Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 3 Chapter 14: : Isn't that something fools do?

The next day, because the Dong Group’s banquet received much attention last night, there were also many media and reporter writers in it. The quarrel between Dong Lehan and Qin Zijin was seen by many people. The reporters and the media naturally did not. I missed such a good opportunity and reported frantically. .biquge

The reports of Dong Mingguo protecting his granddaughter and deliberately belittling Qin Zijin are also endless. There are even more special reports about how Dong Lehan bullied Qin Zijin and even pushed Qin Zijin to the ground. The entire quarrel was reported in detail. .

Of course, it also includes how Su Manan protects his wife in a very exaggerated way, which has attracted a lot of envy from the heart.

Some people still know that Qin Zijin went back after being splashed with champagne by Dong Lehan and expressed their appreciation. There are also many people who are scolding Dong Mingguo's tutor and Dong Lehan's quality.

Originally, the report of Su Monan and Qin Zijin's marriage was coming to an end, and this incident once again pushed the couple into everyone's attention.

Su Manan didn't make too many remarks when he saw these reports. When Lu Jie asked what he needed to do, he just said faintly, "Don't worry," and there was no more.

Lu Jie didn't dare to ask any more, knowing that Su Manan had always been a very thoughtful and unpredictable person, but she was a little uncomfortable in her heart, but she could only endure it silently.

Qin Zijin was very surprised when she saw the news. Looking at the media manuscripts, she felt a little weird. For this reason, she also received phone enquiries from her parents and her parents-in-law.

My parents did not scold her. After all, this matter was not her fault. After asking the reason, they asked her if she was hurt. How could she be an only child? How can parents feel sorry for her, especially Qin's father. She loved her daughter and hung up the phone after asking about her life and Su Manan's feelings during this period of time.

In fact, to be honest, Qin Zijin and Su Monan did not have a honeymoon trip. Don’t say that Su Monan went on a business trip on the second day of their marriage. This made Qin’s father and Qin’s mother a little dissatisfied, but it also hindered their two sons. It was newlyweds, and their parents did not interfere too much at night, so they didn't ask any questions.

Su’s mother was most satisfied with her daughter-in-law. After seeing this report, she heard that she was injured. She was concerned and distressed in her words. After talking with her daughter-in-law, she called her son specifically and reprimanded her. After a while, he said that he would not feel sorry for his wife and hurt his wife. He also said that he had better deal with Dong Lehan's matter. Next time there is such a report, he will look good.

Of course, Su Monan knew it was made by Old Su when he heard these words, so he nodded and said that when he knew it, he hung up the phone.

In the afternoon, these reports slowly became hot. It should be the result of Dong Mingguo. She thinks so too. Dong Mingguo loves his granddaughter so much, how could he bear to let his precious granddaughter be scolded by the outside world!

It is normal to withdraw reports, and these reports are detrimental to them. In just a few hours, the shares of the Dong Group fell by 0.5%. If Dong Mingguo had no action measures, it would be really wrong.

The relationship between Qin Zijin and Su Monan has become a little more subtle since that night. I don’t speak much every day. Su Monan is as cold as ever, and Qin Zijin is also gentle. It’s just that there is a little more politeness between the words. A feeling of alienation.

Such a change, of course, Su Monan, a straight male prince with advanced cancer, would certainly not pay attention.

A week later, Qin Zijin's feet were completely healed, and the marriage leave from school just ended. Qin Zijin prepared a day's course at home and went to bed early in the evening.

After graduating from a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree, she taught directly at the best and most famous university in the city of t. Since childhood, because of her family, her academic performance has been among the best and very excellent. Now she teaches while taking a Bo, this is what her parents Also very supportive.

In the past, she lived in the university’s teachers’ dormitory, which was close to each other. After getting up in the morning, she could run for a while and then have breakfast in the bath. She had plenty of time. But now, after marrying Su Manan, it is different. With half an hour’s drive from school, her morning jogging habit had to be changed.

As usual, after getting up and washing up, I prepared breakfast in the kitchen. Su Monan, who had to wake up at 8 or 8:30 this time, actually got up at 7 this time. Qin Zijin looked at Su who suddenly appeared in the restaurant. Monan was a little surprised. After he recovered, he raised his mouth and smiled gently: "Morning, why did you get up so early today?"

"Yeah." Su Monan responded indifferently. Leng Sui's eyes caught the breakfast in her hand, and his brows couldn't help looking at him: "Where is mine?"

"Um..." Qin Zijin was a little upset listening to his cold and righteous tone, but he still had to keep smiling and said: "I didn't expect you to get up so early, I thought you would sleep more! You want If you want to eat, let’s eat this first! I’m going to make one.” As he said, he pushed the portion in his hand toward him, and turned around to go to the kitchen to make another one.

"Why are you so early?" Looking at her back, Su Monan lowered his eyes and asked aloud.

Hearing, Qin Zijin looked back and smiled: "Oh, I'm going to school today, and the marriage leave is over."

She didn't go to work during that time, but it was more than an hour later than usual. It was also to match Su Monan's time, but now it is different. She has to go to work, but the time goes to Gu Su Monan when to get up and when ate breakfast.

"Are you going to school?" Su Monan pulled out the chair and sat down, waves in his calm eyes.

Qin Zijin nodded: "Yes."

After answering, he went into the kitchen again and prepared breakfast for himself, and Su Monan, who was sitting outside, ate the breakfast that originally belonged to Qin Zijin, eating very comfortably without any embarrassment at all.

After Qin Zijin made breakfast, Su Monan's breakfast was almost finished. Seeing her eating very gracefully and slowly, the goddess asked, "Shall I send you?"

"What?" Qin Zijin suddenly raised his head and looked at his calm and composed handsome face, feeling that his ears were a little hallucinating: "You want to send me?"

"Don't forget it." Su Monan raised the corner of her eyes lazily, staring at her unstable face, and looking back, coldly retracted her gaze, took a sip of the coffee she had made before, and got ready to get up.

"Hey... wait, I will clean up here, and then go upstairs to change my clothes, it won't be long." Seeing him getting up and preparing to leave, Qin Zijin yelled out without thinking.

I didn't have a car, but now there is a free driver who doesn't use it, and he ran to the road to fight. Isn't that something fools do?

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