Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 2 Chapter 39: [39] This is not a dream

When she returned to Yi's house, Yi's mother had just cooked the last dish and brought it out. Although Ning Yutong had just married in, she was also very foresighted to help her. Seeing Yi Yao's return, she hurriedly shouted with a smile: "Sister, you're back, mom just cooked the dishes. Biqugev"

"Yaoyao is back, come in quickly." Yi's mother came out of the kitchen and saw Yi Yao, she immediately stepped forward to greet her with open eyes.

After the last incident, Yi's mother has become more and more concerned about her, and she obviously feels that her daughter is alienating them, and she is also trying to maintain this mother-daughter relationship.

Anyway, Yi Yao is the flesh that fell from her body, can't you feel bad? It's just that sometimes, in comparison with Izawa, Yiyao's weight is obviously lighter.

Yi Yao faintly responded and walked into the living room. Father Yi, who was reading the newspaper with glasses, heard the sound and looked up at her. He asked coldly and coldly, "I'm back?"

"Yeah." Yi Yao didn't hold much hope for Yi's father's change. After accepting it, he turned to look at Ning Yutong, staring at her slightly bulging belly, and said with a smile: "Don't be busy, where's Aze? Why didn't I see him, and didn't know to help."

"It's okay, it's good to be hyperactive. Didn't you say that you want to get a kid's room for your children? He has been upstairs as soon as he is free these days." After speaking, Ning Yutong suddenly thought of something. , His eyes became cautious: "Sister..."

"The child will be born within a few months. These things should be prepared." Yi Yao, who was so careful, naturally noticed Ning Yutong's strangeness, smiled relieved, and didn't take it to heart.

She knew that the child's children's room was the same room she used to live in. Now that she moved out, it is normal to change to the children's room.

"Okay, okay, don't stand there and talk, come and eat!" Yi's mother arranged the bowls and chopsticks and beckoned to them, then her eyes fell on Yi's father who was still reading the newspaper: "Old man, Are you planning to let me deliver the meal to you? I don’t know what that newspaper is so good about all day long."

After being named by Yi’s mother and being inexplicably trained, Yi’s father’s face was a bit unbearable, but since Yi Yao had a big quarrel with them, Yi’s mother now has the final say in the family. She said one is one. If Yi’s father is The only way to refute is to sleep on the sofa or on the street.

In the presence of his daughter and daughter-in-law, Father Yi coughed pretendingly to cover up his embarrassment, and changed the subject: "Where's Aze? Why didn't he come down to eat? Is there so many people waiting for him? Too outrageous. Up."

"He was busy working on your grandson's house upstairs, and he didn't see you go up to help him. He knew to talk coldly all day long, so hurry up and call him." Yi's father's words just fell silent, and Yi's mother took the words angrily and said. After that, I didn't forget to give him a big roll of eyes.

Yi's father was speechless, and now no matter what she said, Yi's mother would refute him not to say, and sometimes even scolded him.

Upon seeing this, Ning Yutong touched her forehead awkwardly: "Um... Mom, let me go up and call him!"

"It’s not convenient for you to sit down and go upstairs with a big belly. Let your dad go. Anyway, he is idle when he is idle, and he is not actively waiting for someone to send him away when he eats."


Yi's father was a little bit too much to lift his head when Yi's mother said, and walked towards the stairs without saying a word, and just hit the coming Ize. Looking at the indescribable expression of Yi's father, Ize asked casually: "Dad, what's the matter?"

"After eating, it's all because of you." Yi's father was angry in his stomach, but now he has nowhere to sprinkle, so of course he had to sprinkle it on his son.

Yi Ze was a little confused, and looked at Ning Yutong and Yi Yao with outstretched hands.

Ning Yutong shook his head at him, Yi Yao said nothing, the expression on his face was still faint, and turned to the restaurant.

After the family ate lunch harmoniously, Yi's father asked Yi Yao about the family dinner tonight. Yi Yao raised his eyes to look at them and pursed his lips: "It's just a simple meal, nothing else. ."

Hearing what Yi Yao said, Yi's father and Yi's mother had no other worries.

Yi Yao stayed at Yi’s house all afternoon. At about 5:30, he received a call from Xiao Yulin, asking her if she needed to answer, but Yi Yao refused because Yi Ze owns a car and asks him It's superfluous to take a trip.

After half past five, the Yiyao family set off to the restaurant previously reserved by Xiao Yulin. When they arrived, Xiao Yulin, Xiao's father, Xiao mother, and Li Luo had also arrived. The two families greeted them generously and took their seats.

Mother Xiao looked at Father Yi and Mother Yi carefully, and chuckled without a trace, her eyes full of disdain and sarcasm.

And her sneer happened to be seen by Yi Ze and Yi Mu, who couldn't help but raised their brows, and looked at Yi Yao subconsciously, with a trace of worry flashing in their eyes.

Xiao’s mother gave them a bad impression. He always felt that he was high-spirited and looked down upon them, and had a bad attitude towards Yi Yao. Suddenly, Yi’s mother was a little bit dissatisfied with this marriage, even though Xiao’s family background Well, she didn’t want her daughter to marry and suffer, and she had to look at her mother-in-law’s face to live her life. Thinking about this, her face gradually faded, and there was no smiling face, and her attitude towards Xiao’s mother became irresponsible. Kind.

Due to the change in the attitude of Yi’s mother, Xiao’s mother originally wanted to suppress the Yi family on the aura, but she didn’t want the Yi family to be a vegetarian either. Although the speech sounds peaceful and peaceful, it makes people feel like listening. strange.

After a meal, the atmosphere was generally harmonious. At least Xiao Mu didn't embarrass Yi Yao in front of the Yi family, let alone say anything excessive.

After dinner, the two families were separated. Xiao Yulin sent Yi Yao and Li Luo back to the apartment. When they got downstairs, Li Luo smiled and went upstairs first, leaving Yi Yao and Xiao Yulin behind.

"Tonight, the planning company called me and said that the wedding venue has been set up. Would you like to see it tomorrow?"

"It's all right so soon?"


"Then go check it out tomorrow! The wedding photo has also called me today, saying that it will be sent to my home tomorrow. It seems that you have left your address!"

Xiao Yulin raised his hand to gently pin her hair behind her ears, then smiled and nodded: "Well, I will let people decorate the new house these days. Naturally, wedding photos are indispensable."

"I always feel like I'm dreaming." Yi Yao raised his mouth slightly, and took the initiative to reach out to hold Xiao Yulin, put Qiao Rong on his chest, and said softly: "Do you think I am really dreaming now? Huh? I always think it's not real."

"Fool." Xiao Yulin's eyes flashed softly, she raised her chin and kissed her lips: "This is not a dream, Mrs. Xiao."

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