing Chu Li's eyes become more profound, and deliberately raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is it because Director Chu is here to be uncomfortable? The temperature difference between day and night is huge now. It's easy to catch a cold, so Director Chu should be careful."

"Thank you Yanxi, but it's not an ordinary coincidence. You are waiting for someone, and I'm here to find someone." Chu Li raised her tone on purpose, as if she was showing off to her before the smile. Like.

"That's it!" Su Yanxi nodded and turned back. He didn't intend to expose her hypocrisy, but wanted to see how deep this woman's scheming was, and wanted to know what she did so deliberately to get closer to herself. .

The two looked at each other in the huge lobby, and Chu Li's eyes suddenly flashed a light, and smiled and said: "By the way, Yan Xi, if you have time in the evening, let's go to dinner together! I went there a few days ago. A very nice restaurant, I thought I would call to introduce you! It just so happened that we met here today."

Hearing that, Su Yanxi's eyes were slightly darker and a little colder. If she didn't know her relationship with Lu Jingyan, she might not think about it, but now she knows the relationship between her and Lu Jingyan.

Presumably, she had already guessed who she was waiting for, so she suddenly made such a request. If the chance encounter today is a coincidence, she can believe it, but she said that she was going to have dinner with her at night, but she didn’t believe it was a coincidence. .

"Sorry, I am very grateful to Director Chu for his kindness. However, I have already agreed with my husband tonight. To be honest, I am here to wait for my husband to come home from get off work together." The indifference in Xing's eyes was stunned. It was wrapped in a thin smile. Although it was not obvious, the alienation and indifference between the words were already obvious opinions.

But Chu Li heard it clearly, but still pretended to be stupid, deliberately pretending to be envious, and jokingly said: "I haven't started eating this dinner yet, how come I feel like I've been fed by a wave of dog food! Xi, if you show off your husband in front of me in the future, I will be jealous!"

"Director Chu is a real joke, how can a big beauty like Director Chu be short of chasing!"

"That's what you are joking. What's the use of a beautiful face? Isn't it a single dog? Hey!" Chu Li sighed bitterly, and Yu Guang glanced at Su Yanxi specifically.

At this time, Lu Jingyan walked out of the elevator and saw Su Yanxun's beautiful shadow from the crowd at a glance. Naturally, he also saw Chu Li. Seeing what the two were talking about, the tip of his eyebrows tightened, and he took a step and took two steps. Go forward step by step.

Hearing the footsteps, Su Yanxi looked at him, the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "You are here."

"En." Lu Jingyan replied softly and glanced at Chu Li who was standing by without a trace.

When Chu Li appeared, her gaze followed him, and when he saw him looking over, she smiled, her eyes full of expression and tenderness.

Even though Su Yanxi now knows that Lu Jingyan and Chu Li have not had any undue contact, at least they are still in the relationship between their ex-male and female friends, oh! The army is a relationship between a boyfriend and a boyfriend of her first love. As the current post, she naturally feels a little uncomfortable when she sees such a scene.

Thinking of this, anger rose in his gentle eyes, and his complexion became quite cold. He secretly pinched Lu Jingyan's back with his hand, but the corner of his mouth still smiled and asked, "Are you off work now?"

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