Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 3 Chapter 18: : The small-minded childish ghost

But at this time, Su Monan, who was grieving in his stomach and careful, just felt uncomfortable, and asked in a cold voice: "Are you questioning me?"

Qin Zijin was stunned, and began to silently reflect on his attitude and tone of speech. He felt that there was nothing wrong with him. He glanced at his brows and smiled and said, "No! I just...ask, if you have already gone back," I won’t wait, just call back.."

"Are you waiting for me?" Su Manan deliberately raised his tone, staring straight at the shadow covered by the dim yellow street lamp, not an instant.

"Yes!" Qin Zijin replied very simply and confidently, trying to restrain the anger in his heart and telling himself to keep smiling.

She has been waiting here for almost 20 minutes, and his company’s drive to the school is definitely not more than ten minutes, because it is separated by two streets, unless there is a traffic jam during the rush hour, and it’s okay to wait for that long.

But look at what time it is now. Those who should get off work are already off, and those who should go home are also home. The traffic on the road is obviously much less, and there should be no traffic jams.

Even if he will go back later or won't come to pick her up, why should he tell her!

Just hung up the phone and let her wait here, no matter how good-tempered people are, they will get angry!

"Who was that man just now?" Qin Zijin waited patiently for Su Monan to speak, and after a long while, his cold voice rang again on the other end of the phone.

Qin Zijin became even more confused when he asked, "What man? Oh... Are you talking about the boys who greeted me just now? It's my student!" They..." After speaking, he paused, and his gaze flew around immediately: "Su Manan, are you nearby? When the voice fell, his eyes were fixed on the familiar black Hummer across the road.

In an instant, the softness on his face disappeared without a trace, and he walked across the road directly with the flat shoes under his feet, raised his hand and knocked on the window glass of the car. After the glass was lowered, he grinned and wiped it unnaturally. Laugh, every word is basically squeezed out between the teeth: "When did you arrive? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Ten minutes."

"A dozen...cough cough." Qin Zijin's expression immediately changed when he heard it, and there was obvious anger in his beautiful eyes, but he tried his best to suppress it, feeling that he was talking too loudly, and then deliberately lowered his voice. She continued to gritted her teeth and said: "Hehe...really? Then why don't you tell me." It made her stand there for so long in vain.

It's crazy.

"A man in white casual clothes." Su Monan glanced at her indifferently, straightened her back, did not answer her question, but abruptly said something that didn't match her.

Looking at the man’s cold and arrogant face, he seemed to say again, ‘I’m happy, you care about me, I won’t answer your question, what can you do with me? Qin Zijin felt panicked, and was angry for the first time since meeting him, and his tone was not very good: "What man in white casual clothes?"

Listening to her unkind tone, Su Monan scowled at her brows, and those Canruo Yin's cold eyes fell on her delicate face without a trace, her lips pressed tightly: "There is a taxi on the opposite side. "As he said, he raised the window, started the engine and left.

Qin Zijin stood where the wind was messy, he just... left?

It made her wait for so long in vain... just left?

When she came back to her senses, where was the Hummer that was both exciting and eye-catching on the road, and even the taxi that had parked customers on the opposite side also took the new customers away.

Except for the pedestrians on both sides of the road, the huge road was empty and there were no half of the cars. Qin Zijin was a little dumbfounded. He never thought that Su Monan would leave her and leave her alone.

This is really true, as long as he wants to, no one's life or death is a matter of fact. Who calls him capital willful?

Qin Zijin was so angry that she almost didn't spit out blood on the road. She had never scolded anyone since she was a child. Today, she scolded Su Monan upright in her heart, and felt that she was not enough to relieve her anger.

Since there was no taxi, Qin Zijin had to go back to the nearest platform by bus.

Although this was not the first time she took a bus, it was indeed the first time that she squeezed a bus. Seeing the bus filled with dangling people, Qin Zijin didn’t want to go, but because the villa area where Su Manan lived was very special. Only the rich can afford to live. The rich drive by themselves. Who can crowd the bus, so only one bus passes through the area, and the last bus is at 9:30, which happens to be the last bus. .

Moreover, even if you get off the bus stop and you are still more than ten minutes away from the villa, that section of the road is also very deserted, surrounded by very luxurious villas, and there are only a few security guards who occasionally patrol.

Qin Zijin took a lot of effort to squeeze into the car, but stood at the door and couldn't move a bit. He was a little unlovable in an instant. Fortunately, there were also three women standing around her. She didn't have any other considerations. , But still a little dull in my heart.

After all, the culprit who prompted her to squeeze the bus was Su Manan's prudent childish ghost.

Just allow him to show her face every day, don't let her be angry?

This obviously means that only the state officials are allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light the lights!


After five or six stops, the car gradually became empty, and Qin Zijin let out a sigh of relief and walked into the car. When there was a nice and sweet voice in the car, Qin Zijin spoke about the QingLuan villa community. Just got out of the car.

Then he looked at the long and cold road leading to the Qing last villa community, Qin Zijin sighed heavily, the former gentle and calm heart instantly became extremely irritable, really wanting to beat Su Monan fat. pause.

Since this road is a steep slope, although it is not very steep, it is really long. Qin Zijin started to pant when she walked halfway, thinking that she was not so tired from running in the morning when she lived in the school dormitory.

When several security guards on patrol saw her, they smiled and greeted her. Qin Zijin just smiled and did not answer.

Until he saw the familiar villa, Qin Zijin felt a little more excited than seeing his own mother. He couldn't help speeding up his steps. He saw the bright lights inside the villa and the suppressed anger of ‘噌’ The explosion broke out.

He opened the door heavily, went to the hallway, flicked the flat shoes on his feet, and walked in barefoot. As soon as he walked to the living room, he saw Su Monan holding coffee casually, with Erlang's legs tilted and his legs still placed on him. He was holding a white tablet and looked very relaxed. Hearing the sound, his eyes raised lazily, and his lips lightly opened: "I'm back."

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